Prince Herald is out gallivanting alone one day when he hears the sweet sound of a nearby song. He follows the noise to the window of a tall tower, spying on the beautiful...
Rosamund is given her sinful fate one day from a Woodland Witch, but her best friend Delilah has instructed the Witch to lie. Rosamund is told the love of her life will awaken...
Cinderella is desperate to change her stars, and when Prince Caspian holds a ball to find a new mistress it looks like she might finally be in luck.Her Fairy God-Mother gets her...
The ‘Furry Tales’ series features erotic, twists on innocent fairy-tales. Be transported to lands far, far away and read as pretty damsels receive their very happy endings in...
Bella Goodhead has always been a kind soul. When hearing about the curse leveled upon former Viscount, Geraldo the Third, she’s determined to come to his aid. But for years...
The ‘Adult Fairy Tales 3-Pack’ features audiobooks 4-6 of the series. Listen to erotic twists on innocent fairy-tales. Be transported to lands far, far away and gasp as...
The ‘Adult Fairy Tales 6-Pack’ features erotic, twists on innocent fairy-tales. Be transported to lands far, far away and gasp as pretty damsels receive their very happy...
New housemates Hansel and Gretel venture out to explore their woodland surroundings but soon find themselves on a mysterious path. They walk along it and discover all manner of...
Margot has tended to the needs of Prince Casper for a long time, but has always played second-fiddle to his many lovers. When a Princess arrives at their door one day Prince...
Home-invasion is no laughing matter, but when Goldie is caught snooping in the den of the Three Shifter Bears her punishment is stranger than most. She gets to choose which of...