Extrapolating the boundaries between art and education, Carla Caffé portrays the art direction work of the award-winning feature film The Cambridge Squatter (2016) through the...
This story is set during the occupation of France of 1940-44, during which time the author fought as a member of the Resistance. It follows her interrogation, imprisonment and her...
Photography Tips Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle, In Camera and Beginner's Photography GuideAre you interested in learning how to take great photos? Are you planning on buying a good camera...
Smoking and Solutions: The Ultimate Guide to Crushing the Smoking Habit, Discover Effective Strategies and Tips on How to Break the Habit and Stop Smoking Permanently If you’re...
The Complete Guide to Influence People and Control Their Emotions Using Manipulation, Body Language Analysis & NLP-Effective Brainwashing Techniques.Do you wish to master...
Creative Calling: The Ultimate Guide on How to Unleash Your Creative Side, Learn Useful Tips on How to Trigger and Develop Your Creative MindCreativity is the ability to generate,...
Do you feel like you can perfectly understand other people’s feelings? Do you often hear people saying that you are way too sensible and that you should start being stronger in...
Do you often feel overwhelmed by your emotions? Are the relationships in your life empty, unfulfilling, or perhaps even painful? Then you need to keep listening...This includes...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that seeks to analyze why you feel certain ways and how you see certain situations. Because anxiety is a reaction to...
The Adventures in Biblical Thinking Think about Series is an invitation to think. Each Volume is focuses on separate topics. In Volume One the topics are: Life, Faith, Abiding and...