Dream bigger when you think about your health and body. How? By visualizing a better outcome for yourself. Use this meditation technique to finally achieve your weight loss...
Go, Slow and No Zones combine periods of absolute focus on your most important tasks without excuse or distractions (Go Zones) with lower intensity but still productive longer...
Struggling to lose weight and tone muscle no matter how hard you train? Discover a rapid workout strategy for creating your dream body in just 20 minutes a day.Does your ideal...
Body Keeps the Score: The Ultimate Guide on How to Achieve Natural and Holistic Wellness, Learn the Methods and Tips on the Importance of Lifestyle and Benefits of Holistic Focus...
HĀ Breathe! is Hawaiian Food for the Soul. opens up the intuitive center. The “Third Eye.”(Makaloa)Many are unaware that chanting is the most ancient yet, easiest way to...
This book is written by a realised master based on her spiritual journey and experiences along the way . It talks about mysteries love ,meditation ,tantra , how to go from sex to...
In this book, I use the backdrop of the poem by Maya Angelou, “Phenomenal Woman” to explore topics that every woman can see themselves either struggling or thriving with. I,...
Should doctors be allowed to help terminally ill people kill themselves? How should a humane society respond to those who are suffering terribly at the end of life? What laws are...
Alan Watts introduced millions of Western readers to Zen and other Eastern philosophies, but he’s also recognized as a brilliant commentator on Judeo-Christian traditions as...
Love for Imperfect Things: The Ultimate Guide on How to Embrace Your Imperfections to Live a More Contented and Meaningful LifeToo many people are trying to be something they're...