Have you ever wanted to feel happier? Calmer? More balanced? The Wilde About Wellbeing podcast seeks to help you discover your path towards optimum mental and physical health. With your host, you'll look at all areas of your life to figure out where you can make small changes to become a better version of yourself.
Puddles and Powder Rooms - The Power of Water
27/01/2021 Duration: 26minWATER IS POWERFUL. A few days ago, I pulled the Animal Medicine Oracle Card of FROG. It represents, amongst other things, a need to cleanse, with the obvious connection to washing / bathing in water. In this podcast episode, I share all sorts of ways in which we use water in everyday life and in our spirituality. Do you find water hypnotic, love? I do. Staring at a waterfall, or listening to the rain. It’s also a playful substance - when did you last jump in the puddles of a rainy day?!? I felt called to share my musings on water with you… Perhaps it’s a call for you, like the frog, to cleanse… Or hop between puddles… Or allow the grounding water of the shower to generate creative ideas… ⠀⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
5 Steps To Being An Empath With Boundaries
22/01/2021 Duration: 09minI’VE STRUGGLED A LOT WITH BEING AN EMPATH WITH BOUNDARIES! I’ve even been told by others that my boundaries mean I’m NOT an empath. What rubbish!! Just because you are an empath, love, it doesn’t mean that you have to condone everything others do. You get to have BOUNDARIES! You get to say, “I love you, but that’s not an acceptable behaviour.” I’ve done this with a few people recently. It feels GOOD. If someone doesn’t wish to turn up as their best self, that’s on THEM… But I don’t have to put up with it. I get to be an empath AND value myself. In today’s podcast, I’m talking about how we get to be both empathetic and people who condemn things like The Capitol insurrection… ⠀⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
The Boundary Between Understanding and Condemnation: How to Be An Empath Without Condoning Bad Behaviour
20/01/2021 Duration: 31minHOW TO UNDERSTAND THE CAPITOL RIOTERS’ ACTIONS, WHILST CONDEMNING THEM. I’ve found it hard to reconcile my feelings about the insurrection at The Capitol. I see each and every one of those rioters as gaslit, misled by a desperate man out of his depth. When any of us are lied to, we become VICTIMS of those lies. If we act heinously on those lies, do we remain victims? This was the question I kept asking myself. I believe that the rioters were victims of Trump’s hate speech and lies… HOWEVER… The violent acts they committed - the theft, the bloodshed, the murder, those cannot be condoned. We each have FREE WILL. Whilst we can be manipulated to believe lies, we still get to CHOOSE our reactions. Those rioters may have believed VP Pence could overturn Biden becoming president (he couldn’t)… They may have believed in the ‘election fraud’ (of which there’s no evidence)… Those things would understandably piss them off. But they chose to take their anger and turn it into violence. I have to remind my
Harmony Over Hate - 5 Tips For Finding Common Ground in Turbulent Times
15/01/2021 Duration: 12minHATE IS NEVER WARRANTED - NO MATTER WHO IT’S FOR.⠀ ⠀ Today’s pod and blog offer you five ways you can begin to create HARMONY in your relationships, and the WORLD at large, love.⠀ ⠀ The primary thing you need to know is that hate only begets hate.⠀ Every time you say you hate someone, the energy you create is just that of more hatred. ⠀ ⠀ We can dislike people’s opinions and their actions. ⠀ ⠀ BUT… we can STILL empathise with them. ⠀ ⠀ Empathy isn’t about condoning, it’s about UNDERSTANDING.⠀ ⠀ So I understand where the Capitol rioters desires for violence came from. ⠀ I do not condone them.⠀ I condemn their actions, but I don’t write them off as humans.⠀ ⠀ It is UNACCEPTABLE behaviour, but that doesn’t mean the person is so totally irredeemable that we should hate them. ⠀ After all, that only plays into their hands - their “us and them” viewpoint.⠀ ⠀ Hate is not the way forward. From ANY of us. ⠀⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Ov
Blood On Our Hands: The Insurrection at The Capitol and Why We're ALL To Blame
13/01/2021 Duration: 36minFREE SPEECH IS WAY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN WE MIGHT THINK.⠀ ⠀ In today’s podcast, I’m talking about the PAIN of freedom of speech.⠀ ⠀ With Donald Trump’s very public banning from Twitter, many questions are coming up.⠀ ⠀ Where does freedom of speech stop, and hate speech start?⠀ Are we even ALLOWED to hate anymore?⠀ ⠀ What’s my DUTY as a poster?⠀ What’s my DUTY as a reader?⠀ Where does the user’s role stop, and the social media companies’ role start?⠀ ⠀ So. Many. Questions.⠀ So. Many. Grey. Areas.⠀ ⠀ I also, perhaps controversially look at HYPOCRITICAL behaviour… Those who say, “I hate Trump because of his attitude towards [insert any minority ever here]” are as bad as Trump himself. ⠀ ⠀ Hatred of ANYONE is never going to foster harmony… or is it?!⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wel
Hello 2021 - Time To Plan Your Goals and Get Going!
09/01/2021 Duration: 47minAre you struggling to get started in the new year? I am, and that's why I'm putting out an episode all about goals for 2021. I KNOW that when I have a goal in mind, it's easier to motivate myself to DO stuff... rather than sit and eat leftover mince pies and chocolate (doing that too!). When you know the steps you can take (always break goals down!), there's ALWAYS something you can do towards your ambitions and dreams. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
How Decorating My Spare Room Taught Me About Preparing For Life Projects
29/12/2020 Duration: 36minSo I've spent several days painting my spare room... Who'd have thought it could teach me life lessons?! Have a listen to find out exactly what I learned along the way... No coveralls or masking tape required!! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
Have a Very Covid Christmas - Time To Put Others First
18/12/2020 Duration: 17min2020's been hard as NAILS. I know that, you know that, we all know that. Spending time apart from our loved ones has been painful. But is Christmas really the time to let our guard down? Today, I share my thoughts and a reminder that we all will get through this. 2021 can only get better, one must hope, right?! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
It's That Time of Year Again: Surviving The Holidays
16/12/2020 Duration: 30minDecember is an important time. Many religions have December festivals of some kind, but I think even if you're not religious or your religion isn't one that is celebrating in December, it’s a month when we all tend to come together. 2020 has obviously thrown a curveball in terms of celebrations this year, but that doesn’t detract from this time of year. The trees are still up, the menorahs still lit, only this year’s reminder feels like one of reflection, rather than fun. None of this means that the holidays feel any less stressful, though – we still care about showing up in the right way for relatives. This year, arguably, it’s more stressful than ever, having to make decisions about who we see and how we protect them. And that’s on top of the usual Christmas stresses. I’m resharing last year's holiday episode because the content is still relevant, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Just because we’ve all realised how we usually take spending time with others for granted, it doesn’t mean that the
5 Ways To Start Loving Your Body Like It Deserves
11/12/2020 Duration: 23minONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, THREE POTATO, FOUR. I SAT COUNTING THE CALORIES IN MY HEAD. I didn’t notice the pretty table centres, the scent of pine needles on the air, or the crackling of the log fire. All I noticed was what was on my plate. That’s how previous Christmas meals have often looked for me. I was judging myself from the second I sat down to eat, intensely focussed on each roast potato, every carrot, every bite of turkey. In today’s blog and podcast, I’m sharing FIVE super important things I’ve learned in my self love journey. I realised that I needed to stop the judgment, to let my body dictate what she wants to eat, and to love her regardless of her weight. My weight does not define me. My [outer] body does not define me. I define myself by who I am, not what I am! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing W
I Was a Body Shamer - How I Changed My Mind About Body Positivity for Weight Loss
10/12/2020 Duration: 33minI SHAMED WOMEN IN THE BODY POSITIVITY MOVEMENT. This is my most confessional / vulnerable / emotional blog and pod yet! I wasn’t one of those people who trolled their threads, love. My opinions were in my own head. But I was still a BODY SHAMER. I didn’t understand what body positivity was. I believed that women involved in the movement were condoning the extremes of obesity and anorexia. I thought it was promotion of the most unhealthy type. Then I realised that these women weren’t judging their WEIGHT. To them, they were appreciative of their bodies, accepting themselves whatever the number of the scale. They were showing that a body was about a LOT more than just weight. In my own weight release journey, I’ve come to realise that without body positivity, I simply don’t release weight. If someone was bullying me, then asked for a favour, I’d tell them to eff off. I was doing that by asking my body to release weight, while berating her for being too big / ugly etc. Hit up the link in my bio to
Help Others By Helping Yourself: 5 Tips For Advice Sharing
04/12/2020 Duration: 18minI CAN BE THE WORST KIND OF ADVICE GIVER. What bugs you about advice givers most of all, love? I bet your first answer will be: the givers of UNSOLICITED advice. No matter how well-meaning that advice is. GUILTY. As. Charged. I realised the other day that I often give unsolicited advice. It’s resulted in me getting it thrown back in my face A LOT. And it SUCKS when people hate your advice, right?! Now I’ve noticed, I’ve adopted two new advice-giving methods: Blog or pod it instead of offering advice directly - who KNOWS how many more people I’ll help doing that?! Drop. The. Mic. [or pen, I guess, for a blog… or keyboard key…] I OFFER advice [I know, mind-blowing, right?!] - “wanna hear the advice I’ve got on this, let me know!!” In today’s BLOG AND POD, I share 5 top tips for advice-giving… It’s not easy, eh, love?! I’m sharing my experience and… oh… yeah…. ADVICE!!! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk
It's Not About You: Why Some People Reject Our Help
02/12/2020 Duration: 32minIf you get upset when someone rejects your help / advice, you need to listen! You are CHOOSING to get upset, love. You are CHOOSING to feel frustrated. You are CHOOSING to give meaning to someone else’s opinion. Nothing means anything except the meaning you give to it. And I do all of those things too, but now I see that there are ways to avoid the PAIN. I was letting myself feel discomfort when my advice didn’t HIT HOME… Then I realised two important things: We are all on a different journey - some of us take longer than others to be ready to accept advice… I have ZERO CONTROL over how others receive the GIFT of my advice.. I KNOW my stuff. I have faith in myself to help others. I am AWESOME at coaching others, if they’re ready and willing to accept the help. The GIFT of my help - bc that’s exactly what it is. I have a gift from the universe - to be able to assimilate all my experience and knowledge with my strong intuition and empathy. That gift is one I pass on to others. It’s not my job to judge how
10 Ways To Increase Self-Trust
27/11/2020 Duration: 15minIt's time to start trusting ourselves more.... and here are 10 ways to start doing this!! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
Here's Who You Should Trust the Most - and I Bet It's Not Who You Might Think!
25/11/2020 Duration: 33min“What will it take for you to trust yourself?” I’m in a transformation programme (TCP by @iamjimfortin ) right now, and one of the coaches asked me that question. I get stuck in not trusting myself and the universe. When I don’t trust, I not only feel bad, I also feel STUCK. I can SEE that, and yet I still struggle with self-trust. Today, I’m admitting that this podcast is as much (more?!) for me as you, love. And it is FASCINATING some of the benefits that having self-trust can give us (altruistic volunteering, anyone?!) I’m sharing this because I hope that you’ll learn as much as I did. Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
50 Things I've Learned Since My Last Birthday
20/11/2020 Duration: 21minWHAT I’VE LEARNED THIS YEAR…
8 Ways to Survive Your Birthday (Revisited)
18/11/2020 Duration: 37minIt was my birthday a couple of days ago.
You Need a Bucket List Now - It's Not Like You're Not Already Dying
13/11/2020 Duration: 11minWhy don’t you have a bucket list? It’s not as if you’re not dying… We’re all dying. You, me, and everyone we’re surrounded by. Death is the ultimate fact of life. In today’s pod, I’m outlining how to go about drawing up a living bucket list. They’re SUPER speedy to read / listen to, and will give you lots of ideas for the FIVE key areas I think need to be considered for your bucket list! Given that we’re all dying, why don’t we compile our bucket list NOW? Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website
If You Die Tomorrow, Will You Have Regrets? Live Like You're Dying - Because We All Are
11/11/2020 Duration: 32minIf You Die Tomorrow, Will You Have Regrets? So it’s a macabre question, I know, but will you? I’m pretty sure your answer will be “yes”. Mine was too, love. You see, we get so busy with LIVING that we let ourselves FORGET that we’re dying. And what happens then? We stop prioritising things - we let our lives fill with busy-ness that doesn’t serve us. Think about terminally ill people who compile a bucket list. The only reason they NEED a bucket list is because they didn’t remember they were dying, until someone told them. If they had remembered they were dying every day of their lives, they’d have had no regrets. There would be no bucket list because they’d have fulfilled all those dreams and wishes. I know it’s SCARY to look death in the face. But it is the greatest TEACHER we could ever ask for. The guillotine is falling as soon as we’re CONCEIVED, before we’re even born. And yet we refuse to talk about death, like we’re somehow going to outrun it by doing so. When my mother-in-law was terminal, no o
The 5 Steps to Ensure Your Habits Serve You
06/11/2020 Duration: 16minI WAS CLUELESS ABOUT WHAT MY HABITS EVEN WERE…. HOW COULD I CHANGE THE ‘BAD’ ONES, IF I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THEM?! In today’s podcast, I’m sharing 5 steps to change your habits. The first step, to me, was the MOST IMPORTANT. I had to go through an exercise that highlighted what habits I had. It sounds stupid to say I didn’t know my habits. Of course, I knew some of them, but until I undertook the activity I describe in step one of this process, I didn’t know exactly what they were. It’s not stupid to not know all your habits, love. Unless we’re really diligent, it’s REALLY easy to miss them… That’s why I had to put together the guidance in today’s pod and blog about exactly how to go about CHANGING YOUR HABITS! Can’t wait to hear how you get on with this, love!! Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE! Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde Abo