5-7 minute devotionals to help you live your life empowered by Gods free-flowing grace.
Experience God's goodness
26/02/2019 Duration: 07minA lot of Christians have heard about the goodness of God but they've never experienced it. They've experienced it to degrees, here and there, but they haven't experienced the full flow of God's goodness in their lives... READ MORE HERE
There is hope!
25/02/2019 Duration: 08minIs Your Business in trouble? How are your finances doing? Is it a mess? Do you have difficult relationships? Problems with your kids? Maybe it is your spouse or your co-workers, your neighbour? How's your health doing? Are you struggling with your health? Your life might be just plain hard/ difficult right now... READ SOME MORE!
The parade of satan's defeat
24/02/2019 Duration: 07minThe devil is nothing against Christ inside of you. In 1 Peter 5:8 it says, “be well balanced and alert always because your enemy, the devil”. So you have got an enemy, and it's the devil. But it says that “he roams around incessantly as a roaring lion, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour”. The King James puts it as “the enemy comes as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”. It’s not saying that he IS a roaring lion. He is like a roaring lion and he's seeking whom he may devour. That means he can't devour everyone, but he's looking for someone who's going to allow him to devour them. So it's up to you whether you allow the enemy to devour you or not... READ MORE HERE...
The devil is so small!
22/02/2019 Duration: 07minYou've got more authority over the devil than he has over an ant. You need to come to realize that the devil is really, really small. He has been defeated. Jesus defeated him at the cross. That’s de-feeted; he doesn't have a foot to stand on... READ MORE HERE.
We're in a battle!
21/02/2019 Duration: 08minSome Christians tend to give the enemy a bit too much credit making him sound bigger than he really is, but he isn't as big as you think he is. I want to expose the enemy for who he really is... READ MORE HERE
Do you have a defeat theology?
20/02/2019 Duration: 07minThe majority of Christians have a defeat theology; they believe that we are destined to be defeated in this life. There is no hope or very little hope given for overcoming. In most churches they’re just encouraging you to persevere through the suffering and at least they’re encouraging you, but they're encouraging you in the wrong thing. They're encouraging you just to sit tight and suffer for Jesus honourably and you'll get a reward in heaven. But there's no reward in heaven for suffering, except if it's for the Gospel... READ MORE HERE
100% right with God
19/02/2019 Duration: 08minYou might have emotions which are not in line with God's heart and God's word, but in your spirit, you are 100% right with God, 100% of the time. You are flawless in His eyes!... Read more here
Did you know that I no longer live?
18/02/2019 Duration: 07minThe Christian life is the grace life. It's a life of living in the deserved unmerited, unearned favor of God, not trying to achieve, earn or deserve the favor of God, but realizing that you've already got it. It’s really all about learning to rest, relax and receive when he's freely offering you – that's the Christian life. And it's much easier than religion has made it out to be. Amen! Christianity is much easier than religion has made it out to be. I think that's a profound truth. I just want to meditate on that for the next hour…but today is I want to continue talking about how God destined us and has created us to reign and rule in life... [read more here]
Designed and destined to reign!
10/02/2019 Duration: 07minHello and welcome to grace for today, my name is Shayne Holesgrove and I am the lead pastor at GraceLife Ministries and this recording (grace for today) aims to help you live your life empowered by God's free flowing grace. It's much easier to live empowered by God than just to live for God, you know? And that's his heart for all of us – that we would live the Christian life from a place of his empowering. We shouldn’t be trying to do it in our own steam. John 10:10 says that the thief comes, but for to steal, kill, and destroy. And Jesus says that he came to give life and life abundantly. God's will for us is that we would live an abundant life, not just one day when we die and go to heaven, but he wants us to enjoy an abundant life right now. So why aren't we experiencing this? And how can we experience this abundant love? We're going to be looking at this over the next couple of episodes. And I want to encourage you just to open up your heart and receive because God's got something special for you. I