Have you ever wanted to feel happier? Calmer? More balanced? The Wilde About Wellbeing podcast seeks to help you discover your path towards optimum mental and physical health. With your host, you'll look at all areas of your life to figure out where you can make small changes to become a better version of yourself.
Habits Define Us, So Why Do We So Often Develop the Wrong Ones?
04/11/2020 Duration: 33minNO ONE EVER PICKED UP A DRINK THINKING “I’M GOING TO GET ADDICTED TO THIS.” We don’t always make our decisions about our habits consciously. The ones that end up not serving us are, indeed, the most unlikely to been stepped into knowingly. Maybe you took a drink to steel your nerves for a first date, love? Or found that you were ‘lucky’ when you won a bet? Perhaps you were feeling lonely in your relationship, and porn filled the intimacy gap? The problem is that EVERY HABIT is on a SEESAW. It starts out serving you - you’re less shy; you feel lucky; you don’t feel so lonely, etc. Gradually you move towards the seesaw’s pivot point, and that’s where the trouble starts. After the pivot, comes the ‘downhill’. The habit has become UNSERVING. The drinks mean you’re at work with a hangover. The bets mean you’re scared to look at your bank account. The porn means you feel constant shame. YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT WOULD HAPPEN. People say BS like “Oh alcohol is always a slippery slope - (s)he must’ve known
The 5 Step Process to Track Weight Loss, Anxiety, Fitness - and Literally Anything Else You Can Think Of!
31/10/2020 Duration: 15minHave you ever started tracking something, then stopped? Why? I’m pretty sure your answer will be something to do with it not offering you enough information. You might say you got bored, or you forgot, but would you have felt that way, if the data you were getting from it was useful? I started – and stopped – tracking many things, many times until I found a five-step process. I have not stopped tracking anything, except when I’ve hit a goal, since I came up with this method. I hope that the principles I’m sharing in today’s pod and blog will give you everything you need to reach your goals! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
You Need to Learn the Science of Tracking: Here's How It Works
28/10/2020 Duration: 33minI WAS CONVINCED I WAS A WEIGHT LOSS SCIENTIFIC ANOMALY. I wasn’t. And you’re probably not either, love: you’re just UNIQUE. How often do people tell you to do this to release weight, or do that, or do the other? How often have you see things touting GUARANTEES?! Yup, a lot, right?! And nothing’s working for you either, love? Well. Here’s what worked for me. TRACKING. It sounds boring, doesn’t it? Calories in. Calories out. Weight. Full disclosure: I also track my macros and hours in keto (through intermittent fasting). You learn what to track - calories in vs calories out didn’t work for me, so then I started tracking macros (carbs, protein, fat). That was the breakthrough for me. Every habit is a SCIENCE. Figure out what makes it better, and do more of that. Figure out what makes it worse, and do less of that. ⛔️ This latest podcast is all about how tracking has worked for me - and some of the pitfalls to avoid! ⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts
How to Discover Your Alter Ego: 11 Questions to Ask Yourself
23/10/2020 Duration: 20minHELLO, I’M KELLER AND I’M AN ALTER EGO… ⠀ I’ve worked for a long time at manifesting material things into my life - cars, houses, investment value increases, and so on…⠀ BUT I’ve never really worked on manifesting an IDENTITY that fits with how I want my life to look. That’s where my ALTER EGO comes in… Keller… She’s pretty badass and 100 times more awesome than my old identity!⠀ When I’m stuck, I remind myself of my future identity, and ask one important question:⠀“What would Keller do?” The answers aren’t always cut and dried, but they are useful…Talking of answers, wanna know how I came up with her name, love?⠀ Well, overthinker that I am [most people just pick any name], I decided to ask my subconscious.⠀ I asked before bed, and then had a dream in which the name Keller came to me.⠀ I laughed as the only thing I knew Keller to mean was “cellar” in German - I giggled that even my subconscious had noticed I like a glass of wine!⠀ I don’t know why, but a few days later, I felt drawn to hit up name meanings
If You're Serious About Wanting Abundance in Your Life, You Need an Alter Ego
21/10/2020 Duration: 33minYOU NEED AN ALTER EGO - here's why! Do you remember as a kid you aspired to be the popstar of the moment? The way we'd copy exactly what they did. Alter egos in adult life are kinda similar. You see, if you don't have what you want already, love, you're not going to get it unless you start thinking about your identity. For example, if you see yourself as "overweight person" (this is a biggie, pun intended, for me), you can't be normal weight. Your identity matters. It's how you see yourself, and what you believe - in your subconscious - that you're capable of. How many people do you know who flip between overweight and slim? I know plenty - myself included. Why do you think they can't keep up the weight loss? It's all about their identity. They have the "fat person" belief. The people who release weight and keep it off? They've changed their internal identity. They now believe in themselves as "slim person". Changing your identity is HARD. That's why I'm sharing a little technique to help you on your way:
5 Steps to Find the Learning Points in Every Experience
16/10/2020 Duration: 15minEVEN JOYOUS EVENTS CAN TEACH US SOMETHING! How often do you experience something AMAZING, scream about it on social media and then….⠀FORGET about it? Yup, me too! Have you heard the quote that “Success always leaves footprints” (Booker T Washington), love?⠀ If you’re anything like me, you let the footprints of negative events stay imprinted on your fragile heart FOREVER. You let them pain you whenever you think about them, and assume they’ll always be there, right? But the footprints from successful experiences?Maybe like me, they pass as quickly as those made in sand once the tide comes in… I’ve heard LOTS about how we should always look for the positive in negative situations…⠀And I’ve always tried to do that: find the learning points, so that it doesn’t happen again.⠀ Yet, I’ve heard very few people talking about learning from the experiences that we ADORE! ⠀ It’s the same, though, right? ⠀ Just instead of looking for the learning to teach us to avoid these things in future, we want to know how to ge
‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Events Don’t Exist – How to Learn From Your Experiences
14/10/2020 Duration: 36minI’ve spent more than a DECADE feeling upset about my university degree. I felt like a FAILURE because I didn’t think the grade was good enough. That grade - to my mind - was too AVERAGE. Actually. BELOW average. What I did… -- Took every degree and diploma going to try and make up for it - DIDN’T WORK -- Became an accountant to prove I was academic AF - DIDN’T WORK -- Continually reminded myself of it, so that I never did worse than I hoped again - DIDN’T WORK -- Told myself I was useless and stupid - DIDN’T WORK It took me nearly THIRTEEN YEARS to realise that those things hadn’t worked - and that I could try to THINK DIFFERENTLY! Mind. Blown.
Why It's Time to Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Have
09/10/2020 Duration: 23minDON’T “MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOU HAVE” - that’s doing yourself a disservice! Here’s why… Who already has what you want? Do you think they sat around waiting for it to happen, love? Or do you think they turned the volume up on their personality traits that would most help them get the things they desired? I’m pretty confident the characteristics came first. If you can emulate the characteristics of someone who already has what you want, you are WINNING. It is this modelling that will help you to call in everything you’ve ever wanted. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
Stop Aspiring to Be What You're Not Already, and Start Being It
07/10/2020 Duration: 31minI TRIPLED MY PODCAST DOWNLOADS IN 2 MONTHS… Here’s how you can win your dreams too! My manifestation game is strong. The universe is always on my side. So I was kinda surprised at the long-standing nature of one of my manifestation desires. The desire is to hit 1m podcast downloads - and, no, I’m not there yet… but the months after committing to this didn’t show much growth AT ALL. I kept asking myself what I’d done wrong - as I KNOW when manifestation isn’t working, it’s because there’s a boo-boo in the process somewhere. It IS an exact science - it’s as much a universal law as gravity is. That was when I realised that I didn’t FEEL like a one-million plus podcaster. I didn’t feel worthy of that honour. I wasn’t BEING the one-million podcaster BEFORE I got there. I looked at the personality traits of those who already had what I wanted. I started to emulate their behaviours, and that’s when my podcast downloads tripled in two months. The universe finally recognised that I was worthy of being set on th
Five Quick Start Tips to Manifest Everything You Desire
02/10/2020 Duration: 06minI KNOW WHY YOU CAN’T MANIFEST ANYTHING. Yes, I darned well do!! There are VERY few things in life that I 100% trust myself helping others with, but fixing manifestation? Hell, YES! I’m sharing my five QUICK START manifestation tips - these are GOLD DUST. Do you feel like you can’t get anything you want in life, love? Or maybe you think you’re doing EVERYTHING to manifest and IT’S. NOT. WORKING? Or perhaps you love the IDEA of manifestation, but have no clue to start? [Heck, that was me!] Frankly I am EXCITED - as I KNOW these tips are going to get you things you want from life. I don’t say that often, do I, love? I often CAVEAT to the HILT - “This MIGHT help”… “MAYBE this will work for you”…. “PERHAPS you might wanna try this”… Well, I’m not caveating these tips - RUN, don’t walk… unless you’re carrying scissors...! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutw
Failing at Manifesting? Here Are the Common Traps That Spell Your Downfall
30/09/2020 Duration: 44minGETTING EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS POSSIBLE - BUT THERE ARE TRAPS TO AVOID! And I’m here to be your guide to avoid those downfalls!⠀ In today’s podcast episode, I’m excited to share answers to a question I get asked a lot:⠀ “Does manifestation really exist? I’ve tried it a couple times, but it doesn’t work for me.”⠀ Have you ever asked that, love? I have! I didn’t realise that manifestation was my responsibility, as well as the universe’s. ⠀ I thought that things would “just happen.” Imagine this…⠀ If as a kid, you’d had that same attitude to learning to walk, you’d still be crawling. Kids do not give up - they appreciate things are a learning curve. ⠀ They seem to get that while practice may not make perfect, it does make things a hell of a lot easier.⠀ If you’re failing to manifest anything right now, and feel like you’re doing ALL. The. Things, you need to listen to today’s pod. I PROMISE you that there is no reason why it doesn’t work for you that can’t be solved.⠀ I’m proof that it works. Honorable M
Your Subconscious Is Holding You Back: Here Are 5 Steps to Find the Success You Deserve
25/09/2020 Duration: 19minMY BRAIN IS NOT AS RELIABLE AS I’D LIKE TO THINK I pretty much trusted my brain for YEARS. I believed everything it told me. That was a terrible idea. I had a Stockholm Syndrome type relationship with my brain. It had caught me so hard that I no longer believed it was anything other than my friend. It was not my friend. You know why? Because *I* was not my friend. I was not my friend. And I was saying things in passing, wondering maybe whether saying the labels aloud made them fit… “I’m stupid…” “I’m ugly…” “I’m too fat…” I was just trying them for size the first few times, but my brain was LISTENING. And that’s how those awful labels ended up in my subconscious. Lying in wait to trip me up frequently. As ’s #OnceAnAddict campaign is proving: these labels can alter our lives. Someone who labels themselves an “addict” is WAY more than that, even if they don’t see it. But what label do they carry with them? The stigma of the ‘addict’ label… These negative and judgmental labels are n
Why we need to stop labelling ourselves and each other
23/09/2020 Duration: 32minI LABELLED MYSELF AS "FAT AND UGLY". Do you know what happens when you put a label like that on yourself? You believe it. Your brain doesn’t analyse the stuff you’re telling it - it just accepts it. Then what happens when you’re next making a decision? Your brain jumps to a conclusion for you, based on all those labels you hold within your identity. Me: “Hmmm, do I want another cake?” Subconscious: “I’m fat” Decision: “Might as well, I’m fat already” Me: “Should I go live on Instagram?” Subconscious: “I’m ugly” Decision: “No way, I’m not cute enough for that!” Me: “Should I start coaching others?” Subconscious: “I’m not good enough” Decision: “Nope - you’re not good enough.” We let ourselves live our lives by these subconscious beliefs and labels that sit in the depths of our being. Things from years ago are dictating everything you do. But we can drop the labels - that’s what’s so exciting!! This was inspired by Dr Adi Jaffe / IGNTD's #OnceAnAddict campaign - check it out at It’s time t
Shh! The Universe Is Speaking to You
18/09/2020 Duration: 13minIT’S NOT EASY TO TRUST THE UNIVERSE. (Or God, Source, Quantum Field, or who/whatever you see as the Creator). We live in such a noisy, chaotic world that it feels like we have to be constantly in control. I used to feel that if I left anything up to the Universe, it may not happen as I wanted it to. So I CLUNG to what I thought I could control, dismissing the Universe’s role as unhelpful. And then I got outcomes I didn’t want. And - get this! - I blamed the Universe, despite having dismissed it thinking I knew better! Now, I know better… well… I know the Universe knows better… And I’m sharing 5 things the Universe would want me to share with you… These are five things I wish I’d known! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
The Little Known Universal Laws That Will Change Your Life (Part 2)
16/09/2020 Duration: 32minI previously shared the first six laws of the universe. Having blogged and written that, I realised how little known and understood these laws are. It made me even keener to share the latter six with full definitions. Before I share them, remember that you have a choice about which of these laws to believe in, and live your life by. It may be that they all resonate with you, but it may also be that only one or two feel applicable in your life. Either way, take what you need, leave what you don’t. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
The Universe's 5 Insider Secrets That Will Turbocharge Your Life
11/09/2020 Duration: 13minIf the universe could talk...! In today's episode, I'm sharing the 5 things that I think it would tell us, based on what we've learned from the universal laws. They’re certainly five things I’ve adopted into my own life, and I’ve become more successful by doing so. It’s easy to write them off as ‘woo woo’ or spiritual nonsense, but the truth is that it really doesn’t matter. If you believe in them, they will make your life better, no matter where you think they stem from. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
The Little Known Universal Laws That Will Change Your Life - Part 1
09/09/2020 Duration: 28minThere are twelve universal laws, which we are able to use in all areas of our lives. They may seem unscientific, a little ‘woo woo’, but many are based within science. I’m sharing the first six of them, and asking you to have an open mind. It doesn’t matter if you come to the point of disbelieving the universal laws, believing some but not others. What matters is that you are willing to consider whether they might be applicable in your life. You can be both skeptical and open-minded. In science, we accept that there are things we do not understand. It’s the same with the universal laws: we get to choose to regard them as unproven, rather than as false. We make that choice. Here are the first six of laws, as I understand them, and with some ways in which I see them crop up in my own life. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest:
5 Myths That You Should Know Before You Start a Manifestation Practice
04/09/2020 Duration: 17minI've blogged and podded about what manifestation is to me, but today I'm addressing the skeptics in the room! I used to be a skeptic about this, so I know the myths and objections that we put out there. Here are the top 5 myths about manifestation. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
The Secret Law of Attraction You're Already Using That Can Manifest Anything
03/09/2020 Duration: 28minI THOUGHT MANIFESTATION WAS NONSENSE. Until it worked for me…⠀ ⠀ Are you a skeptic?⠀ Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you I’m the greatest skeptic of all where anything spiritual / faith-based / woo-woo is concerned. ⠀ ⠀ Imagine how frustrating it was for a skeptic like me to find out manifestation actually WORKS?! ⠀ In today’s podcast, I share some of the ways manifestation has been successful for me - and how it could be successful for you too. ⠀ ⠀ I know that you probably feel put off - you think that the person who’s normally pretty straightforward, scientific, therapeutic has lost her mind talking about all this woo-woo stuff…⠀ Trust me, I thought that about me too! ⠀ But it works. I won’t tell you about anything that doesn’t work for me. I believe manifestation will work for you too.⠀ To the extent that I’m excited to be on this journey with you - I want to hear what YOU manifest, what you imagine is possible. ⠀ ⠀ I wouldn’t share this stuff unless I believed in it. ⠀ ⠀ So… what are you manifesting right
Five Steps You Can Take TODAY To Improve Your Hormone Health
28/08/2020 Duration: 13minIn the last podcast, I shared the changes I’d made to reverse my hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes. It was a thorough episode, but I realise that for some, it may feel daunting to take on everything at once. That’s why I’m sharing the first five things you could do TODAY that would start you on the path to better health. I can't guarantee that they’ll improve your thyroid levels. I can't guarantee they'll reverse any type two diabetes or prediabetes. But I can guarantee that your health will be improved by doing at least some of these five steps. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) WAW podcast and blog on how I reversed my hypothyroidism and prediabetes Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website