The acclaimed and captivating true story of two restless society girls who left their affluent lives to “rough it” as teachers in the wilds of Colorado in 1916.In the...
Clint Harp, maverick carpenter on HGTV’s smash hit Fixer Upper and the star of Wood Work on the DIY Network, presents his inspirational memoir that celebrates meaningful...
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio introduces Evelyn Ryan, an enterprising woman who kept poverty at bay with wit, poetry, and perfect prose during the "contest era" of the 1950s...
An NPR 2018 Great Read Celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the acclaimed and influential debut album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill with this eye-opening and moving...
A skinny preacher from rural Pennsylvania armed with only a cross and his faith took on the New York city slum world and its drug lords. David Wilkerson brought to the streets of...
“When you’re in the middle ofthe adventure, you just have to live it. When you’re on an expedition, you putyour head down and battle through. Storytelling...
From legendary character actor Stephen Tobolowsky, comes a collection of memoiristic pieces about life, love, acting, and adventure, told with a beguiling voice and an uncommon...
The New York Times bestselling memoir from the legendary Gucci Mane spares no detail in this “cautionary tale that ends in triumph” (GQ). For the first time Gucci Mane...
‘Sean O’Connor can’t resist striking a theatrical note in this “biography of murder”.’