Learn to meditate with the angels and connect with the Divine.Get in touch with the divine through the 7 hierarchies of angels.They are the pillars of the cosmos, for they are...
A hilarious and honest not-quite-self-help book in the vein of Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies and I Used to Have a Plan.Every person on the planet wants their life to mean...
'Manifest the Life of Your Dream! The Ultimate Guide To Living an Abundant, Unlimited, and Content Life'You Don’t Need More Education, Just Apply the Techniques in This Guide!We...
Gifts of Imperfection: The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Your Imperfections, Learn How to Take Action And Believe In Yourself Despite the ImperfectionsThere are people who...
Quantum Mechanics is a strange but fundamental part of modern physics and we see the results of this theory with technology used in our daily lives. Quantum effects may also help...
Relax Through Meditation Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Practical Meditation and How to RelaxMeditation activities and their daily practice is not a new thing as it also belongs to our...
How to Relax: The Essential Guide on How to Use Meditation Techniques for Absolute Relaxation. Learn Meditation Exercises to Relieve Stress and Anxiety and Achieve Internal...
'Learn How to Relax and Improve Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Through Mindfulness'By practicing mindfulness for just a few minutes a day, you will be able to find contentment in...
“Last night, I had the strangest dream!” How many conversations in your life have started that way? People are fascinated with the movies that play in their head while...
I first read the book “Stranger Than Science” By Frank Edwards when I was about 10 years old and it was an important turning point in my life. The book has many stories of...