The Long Haul: An Artifact Podcast

The evolution of Black/Red



A look at the demographics of Artifact according to a recent analysis. We also dive into Black/Red as an archetype and its progression over time since the game came out.   We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; ask questions, join the cast!   Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube   Useful Links: Leafeator & SirTetris´ Census Thread Artifact Deck Tech: Black Red Hyper Aggro Liquipedia Tournament Listings WePlay Strenght Hoej#2 Varena League Deck#16 top 16 SeatStory Cup X Decks Petrify#2  Xixo#8    WePlay Agility Decks Maggo#1  Shana#2      Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor