The Long Haul is a Podcast focusing on Valve Software´s digital Dota 2 card game: Artifact.We focus on the game´s community, news and players.
Community Round Table
06/05/2019 Duration: 01h26minEpisode 12 Some of our distinguished discord community members join us for a round table chat focusing on the main points of the Garfield interview! (01:47) General thoughts on the Garfield interview; ELO / MMR (06:32) Free to play and public MMR (08:43) RNG (12:19) Replays (22:01) Review bombing (26:51) The credit card is the strongest card (33:37) Rewards & progression (35:40) The pros & dota auto chess (38:20) The mayonese of Artifact (39:02) Balancing the game (49:26) Outside opinions on Artifact & PUBG (57:28) Imp hats (59:41) How to improve the game (1:05:53) On changing game mechanics (1:07:40) Should Garfield return? (1:11:14) What would you have asked garfield? (1:19:21) What would you change right now? (1:23:16) Closing & shout outs Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / Let us know what you think
Interview with Meziljie
29/04/2019 Duration: 31minEpisode 11 Interview with final tournament winner Meziljie! (1:30) Background (5:30) Artifact (6:40) Metagame & the Nerfs (10:30) Mono Blue in the Meta (15:20) Meziljie´s mono blue (29:45) Ketchup Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful links: #1 Meziljie Mono Blue #Top4 Sobaka Mono Red #Top16 Haxx Mono Green
Interview with Richard Garfield and Skaff Elias
22/04/2019 Duration: 01h20minEpisode 10 So much (or so little?) has happened since this game came out. We have developed a love/hate relationship with the game, the designers and the developers. The community had - and still has - a lot of questions regarding this game. How were decisions made regarding mechanics, revenue... and what does the future hold? We figured - why not give it a shot and ask those involved directly? Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Artibuff: Garfield is no longer at valve Reddit: Artifact Survey Reddit: Artifact Census Graphic Richard Garfield´s: A player´s manifesto
15/04/2019 Duration: 45minEpisode 09 What is green? Baby don´t nerf me, don´t nerf me, no more. Useful Links: Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
You are the resistance: interview with “Nelen” from
07/04/2019 Duration: 42minIf you are listening to this, you are the resistance. We interview Nelen from to find out how the website came to be as understand what they are up to. We also introduce the 50$ deck building challenge. Useful Links: Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
In it for the longer haul
01/04/2019 Duration: 47minShit hit the fan. Useful Links: Towards a Better Artifact Artifact Bitcoin League Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
Interview with Bitcoin League Creator "Opsy"
25/03/2019 Duration: 45minSome quick news (fake news?), and an interview with Artifact Bitcoin League creator Opsy! Hope you guys enjoy this one! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube Useful Links: ArtifactFire: The archetypes of aggro ABL Discord Blog Post Thanks to BoGus for the new logo! Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
The evolution of Black/Red
17/03/2019 Duration: 37minA look at the demographics of Artifact according to a recent analysis. We also dive into Black/Red as an archetype and its progression over time since the game came out. We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube Useful Links: Leafeator & SirTetris´ Census Thread Artifact Deck Tech: Black Red Hyper Aggro Liquipedia Tournament Listings WePlay Strenght Hoej#2 Varena League Deck#16 top 16 SeatStory Cup X Decks Petrify#2 Xixo#8 WePlay Agility Decks Maggo#1 Shana#2 Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
Valve lays Garfield off
11/03/2019 Duration: 26minWe´re back after a short alcoholic break to talk about Garfield being considered non-essential for the project after 4 years collaboration; how many players do we really have as the concurrent numbers remain flat; and other contemporary topics. We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think! Twitter: @NineArmada
Community Topics
24/02/2019 Duration: 33minWe go through some topics that cross our minds and some of last week´s most interesting reddit threads: Ranking system, Tournaments, Economy, Valve, etc. We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. However, there won´t be an episode next week. Join our Discord Server ; pose questions, join the cast! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher
Is Valve in Washington DC?
17/02/2019 Duration: 29minIt snowed in Seattle. But Valve is in Washington? Whatever who cares. Join us for another episode of this community driven Artifact Podcast. We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; pose questions, join the cast!
In it for the long haul
15/02/2019 Duration: 29minHello everyone! If you are listening to this podcast, congratulations! You are one of the few left standing in the Artifact game community. We present ourselves and hope to become the community podcast ... for the long haul! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; ask questions, join the cast!