Having spent years scamming people, getting arrested, escaping justice and generally causing havoc on the continent of Europe, Casanova is looking around and finding that he is...
"I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character..." These highly amusing memoirs by notorious womanizer Giacomo Casanova are quite possibly the...
"I could not procure a more agreeable pastime than to relate my own adventures, and to cause pleasant laughter amongst the good company listening to me."In this first volume of...
Having escaped prison, the adventurous womanizer, Casanova, makes his way to Paris and starts a new profession by convincing people that he is an alchemist. His antics quickly...
"By recollecting the pleasures I have had formerly, I renew them, I enjoy them a second time, while I laugh at the remembrance of troubles now past, and which I no longer...
"The Tribunal, having taken cognizance of the grave faults committed by G. Casanova primarily in public outrages against the holy religion, their Excellencies have caused him to...
Casanova travels to England, hoping to sell his idea of a state lottery to English officials. Always able to charm his way into inner circles, he soon meets King George III. But...
Pochi personaggi sono entrati nell'immaginario collettivo tanto da guadagnarsi il titolo di icona come Giacomo Casanova, che per tutti fin dalla Venezia Settecentesca è...
Casanova erwarb schon mit 16 Jahren einen Doktortitel im Fach Jura und studierte anschließend Chemie, Medizin, Theologie und Mathematik. Seine kirchliche Laufbahn gab er schnell...
Meisterwerke der WeltliteraturFerne Länder, fantastische Völker und längst vergangene Zeiten – die Abenteuer Hörbibliothek nimmt Hörerinnen und Hörer mit auf eine Reise...