The Long Haul is a Podcast focusing on Valve Software´s digital Dota 2 card game: Artifact.We focus on the game´s community, news and players.
Let's Shop!
05/05/2020 Duration: 01h07minEpisode 32 A look into the Shopping Phase in 2.0! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Let's Shop! Post
The Heroes We Need
29/04/2020 Duration: 01h02minEpisode 31 Basic Hero Previews! #VoteNyx ! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
22/04/2020 Duration: 01h05minEpisode 30 Moonday #4! Some new mechanics and the ruleset expands! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
Deployment Deep Dive
14/04/2020 Duration: 51minEpisode 29 Focus on the new deployment ruleset and how that might affect gameplay. Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
Looking Forward, Looking Back
08/04/2020 Duration: 53minEpisode 28 Some PREVIEWS and some speculation! Lets go! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
What's the plan? Beta 2.0
03/04/2020 Duration: 01h05minEpisode 27 The single best moonday of 2020 is upon us! Lets get right on it! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Leave a review & Join our Discord server! Join the long haul! Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
Under Construction
22/03/2020 Duration: 24minIT´S ALIVE!!!!!!! Valve´s recent activity marks the beginning of the end of the long haul! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links:
Half-Life: Alyx
25/11/2019 Duration: 40minEpisode 25 Valve unveils some of their projects. But where is Artifact? Episode 25 marks the upcoming first anniversary of the game. Hopefully they baked a cake for the community. Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Half-Life: Alyx Announcement Trailer Valve’s YouTube Page and the Banner without Artifact
Blizzard & the ACS!
14/10/2019 Duration: 23minEpisode 24 A discussion on some current topics; Blizzard´s RP mess and the ACS! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
DotA Multiverse Lore w/ Cymen and Anger
15/09/2019 Duration: 51minEpisode 23 Intrigued by the recent announcements of the Void Spirit and Snapfire, we gather some friends to talk some Lore. How might it tie with Artifact? (10:30) The new Heros (Void Spirit and Snapfire)! (21:32) DotA 2 Multiverse and tie-ins with Underlords and Artifact (40:16) Underlords Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor @Cymen90 @AngermaniaP Useful Links: Snapfire Trailer Void Spirit Trailer
Custom Artifact with Jukebox & Kronn
02/09/2019 Duration: 01h01minEpisode 22 Joined by Jukebox and Kronn to discuss custom designed Artifact cards and how they might be implemented in the future. (02:31) The International 2019 (07:05) Custom Artifact (16:46) Player Types (24:23) Design & Balance approaches (29:18) From Dota to Artifact (40:05) Workshop Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Snapfire Trailer Void Spirit Trailer Custom Artifact Sub-Reddit
Inside Valve with CozmikMonkey
10/08/2019 Duration: 50minEpisode 21 We go inside Valve through the eyes of´s CozmikMonkey. (03:15) The visit to Valve (09:57) The Artifact cabal (12:22) Leadership inside Valve (18:15) The game design approach (24:44) How Valve interacts with the community (38:30) Mobilizing the community Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major platforms! YouTube / Twitch / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: JoinDota: My visit at Valve´s HQ
Fake Patch
13/07/2019 Duration: 50minEpisode 20 As fake patch notes leak onto Twitch, we take a step back. What does the community really want? (04:27) Fake Notes (06:35) Economy and Game mode changes (13:58) Secret Shop changes (21:05) Misc shiny changes (26:07) Quests (34:24) Quality of life fixes (35:39) Reddit Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Fake Leaked Patch Notes Erik Robson´s confirmed fake tweet Reddit Thread
Top 3 Artifact moments
09/07/2019 Duration: 01h06minEpisode 19 I´m joined by JoeyD and Grafz for an episode on our all time favourite Artifact moments since the game´s release. (02:17) Valve devs are still going at it (32:20) Our favourite Artifact moments Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: WePlay Agility Finals: Shana v Maggo Melo v SuperJJ: Thundergod Timeout
Chat Roulette
22/06/2019 Duration: 43minEpisode 18 Chat roulette (00:25) ??? (05:30) ?!??! (12:42) ??!!!!???! (20:13) ?!!%&%?? (24:53) $%&!?!?!?!§ (29:00) These are random timestamps Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor
Meta Report #2
13/06/2019 Duration: 25minEpisode 17 Leaks, Meta, Win rates & Game of thrones (01:43) Dota Underlords Leak (04:00) LoL Auto Chess (05:23) DCL Update (06:27) CD_tiho’s winning RB deck (13:26) Meta Analysis (15:16) Matchup Analysis (20:46) Game of Thrones ?! Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Meta Analysis DCL Patreon
Meta Report #1
05/06/2019 Duration: 20minEpisode 16 Captain´s log: Stardate 06.2019. We have encountered meta shifts. It is not clear to us exactly what they mean, but we are attempting to learn more from them. (01:29) The DCL begins (03:15) The Metagame (08:58) Mono Red & Red/Black (14:47) Mono Blue (15:14) Mono Black (17:44) Mono Green (18:03) Blue/Black (18:37) Final Show Notes Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: DCL Weekly Meta June Week 1 Weekly Mondays #8 Meta
The Draft/Constructed League with Babybokchoy88
27/05/2019 Duration: 52minEpisode 15 Artifact blows up on Twitch! And Babybokchoy88 guides us through the new & upcoming Draft / Constructed league which hopes to bring the community together on a daily basis. (02:31) Dota Underlords (06:14) The Artifact dev team (19:49) Twitch memes (24:14) Bok & organized play (30:06) The structure of the Constructed / Draft league (40:37) Future plans for the league (46:31) Final notes Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Draft/Constructed League Discord Server
Dota Underlords; Javascript Artifact & Community Events
20/05/2019 Duration: 53minEpisode 14 Valve´s new mysterious trademark dissected; and a trip into Aquin’s version of Artifact 2.0. We also discuss ongoing changes with community events and Aquin unveils the Significant Amount of Time Tournament Series. This episode was recorded on the 16th of May and some of the event information provided no longer holds true as the episode gets published. Please visit community discord servers for more information regarding the Artifact Bitcoin League and the Weekly Monday Tournaments, as well as the B3H League. (links provided at the end of the post). (01:52) Dota Underlords (11:33) Where does this leave Artifact? & the Battle Pass (16:51) Artifact 2.0 Electric Boogaloo; the Javascript project (41:15) Changes in community events (50:58) The Significant Amount of Time Tournament Series (52:16) Final Show Notes Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotif
13/05/2019 Duration: 01h31minEpisode 13 Charm3r joins us for a tour of his TCG experiences, as well as some of his own insights into the Artifact universe. We ramble on about the beta, the launch, the future and some alternative TCGs. (02:54) Background (06:45) Gwent (11:01) Mythgard (19:20) Getting into the Beta (27:02) The Beta (42:16) What would you have changed in the Beta (48:53) Player retention (54:33) Card value (59:50) The Garfield interview (1:04:57) A significant amount of things (1:11:11) Re-launching the game (1:13:51) The WePlay experience (1:21:43) WePlay Mighty Triad: Intelligence? (1:24:17) N3rdStGamers (1:26:06) Future plans (1:28:28) Shout outs (1:30:18) Closing remarks Join the cast! We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord; ask questions, join the long haul! Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms! YouTube / iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher Let us know what you think on Twitter too! @NineArmada @k3rrigor Useful Links: Mythgard discord IGN Ga