Wilde About Wellbeing

How to Discover Your Alter Ego: 11 Questions to Ask Yourself



HELLO, I’M KELLER AND I’M AN ALTER EGO… ⠀ I’ve worked for a long time at manifesting material things into my life - cars, houses, investment value increases, and so on…⠀ BUT I’ve never really worked on manifesting an IDENTITY that fits with how I want my life to look. That’s where my ALTER EGO comes in… Keller… She’s pretty badass and 100 times more awesome than my old identity!⠀ When I’m stuck, I remind myself of my future identity, and ask one important question:⠀“What would Keller do?” The answers aren’t always cut and dried, but they are useful…Talking of answers, wanna know how I came up with her name, love?⠀ Well, overthinker that I am [most people just pick any name], I decided to ask my subconscious.⠀ I asked before bed, and then had a dream in which the name Keller came to me.⠀ I laughed as the only thing I knew Keller to mean was “cellar” in German - I giggled that even my subconscious had noticed I like a glass of wine!⠀ I don’t know why, but a few days later, I felt drawn to hit up name meanings