Mark Of Evil

In the final installment of The End series, economies have collapsed, freedom has been suppressed, and peace is a distant memory.The world is falling apart. Joshua Jordan’s...

Brink Of Chaos

In the third book of The End series, Joshua Jordan remains in Israel during his self-imposed “exile” out of the reach of U.S. authorities who have trumped-up false...

Thunder Of Heaven: A Joshua Jordan Novel

The End Series by New York Times bestselling author Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall is an epic thrill ride ripped from today’s headlines and filtered through Scriptural...

Edge Of Apocalypse

This Edge of Apocalypse unabridged audio download pulls you into an adrenaline-fueled political thriller laced with End Times prophecy. From Tim LaHaye, creator and co-author of...

Bíblia De Estudo Escatológica Tim Lahaye

Profecia é a história escrita antes de acontecer. É a maneira como Deus nos fala o que acontecerá no futuro. Ela envolve a predição de eventos específicos antes do seu...