The charismatic but rebellious student Karl is deeply loved by his father. The younger brother, Franz, who appears as a cold, calculating villain, plots to wrest away Karl's...
Mary Stuart is imprisoned in England for the murder of her husband Darnley. Her imprisonment may well be politically motivated because of her claim to the throne of England held...
Set in fifteenth century Switzerland this play is based on a legend characteristic of the Austrian domination period. Schiller exhibits enthusiasm for freedom and natural life in...
The Camp of Wallenstein is an introduction to the celebrated tragedy of that name; and, by its vivid portraiture of the state of the general's army, gives the best clue to the...
Don Carlos is a tragedy in five acts by Friedrich Schiller. The play revolves round the central character, Carlos, Prince of Asturia. The storyline is loosely modeled on...
Schiller's Poems of the First Period including: Hector and Andromache, Amalia, A Funeral Fantasie,To Laura at the Harpsichord, Group from Tartarus, Friendship, Elysium, The...
The play loosely follows the life of Joan of Arc. It contains a prologue introducing the important characters, followed by five acts. Each dramatizes a significant event in Joan's...
An incomplete drama based on the life of Demetrius, briefly Russian czar between 1604 and 1605. It is a reflection on the individual's responsibility in history and on the rule of...
In the last part of the Wallenstein trilogy the conflict anticipated in the second play erupts and leads to a tragic conclusion. Having learned that the negotiators he has sent to...
Schiller's Poems of the Third Period including: The Meeting, The Secret, The Assignation, Longing, The Pilgrim, The Ideals, The Youth by the Brook, The Lay of the Mountain, The...