5-7 minute devotionals to help you live your life empowered by Gods free-flowing grace.
Where to find true happiness
09/07/2019 Duration: 07minTrue happiness is found in the will of God, not in our desires being fulfilled. READ MORE
How much leftovers do you have?
09/07/2019 Duration: 07minGod’s doesn’t just want to meet your needs; He doesn’t want to provide the bare essentials for you. God wants to make all grace (undeserved favour) abound (be generous) toward you. He doesn’t delight in you just getting by; He wants you to have more than enough... READ MORE
What To Do With The Little In Your Hands
05/07/2019 Duration: 07minHow often do we look at the little in our hands and curse it? We say things like, “This isn’t going to be enough!” or “We’ll never make it with this!”. The Bible says that the power of life and death are in what we say (Proverbs 18:21). We are often the cause of our own problems because we’re only considering what we see - and then we proceed to speak death over it... READ MORE
God’s standard of abundance
04/07/2019 Duration: 08minThe supply that we have in Christ is much greater than the lack we are experiencing. It really doesn’t matter how big your need is, it is no problem for God. He is the God of abundance. READ MORE
02/07/2019 Duration: 09minDid you ever get a gift from someone and you could see that they just gave out of obligation? They are usually not too happy about having to give you something, even if it’s not much (and it usually isn’t). But you can see when someone gives you a gift from their heart! It may not be big or expensive but you can feel the love coming with the gift, and they’re giving it with joy. READ MORE
The Bare Necessities?
01/07/2019 Duration: 08minMost believers is that we limit God by believing for (expecting) very little. We aren’t really trusting God to supply like He wants to because we believe that He only wants to provide us with the bare necessities. We tend to focus on the word “need” (in Philippians 4:19) which leads us to believe that only the bare necessities are covered in this promise. We seem to think that wanting more than we need is greed but the opposite is true. Many Christians see God as El-Cheapo not El Shaddai (our all-sufficient, all-bountiful God who satisfies and supplies)... READ MORE
My God Shall Supply
28/06/2019 Duration: 06minIt is God’s will to supply all our needs. He isn’t limited by the world’s economic situation - but He is limited if we don’t cooperate with Him through faith. READ MORE
You cannot be happy and worry at the same time
27/06/2019 Duration: 07minIt’s easy for us to get into fear and worry if we’re focused on the wrong things. Many people fear about how their needs will be met because of a bad economy or layoffs. But God isn’t limited by what man is limited by... READ MORE
The Only Thing That Will Make You Truly Happy
26/06/2019 Duration: 05minPeople seek after many different things. If you’re seeking after material things you’ll never experience true happiness. As long as you’re focused on what you don’t have and you’re wishing for it, you won’t be happy. Material things will never satisfy you; life is about more than riches. READ MORE
What You Have Is More Than What You Don't Have
25/06/2019 Duration: 05minStop focusing on the things you may lack and start focusing on the endless supply you have in Christ! READ MORE
The Secret to Happiness
24/06/2019 Duration: 09minThe secret to contentment, and true happiness... READ MORE
Looking for greener pastures
20/06/2019 Duration: 09minDissatisfaction is the result of focusing on what you don’t have - and not on what you do have. The apostle Paul was content and happy in prison, and yet today many Christians are depressed while living in luxury. READ MORE...
Are You Satisfied?
20/06/2019 Duration: 06minDissatisfaction is often a tool that the devil uses to lead us into unhappiness and even sin. If you want to be happy and enjoy your life, you need to learn to be content. It won’t happen by accident; it’s a choice which you will have to make... READ MORE
The reason to guard your heart
18/06/2019 Duration: 09minYou’ll never be truly happy by seeking happiness. It comes as a natural by-product of seeking relationship with Jesus and allowing ourselves to become more like Him in our thinking and actions. Being like Jesus means that we adopt the same outlook as He had... READ MORE
How to change your life
17/06/2019 Duration: 07minIf you think like the world thinks you’ll get the fruit that the world gets (the good, the bad and the ugly), but if you start to think like the Word, you will start to experience the fruit of the Word. READ MORE HERE
The heart of the matter
13/06/2019 Duration: 07minHow is your heart doing? I’m not asking about who you are in Christ and what you have in the Spirit. How are your emotions doing? Your feelings are largely the result of your thinking, and so let me ask: how is your thinking? What are you focused on? READ MORE HERE
Should you follow your heart?
12/06/2019 Duration: 08min"Just follow your heart..." is probably some of the worst advice you could ever give, or receive! READ MORE to find out why.
How's your heart doing?
11/06/2019 Duration: 06minHow is your heart? The answer to this question could be the reason why you are struggling to receive your healing, or why things just aren’t working out for you at the moment. God isn’t against you and He’s not withholding His blessing from you, but it’s possible that your heart is preventing you from enjoying the abundant life... READ MORE
10/06/2019 Duration: 06minWe may not have reason to rejoice in our circumstances - but we can always rejoice in the Lord and His promises! This world is shakeable, but God’s kingdom cannot be shaken. If you want to be unshakeable, then you need to make sure that your trust is in God and not in the things of the world. We need to value what God values and find our security in Him. READ MORE
What are you thinking about?
09/06/2019 Duration: 08minEmotions don’t just happen to you - they are natural by-products (or results) of your focus. If you want happy emotions, then think happy thoughts. READ MORE