5-7 minute devotionals to help you live your life empowered by Gods free-flowing grace.
Don't worry be happy
06/06/2019 Duration: 06minThere are always reasons to worry – but you don’t have to. Choose not to focus on the reasons to worry, and choose to focus on the reasons to rejoice. READ MORE
It's A Choice To Rejoice
05/06/2019 Duration: 05minYou may be going through a really rough time. Things may look bleaker than ever before. There may not be any reason to rejoice in your circumstances at the moment, but you can rejoice in the Lord at any time. There is always a reason to rejoice in Jesus. READ MORE
The Happiest Place on Earth
04/06/2019 Duration: 07minThe religious folk saw the wonderful things Jesus was doing: healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, preaching hope and demonstrating unconditional love. The children were following Jesus in the temple, celebrating and shouting out praise to Him. The things Jesus did made people really happy; it gave them hope and lifted their spirits. But the religious (legalistic) folk weren’t too impressed; in fact, Scripture says that they were “sore displeased.” READ MORE
Joy No Matter What
03/06/2019 Duration: 05minCan you imagine what it looked like when Jesus rejoiced? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a quiet and reserved “hallelujah”. If He was anointed with the oil of gladness more than anyone else then I am sure He rejoiced more than the most enthusiastic sports fanatic watching his team about to score. If we’re honest, the picture most of us have of Jesus isn’t correct. READ MORE
The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength!
02/06/2019 Duration: 06minWe may not have reasons to be full of joy – circumstances may be really bleak. But there is always a reason to have joy because of God – because of who He is and what He has done for us. When we focus on Him and what He has done for us – that we’re completely forgiven, unconditionally loved and abundantly blessed – then we will start to experience the joy of the Lord and that will result in us having strength. READ MORE
Be Happy Like Jesus
30/05/2019 Duration: 07minThe picture the Bible paints of Jesus is quite far from the picture religious Christianity has painted of Him. Jesus was “anointed with the oil of gladness above His fellows”; that means that He was the happiest person on earth. And if Jesus was the happiest person on earth, then His followers should be living pictures of His example in being the happiest people on earth! READ MORE
You can be happy!
29/05/2019 Duration: 07minEven though circumstances may be bad, there is always a reason to rejoice... READ MORE
You cannot be successful by yourself
28/05/2019 Duration: 07minGod puts people in your life to help you succeed!
Are you aiming at the right things?
27/05/2019 Duration: 06minEach of us has a path that has already been marked out before us, a personal God-given destiny. Some people read or hear this and think that whatever God wants will happen – but that is not true. Destiny doesn’t mean it’s automatic; it’s not a fate that you cannot avoid. You do not fulfil your destiny by default or accident – you have to accept it and choose to run in that direction, with passion and determination. READ MORE
Success starts with...
22/05/2019 Duration: 07minSpiritual maturity is marked by a progressive change in your life which comes as the result of changing your thinking and your focus; shifting it from the world and its ways to God and His ways. READ MORE
Finish your course
21/05/2019 Duration: 06minThe way God sees success and the way that the world sees success is different. Success isn't in fame and fortune, it is in being able to say, “I have finished my full course!” And in order to be able to say that you have finished your full course, you need to know what it is, and then you need to finish it, completely! READ MORE
True Success
20/05/2019 Duration: 09minGoogle dictionary defines success as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Many people are aiming at nothing and hitting it every time and that’s not success. Success includes aiming at something and hitting it but many people are aiming at the wrong thing and they’re hitting it but it’s not success. You need to aim at the right thing! You could build a successful business and make millions of dollars or Rands or Pounds or whatever your currency is but it would not be success if you aren’t doing what God has called you to do. READ MORE
Created for Success
19/05/2019 Duration: 08minEvery single one of us wants to be successful. It's wired into us. God created us to be successful and to excel in life. No one likes failing and no one was created to be a dud, either! We weren't created to fail and we weren't created to live mediocre lives; to merely exist and take up space... READ MORE
All things work together for good
16/05/2019 Duration: 06minPart 5 of "Is God in control of everything?"
Does God determine when you're going to die
15/05/2019 Duration: 08minPart 4 of "Is God in control of everything?"
God is not in control of every detail
14/05/2019 Duration: 06minPart 3 of "Is God in control of everything?"
Don't let your circumstances get you down!
08/05/2019 Duration: 07minYou can live above the challenges coming against you!