Me Being Me

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:33:48
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Wanna Create WAY MORE REAL VALUE in the world By Simply Being YOU?HA! ...doesn't everyone right?And I can already hear that voice in my head chattering away..."but I cant do THAT. What will they think of me??"And I'm calling BS on that whole line of thinking.I'm shining a light on it and showing that its all an illusion.Besides, its about time I decided to step into the fear of the unknown and be who I've always dreamed of being.And hey, ya never know, it might end up being easiesr than I thought! safe bet!Look, the bottom line is that this is the best way for us BOTH to get what we want.So, sit back, relax, and enjoy 'Me Being Me'-P


  • E30 Intentionally Created You

    26/07/2018 Duration: 08min

    Me Being Me is really You Being You as well.  It is the version of you which is the most effective and valuable version of yourself.  Althought this may look the most effortless for those looking in, it is an intentionally created you that is either turned ON or turned OFF.ON is where the magic happens. When you are on, you are connected, tuned in, in harmony with the universe and to see outcomes throught. When you are OFF you are in your own way. It is where your life really does not change, you resort back to comfort and that cuts off and blocks your energy.Let's work together to identify those next steps you need to take action on to be fully ON.  I want you to be operating with love and in your gifts. Visit me at to drop me a line,If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.   

  • E29 Lessons Learned from Knocking Doors along the street

    25/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    I am knocking on doors is what will take my business, my brand, my ability to the next level. The bottom line is the connection I create with people I meet.Any transaction is based upon that interaction and value exchanged between those two people.Long days, hot temperatures, high humidity, lots of walking are obstacles that can grind on person everyday.  It was on such a day I had an interaction with a gentleman that reminded me what a real connection is when my ego is not involved.This is my journey of Me Being Me and how to be ON to have those human connections. If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.   I would love to talk more about my experience and how I can help you on your journey.   

  • E28 Self Love Defined by Parker

    18/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    Self Love.  It is getting alot of play lately.  Knowing and Applying it successfully are not the same thing. How do you apply it?  What does it mean?What is the difference between little s and big S; which self is that? Are you willing to become your own best friend? It may not be easy, but it makes the difference on You Being You, Me Being Me and getting paid more to be you!If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.  

  • E27 Five Relationships Area Alignment in 14 Days

    14/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    Can you answer yes to any one of these questions?Ever feel as you should be giving your family more? Have you ever been with your family or friends and acted as the stressed out one unable to relax?Finally, have you ever looked back on your career or life and felt you wasted so much time looking and searching for something that never materialized?If you did answer yes it means one your five core relationships is out of alignment.  The five are: body, mind, spouse or significant other, your family and money.  There is a way to simply align all of those five areas together into one clear outcome, one clear direction.All of us want more value flowing through our lives. Imagine it's like a pipe, like a conduit, right? Easiest way to visualize this if you wanted to expand the pipe for a sprinkler to a fire hose. Imagine how much more water can run through it now. What if I said that for yourself and all of the area different type of relationships.Do not get frustrated at thinking back on the time lost or wasted. D

  • E25 How and Why to Play the Game

    13/07/2018 Duration: 21min

    Do you remember learning how to ride a bike. At first you needed training wheels and a lot of practice to keep the bike upright. As you graduated to a bike with gears, you have to learn how to shift.  At first it is easy in first gear and it is really easy.  If you shift a gear, boom it pops into second gear, there's a little more resistance on that tire.In the Me Being Me Stack, Process of Daily Ladder, is a system that is dialed in and created for you. There are five distinct small, simple core actions to do each day, and if you just hit three of them, you are in positive momentum. Just like learning how to ride a bike, when a action becomes easy, it is time to move up into a higher gear.  As I said yesterday, the first action is that Green Smoothie.  So.. did you have one today? If not go make yourself one right now. You need a handful of greens (I like kale and spinach) with almond milk, banana, and oatmeal. Awesome!  The benefits are huge and this is the first act of self love!Of course this game to be p

  • E26 Defined Process and 14 Day Challenge.

    13/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever thought you were holding yourself back but could not figure out how to jump to the next level? It felt like something is missing but you could not put your finger on it.  The key is perspective, inner stance and alignment.  The question is are you willing to try it?  I have a 14 day process that allows you to get started on that jump to the next level. The start to your journey of You Being You as I am Me Being Me.Listen today to learn more on why a defined process is so important to help shift your perspective.If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.

  • E24 Paid More to Be You Starts with a Green Smoothie

    11/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    Of course Paid More To Be You is a great tagline. Who would like it?I am sure some of you are already thinking Parker every single human being in the world would like that tagline.  Of course, who doesn't want to be paid to just be you?Here is the step that most are afraid to do. Take that ideal brand that represents WHO you are instead of who they think they are supposed to be. Take that idea, that thing, that scares you and imagine it 10 years from now if you just did little bit each day. If 10 year is too much, try it for a year. Play a game with me.  Inside Me Being Me, we look at five different areas of your life.  What I have learned in order to win the game, you do not have to hit a single on all five every day.  With just three out of five you have tipped the scale and have momentum to win the game.To start you on this journey, I challenge you to join me to have a green smoothie for breakfast for the next 30 days! Are you in?I invite you to be Paid More to Be You, as You Being You. If you ever want to

  • E23 Prior to Meeting My Friend Camico

    10/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    You heard how excited I was to tell you about my experience with Camico, but what I should have done was tell you about the time leading up to that wonderful experience.Prior to this wonderful experience, I had fallen in a trap of feeling discouraged which allowed for  judgemental thoughts to enter my mind.   Have you ever experience  a moment when those thoughts are so strong that it feel like it is taking all your energy? It feels like the thoughts have control over your ability to take action. It is what you do in those moments can give you energy you are seeking.  When I thought I had no more energy to give, I ran into my new friend Camico who, in our interaction, created so much energy. It is a simple truth. You have so much value, are more valuable that you know when you give your self permission to be yourself.  Yes it is You Being You.  When you are being present with someone, being authentic - a genuine human connection is created. With that so much value. The sign of the strength of this connections

  • E22 My Friend Camico

    09/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    Today I was talking with my friend Camico. It was one of those moments when you are talking to someone and they have the same idea or train of thought.  Not to give anything away, but I stood there saying, "you are not going to believe this", as I was laughing. What our conversation showed me is that the truth is everyone has a source of money that is being paid to them.  It does not matter if it is coming to you weeking, biweekly, monthly or any manner.  The truth is that you are being paid for who you are, a certain way of being.  As we all know, with this way of being, there are certain expectations by those paying you to be you. Last night when what I was saying resonated with Camico, it started to create this connection. Authenticity creates things.  We were tuned into WHO we were.  For me, I spoke knowing that in my essence I am no different than Camico or you listening to this podcast. It does not take long to know how I feel around you.  As you interact with others, do you notice your own level of aut

  • E21 Daily Battle of The Wolves

    08/07/2018 Duration: 07min

    Continuing on from yesterday about going back into the trenchs to do something that I really do not want to do. It was this voice telling me that I would develop a deeper sense of emotional mastery, to practice, to live and teach at this deeper level. Of course as you dig deeper, there will be greater resistance.Did I mention to you that this is tough for me?This battle reminds me of an old story where this man who said he had two wolves in him. One represented the light, joy, service and creativity while the other presented weakness, selfishness, and deadness. When asked who would win this battle, he said the one I feed the most. This is where I am right now and what I share with you today.  What wolf do I feed? Which wolf have you been feeding?As part of my journey of Me Being Me, I invite you to come along and learn about this battle I am fighting and how I learned "thinking" and "trying" do not translate into action. Doing what I say I will do is so powerful. You to can experience this power as You Being

  • E20 Live the Life I Teach - Going Back to My Roots

    07/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    In your career or relationships have you ever felt that took steps backwards to actual go forward? Go back to the thing that gave you all that momentum back in the beginning and revisit those basics.For me it is the psychology of recreating yourself everyday, reinventing yourself, being able to be Me. These next few weeks, I am going back to the trenches rather than sit in the comfortable coaching perch. I am coming back to play one of the hardest games, door to door sales.The old me or should I say the current me, does not want to relearn to be more conscious, more powerful, more created, more authentic, more valuable. What I am living is a new way of seeing myself and seeing others and as I connect with them in a different way, that's the way that will allow me to spend less time working and more time getting to the result.It's always going to have to do more with how quickly can you get in and connect with someone and create rapport. How authentic can you be? How real and raw can you be and how valuable ca

  • E19 Short & Sweet 4th of July and Parker's Self Love Song

    06/07/2018 Duration: 06min

    Split Episode today - Happy 4th of July! It has been a hot week here in Texas.  While here I have been doing a lot of thinking about ME and my path in life.  It is a perfect example where anyone can let a different environment create thoughts that affect who They Are Being.  Tomorrow I will go into more detail, but I wanted to remind you that is my journey of Me Being Me.  Not every day is perfect, but every day leads me one step closer.Split Episode today - Me playing what has been called Self Love Song.  If you follow us on social media, it refers to the messages where I talk about putting some notes togetherr that make sense to me while trusting myself. No lyrics yet. Let me know what you think at website or facebook / instragram with the same handle.

  • E18 Individual Inner Stance

    27/06/2018 Duration: 10min

    As I continue to work with people, I have noticed a key distinction that keeps showing up - the individual inner stance.All humans are creators who create two types of things; ones that are powerful and ones that are not powerful.    If you can bring a little bit of awareness, you will have the ability to constantly and consistently bring the stance that is powerful. The inner stance that an individual is coming from in any interaction is everything. I am not talking mindset.  It is more than thinking, it is who you are actually being. Not being your thoughts and feelings, but your word.  To identify with past thoughts and feelings puts you in victim mode and zaps your energy.  To understand these distinctions makes relationships more powerful.  Do you commit to that individual you are interacting with? Are you creating a connection or just exchanging information?If you find yourself getting caught up in those thoughts and start to feel blue, down or sad, it is time to slow down.  Ask yourself as you starting

  • E17 Money Does Not Buy Happiness. Money Buys You Speed

    23/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    Getting paid is a big deal.  To do that, you need a good relationship with money.Let me clear.  Money does not buy you happiness. Money buys you speed.  With more money, you can do what you want faster.  Theoretically, you purchase a bicycle to travel from one part of the county to another.  It will take you a while to travel from point a to point b.  With more money, a person can travel faster via a car.  If you have a lot more money you could buy a airplane. Money can get us where we want faster.Being Paid More allows you to get where you want faster.How can this be achieved?  What people are paying you for is who you are being? What is the value to them? For many, here is where the issues of self-worth can cloud the issue.  It can cloud your relationship with money.Me Being Me has a process that helps you take a different inner stance.  For me I have found doing specific exercises and way of living that when all the peices are in place it points to a way of being.  It is those way of being that will create

  • E16 My Love of 4:30AM Wake Up

    21/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    I love my mornings! I get up at 4:30AM to get outside to start my day.Me Being Me foundation is powerful self-creation. If someone is willing to get up at early in the morning, you can absolutely change their life. They can handle so much more stress and greater level of awareness.Every morning is the opportunity to create yourself powerfully.  Do not let your body be in control. Your mind is in control and tells your body what to do. That is not enough, there is a next step. You have to make your mind subserviant to you.  For me,  I do not want my mind to drag me around in circles, keeping me away from the key things done that I have designed for the day or week.  If I do not get up my process correctly, I will find circumstances and excuses will try to get in the way. To create more value and powerful results require a powerful awareness and ability to design who you are being. I invite you to get up early and be intentional on that time between 4:30 - 6:00 AM.  Put yourself in some physical discomfort and

  • E15 I am Being My Word of Me Being Me

    20/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    I have talked previously about having even reasonable excuses why you do not have to do something. It the end, it comes back to be your word.  For me, I made a promise to my older sister, a client, myself and you to do an episode everyday.  It is late in the Winder House, but I committed to what I said I would do and regardless of counter thoughts, moods, emotions running in my head.Tonight, I was going to meet with someone, to talk about ways help him reach big goals he had in his life. However twice he wanted to push back our meeting.  It was not until the second request to postpone our meeting, I held my boundary.  I said I did not have time to meet. My time is valuable. His time is valuable. Those listening to this podcast, your time is valuable.  Wasting time is basically wasting people's lives.  It is a sign of lack of respect.Tonight I am living what it means to be Me Being Me.  I am Being My Word. There is a BIG difference between talking and wanting to be committed versus being committed and followin

  • E11 Who am I? What am I? What is it that we actually are?

    18/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Who it is that you are committed to being?  Who am I? What am I? What is it that we actually are? It requires you to understand that you are not. You are NOT your thoughts and your feelings.You say affirmations of who you want to be, but do you live that way? Are you being that affirmation?Have you ever noticed there seem to be two types of people in the world? The first who talk about who they are; describing their feelings and thoughts. The second are those who just operate from that place of Being.It takes a high level of personal commitment to be that I AM versus i am.  If you do not have a know what “that” is, you may have trouble moving forward without clarity.  However if you do know what “that” is and can’t feel it, an important step is to distinguish who you are not.I know who I want to be. I want to be Paid More to Be Me.  If interested, let’s talk more on how You Being You can get you Paid More.Remember I AM….

  • E12 Happy Father's Day

    18/06/2018 Duration: 47min

    Happy Father’s Day!  As a father of 5 children, I reflect on this day that I am lucky and grateful to be their father.  I wish all Fathers a special day with their children.I love to share with you what I have found to be very effective, very efficient and very powerful in my journey.  To add a different perspective, I am excited to have our first guest on the podcast.  We met in the London Real Life Accelerator Class back in January.  As she said today, since that meeting, “Boy did we accelerate our lives”.   Yep, the woman I declared as my sister, Jenn, joins me on this special Father’s Day addition of Me Being Me.In this episode, Parker and Jenn hit on topics of “i am” versus “I AM”, self-love, family, smart commitments, lizards, distinguishing thoughts, their relationship, idea that nothing is wrong with us, Us Being Us, Me Being Me and being Paid More to be Me. This extended version podcast is just the first of many.  I am excited to have strongly committed people join me as he or she talks about Me Bein

  • E13 Distinction i am versus I AM

    18/06/2018 Duration: 13min

    Do you feel the money is better in the customer’s pocket than your pocket for your service?  If their problem is more expensive that what it would cost to buy your product, what choice do you think they would select?I am here today to let you know that I am taking a stand that you can create so much more value in your interactions, by just being more you. Intentionally designing and creating the you that can do be Paid More. There will be hard work, but it is the required work to get the desired results. What makes work hard is the perspective you are coming from.  Remember it is the distinction that you are not your body, your thoughts or feelings.  In this present moment you are able to create who you are.  Who you are is what people pay you.  Who you are who has value.Is there an area in your life that you are not getting powerful results that you are committed to do something about?  I invite you to look at your own life and write it down. Write it down!! It will change your life.Join me as we both step i

  • E14 Feeling of Riding that Endless Wave (Being On!)

    18/06/2018 Duration: 13min

    Have you ever compared yourself to others, especially in the sales area?  You are doing the exact same thing, saying the same thing, using all the same technical tools, but finding yourself working harder to not make sales?  There is nothing wrong with you, it is just you were not Being ON.The easiest way for me to describe being on is to compare surfing in the ocean or behind a wake surf boat. In the ocean, there is the maneuvering to get yourself in the perfect spot to wait for that wave. If you fall off it may take a while before you can hop on that wave again.  When I surf behind a boat, the wave is endless and the experience lasts so much long. If I did fall, I could be back on that wave again very quickly.Being ON is part of who YOU are BEING. This shows up in every aspect of your life and relationships as being present and with a real connection. For me when I went from 7% to 30% in my sales jobs, I TRIPLED my sales. Do you want to be PAID MORE TO BE YOU?I have developed a daily process that keeps me O

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