An early classic of American literature, "The Red Badge of Courage" tells the story of private Henry Fleming, a young soldier in the Union Army, who flees the battlefield and...
The Red Badge of Courage follows events of the American Civil War, and life of a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with...
The story is set in the small, fictional town of Whilomville, New York. An African-American coachman named Henry Johnson, who is employed by the town's physician, Dr. Trescott,...
The story follows life of a young girl Maggie who is driven to unfortunate circumstances by poverty and solitude. Strong themes and realism of the work made it difficult to...
On a cold day, the 304th New York Infantry Regiment awaits battle beside a river. Eighteen-year-old Private Henry Fleming, remembering his reasons for enlisting as well as his...
This classic novel of the American Civil War evokes the horrors of battle and the psychology of fear as it recounts the experience of a young, untried Union Army volunteer. Henry...
The Open Boat, one of the seventeen stories featured in this volume is based on Crane's experience of surviving a shipwreck off the coast of Florida earlier that year while...
Three visitors find shelter from a blizzard at Pat Scully's hotel: a nervous New Yorker known as the Swede, a rambunctious Westerner named Bill, and a reserved Easterner called...
The engine bellowed its way up the slanting, winding valley. Grey crags, and trees with roots fastened cleverly to the steeps looked down at the struggles of the black monster....
A collection of tales, sketches and stories by the master of American naturalism and realism Stephen Crane including: The Reluctant Voyagers, Spitzbergen Tales, Wyoming Valley...