Me Being Me

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:33:48
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Wanna Create WAY MORE REAL VALUE in the world By Simply Being YOU?HA! ...doesn't everyone right?And I can already hear that voice in my head chattering away..."but I cant do THAT. What will they think of me??"And I'm calling BS on that whole line of thinking.I'm shining a light on it and showing that its all an illusion.Besides, its about time I decided to step into the fear of the unknown and be who I've always dreamed of being.And hey, ya never know, it might end up being easiesr than I thought! safe bet!Look, the bottom line is that this is the best way for us BOTH to get what we want.So, sit back, relax, and enjoy 'Me Being Me'-P


  • E50 - Am i Willing To Become You

    30/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    Today I am going to be very personal. It hits pretty close to home.  I am sharing something from my journal to help those who genuinely want to learn and do The Work.  This is a very open and vulnerable episode.On this journey of Me Being Me on my 50th episode, I am going to walk you through how to correctly, efficiently, and effectively use Byron Katie's The Work on a relationship that  I am still working through. Let me be very clear. The names have been changed to protect out of respect and love for those people.  I am going to read some statements today that are basically my judgements I wrote down.  To be very clear, my judgements about this person have nothing to do with this person.  These judgements exist in me. So, as you listen, you may think ill of John. Do NOT think it - it is not true. This is all part of the work of Byron Katie. Do I love John? Am I willing to become him? Am I willing to see it his way? I willing to see it the way he sees it? Am I willing to see it through his eyes? Am I willing

  • E49 Love is MORE Than Words

    29/09/2018 Duration: 09min

    If this is your first time joining me, Welcome to my journey of Me Being Me.  As we travel on our paths, we all have relationships that may need work. It is in those relationships, where you may not have complete love towards that person, that you have an opportunity to do some work.  It brings up a very important question, What Is Love?  It is more than words.In these relationships I need to work on, the key is to remember is not about them, it is all about you or in my case me. In E50 I will dive in real depth on how I am doing the work on some of those relationships.  It is something that I do every day. EVERY DAY on my journey of Me Being Me.  This is not a quick fix and it is going to take time to repair relationships. Today's podcast is about getting ready to work on those relationships.I am tipping my hat to Byron Katie and The Work. If you have not familiar with her, after you listen to me, go to You Tube.  

  • E48 Surrender and Jump Through Your Fears

    28/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    Is there something you are holding onto that you do not want people to know? You would die if anyone found out this secret?If you really thought about it, deep down you have just accepted yourself for it because of FEAR. Have you changed? Will you change? Fear tells you that you are afraid of judgement that others will give you if they find out. Worse you are afraid of what they will say to you and the feelings that will follow inside of you. So, what do you do? You hide it inside of you. Your mind may ignore it, but that secret you are holding on it is there. You bump into it occasionally.  Not today! Grab some paper and write down ONE THING you are holding onto a secret.  It is the thing that if she / he / they found out you would die. WRITE IT DOWN.  If you find yourself saying "I Can't" that is your ego.Call the bluff on the universe, your ego. It may be painful for a little bit. If you sit with the pain and let it hurt, it will not be long before you will have freedom, clarity and abundance from surrende

  • E47 Relationship With Money

    27/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    Money. Money. Money. What is it but the agreement of value.  You pay exchange currency for items or services, like coaching.Man, my relationship with money has not always been the best. There were times, as a coach, I needed client's money to survive. To be in that constant state of survival, money could cloud my vision.  I would posture and position myself as this individual who had it all figured out.  Being this inauthentic self-affected my value, abundance and clarity.What I have learned is that my subconscious mind does not believe I'm worth the money.  It was always trying to find ways to sabotage any success.  Of course, I would find a way to make it more complex.  Until I'm willing to really confront how I truly feel about it, I'm just going to continue to go in circles and be stuck.Today I had a conversation with someone that I owe money to. I had been avoiding the conversation. It was uncomfortable.  My ego and this feeling was robbing me of the valuable time that I could go and create something of

  • E46 Expand Capacity For Creating Energy

    25/09/2018 Duration: 09min

    As humans we have the ability to expand our capacity for how much energy we bring to the table and embody.  When I was learning door to door sales with Adam Schanz, what I witnesses was how much love and passion energy he had.  If you come to a door with total love that matches the aggressiveness to sell, people will like you and you will become a very powerful influential person.Of course, self-doubt and my ego would kick in saying I was cut from the same cloth as Adam. I could not see myself as being like him.  It did not take long for me to realize the only difference in our energy levels was that Adam was committed to creating that energy.  He has trained himself day after day and year after year.  His commitment is building momentum.That is what I am doing on this journey of Me Being Me.  I am stepping through my ego, my thoughts and feelings, and my natural way to become that all-encompassing each day.  To be more of the real me is to create energy on a daily basis more than I did the day before. Rememb

  • E45 What are YOUR Core Influences?

    23/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    If you are not familiar with Frank Kern’s Core Influence video, I HIGHLY recommend you watch this 2-hour video.  He will walk you through an exercise called the Perfect Average Day. If you had to live one day over and over again and it would never get boring and there was no limitations and it was the day you were stuck with for the rest of your life and you were going to live a perfectly happy life. What does that day look like?  I bet you can guess on my day there would be time playing a piano.As I am on this journey of Me Being Me, to be a Key Player in my own life, I question the amount of my influence, my purpose, the beliefs I have grown up with to achieve my perfect average day.  What I am clear about is that Me Being Me is that my ideal life is to play the piano and harness that creative energy.  Those listening to this, this  brand is more like a partnership with you or actually more like a declared family.   You know from previous podcasts that we can create family simply by declaring it and then li

  • E44 Ever called BS on Your Ego?

    17/09/2018 Duration: 23min

    If you have ever flown on a plane, the flight attendant will always tell you to put the oxygen mask on first. You need to be operating from a strong position to assist those with around you.  As in life, we need to be operating from a position of joy, happiness, content without fear and anxieties in all our relationships around us.A major pillar of life is understanding the perspective of about our ego and our personal and professional relationship.  If comes down to developing a more sensitive awareness of our feelings and what this moment is teaching us. The kicker is ego functions on survival mode and flourishes with words like reacting, scarcity, non-powerful while the opposite is love, connection and abundance. Have you ever had a conversation with your spouse or significant other and notice the language of separation appears? One says "What are WE going to do?" and the other says "I plan on doing this"Whenever there is separation between the two of you and the words "I" and "you", not "WE", are used, it

  • E43 Music Lesson to Tap Into A More Influential Version of You

    09/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    For those who know me, Me Being Me and being Paid More for creating and exchanging more value includes music.  There is a vibe that comes with music, as well as a leadership component to music.Today I am going to share a little music lesson with you.  It was a request from my niece who was going to a T Swift concert. The song does not matter.  The instrument does not matter. You are having fun and You Being You matters. Where in your life is there an identify level shift that is clocking you from getting the results you want? On my journey, I have mentioned how I had trouble learning piano the traditional method.  I created a shifted identify, "I am a piano player," and it occurred to me that I was a piano player.Where are you wanting certain results?   Can you see what you need to be? Act and create an appropriate affirmation.I would love feedback on my first music lesson podcast.  Please reach out to me at,  Instagram or  Look forward to hearing how your first music

  • E42 My "Ladder" Process on Emotional Triggers

    08/09/2018 Duration: 35min

    As I was sitting doing my morning routine, I realized I need to get those negative stories and disempowering thoughts out of my head and down on paper.  The feeling of being depressed triggered a story in my head. The story was that there was something deep inside of me that prevents me from living in financial abundance and I can not break through it. What I needed to do was uncover the story underneath the real problem. The answer has to come from me. I need to look deeply inward and not listen to another person.  It does not matter who that other person is because he or she will limit the actual truth you are able to uncover. For me, I became victim to myself, my own story in my head that I can not live the lifestyle that I truly desire to live.  As I work on the process I call the "Ladder", I find myself climbing up and away from those negative thoughts and stories.  How did I do that? You are going to have to listen to this episode.If you enjoyed learning about my ladder process, can you take your own ac

  • E41 Sometimes It Feels Like The Journey is Backwards

    07/09/2018 Duration: 11min

    The most frustrating part about any journey from Point A to Point B is when you look up and it feels like you are moving backwards. Notice I said FEEL. It appears that you are turned around and are not heading where you need to go.  This week that is how I felt and for a moment it was my perspective.  I would describe it as coming up out of a valley, not being able to see that Point B, on a switchback trail to find myself staring back at where I started. I am sure you have felt that in your career or life as well. It did not feel like your current income matched the known value you could provide to others.In that moment, slow down but do not stop.  For me, I kept walking on that switchback trail, my perspective is changing as the path is now taking me in to a new direction higher up that mountain to Point B.  Remember this journey of Me Being Me is one where I am falling in love with the uncertainty of growth.  I know pain and discomfort are associated with great growth. On today's podcast I want to hit home

  • E40 Create The Version of You That Gets Paid More

    05/09/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    Take a walk with me on this 40th episode as I tell you why the points do not matter, the work of  Bryon Katie, understanding perspective (especially from a sleeping dog named Lassie), the power of living a declaration and how you occur to yourself, how relationship correlates to how you occur to others, the defintion of me vs Me, and a few other topics over the next 90 minutes.Tonight a bit of jealous reared it's ugly head as I compared myself to another's podcast. There were times when I would personally get triggered.  When I'm being an immature version of myself (being the me with a lowercase m), I am all up in my ego.  I am the me that is immature, selfish, egotistical, wanting to be right, wanting to be right, wanting to look good, wanting to make my ego be gratified and feel good.  I am the version of me that is NOT paid more to just be me.  I don't want to put more of my energy into lowercase me. That's the me, I want to identify with less and less and less and the me that I want to be because I can be

  • E39 How to Flip a Story to Find Another's Perspective

    03/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    On my journey of Me Being Me, I am striving to thrive in the moment. To find the gems and be in wonder of every moment. It is not always easy, but the more I do this, the easier I find them.My wife had been working on her business late, so I was letting her sleep in. As a parent of FIVE kids, you never know what you could walk into with all of them together. I walked into the kitchen to find milk spilled everywhere, bread crumbs all over, and kids in poopy diapers.  OMG it was a mess!At that moment, many parents would have gotten very angry at the mess. I took this as a learning opportunity.  The gap between stimulus and response allows for more awareness to choose meaning and perspective to transform yourself into the version you create.  What was the gem? What was the story I was telling myself? What was the perspective from my children's point of view.  In those few moments, it was up to me on how I chose to see them.  This story is just a simple example on how you can apply this to every aspect of your li

  • E38 Practice Loving THIS Moment

    01/09/2018 Duration: 17min

    I could say who is Parker? Who is Jenn? Who is Chase? Who is [insert your name]?What if who you really are at your essence and your total essence is nothing except this present moment, this moment right now, right here.  You are not your past. You are not your future. You are the awareness of this moment that allows you to connect at extremely deep levels with other people.Join me today as I talk about how you can start to Practice Loving This Moment. Once you have listened, for the next 24 hours, I want you to bring that same unconditional loving acceptance to everything inside and outside of your body.  It is not going to be easy. It could be really challenging.  For those of you who accept this call to action, reach out to me at,  Instagram  or email / text to let me know about your experience. Remember I am sharing my journey of Me Being Me and at this moment, I am grateful you decided to join me. 

  • E37 Why Slow is the Fastest Way to BE What YOU Want To Be

    30/08/2018 Duration: 16min

    My journey has taken me back from Texas, back to my home of Utah.  As you have listened, you know I had learned a lot and found many hidden gems working on my sales process. There is ONE thing I've noticed is that whenever I'm in the presence of truth or I'm learning some concept that's true, there's always a paradoxical opposite in it.To be a great and amazing leader that makes a difference you also must at the same time make no darn bit of difference at all.  Yes, I said a leader who never will make a difference. The other factor to pay attention as a leader, is to perspective. You can talk to your mom, your friend, and your sister and all three will say something different about this very podcast. Here is the lesson. I, nor you, can allow our certainty to come from how others see the world, how they think about the world or for that matter us.  To learn this lesson, to use my “ladder” process and to help you find the gems, you cannot cut corners to find the answers. I have learned and am living a new gospe

  • E36 Fall In Love With The Journey

    10/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    I will say to right now I am falling in love with this journey I am on.  I am embracing and leaning into the pain as I will honestly tell you 2018 has been the hardest year of my life.Those who have been listening to this podcast know that currently I am down in Texas working on door to door sales. It is hard to go back to where I started. To some it may represent a step back, I see it as the way to take 5 steps forward. Being here reminds me of my journey on how I got to this exact moment. The emotions. The thoughts. The feelings.  The lessons I learned and still must learn.Many folks I know have suffered from some form of imposter syndrome. I am one of them.  Let me tell you it has robbed me of my power and my confidence in so many aspects of my life. I am climbing out of the pit and scarcity. One of my lessons I am learning is that there is nothing wrong with me or you. I can feel there is something bigger waiting for me and you.  I am not giving up nor will I quit.  I am falling in love with journey and t

  • E35 Strategic Seduction, Fearlessness, Open Spaces

    09/08/2018 Duration: 43min

    I want to share with you a story of Betty and Al who helped me polish what I like to call strategic seduction during an enrollment conversation.  It was one of those interactions where I was being compared to previous other salesmen who stopped at their house before I even knocked on their door that day. In my time talking with Al, truly listening to Betty's concerns, and pulling an alarm system out of my binder, I was able to make a human connection with them.  This sale represented one that I worked hard at to earn. What made it such a success? It was the open space I created for both my listening and speaking.  It is a necessary action to prevent myself or yourself from speaking to a brick wall.  You do not make sales when your words do not resonate with homeowners.Sit back, listen and then be ready to take action to clarify your own stance.  This podcast is free, but there is some expectation that you want to be paid more to be you. As I am being paid more for Me Being Me.If you ever want to talk more, re

  • E34 Wise People Learn From Mistakes of Others

    08/08/2018 Duration: 14min

    Early in my career, I had the exceptional opportunity and experience to work with Adam Schanz.  Basically, I had the world's best door to door salesman shadowing me or should I say I was shadowing him. On that first door, I could feel Adam behind me, nudging me to take that stronger stance.  Before I could even think about which was the next house, Adam was already knocking on that door.As I watched and listened to Adam, it was clear on who he was being.  Over the course of those hours, not every door was a sale.  During these conversations, he was so willing to confront people on the saying "smart people learn from their own mistakes while wise people learn from the mistakes of others."Be wise and join me at or Instagram. to learn more after listening to this podcast.  I am curious to hear what you have learned to be wiser and You Being You.Love P

  • E33 Where Everything is Made Up

    07/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    Welcome to the only podcast where everything is made up and the points do not matter. There is something about improvisational, made up and on the fly way of producing value that I liked about the TV show "Who's Line is It?!"In this podcast, I am being me and I do not have to be any other way for you and those listening. What I mean about made up. Guess what? There is so much of our lives that are made up - the stories that we tell ourselves, the personality you have adopted to and who you are in this world. Some of the stories were told by you, other stories were imposed upon you and some you are not aware that were placed upon you.Me Being Me and this podcast is to help you develop an awareness and how to implement that level of commitment.  Yes you can adopt a position of power to get more of what you want or less of what you do not want. If you need a visual, think of dominos that can continue to fall and push the next tile over. Momentum.If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at o

  • E32 Are You Committed?

    05/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Ever wanted access to deep insights that could get you to a version of you that you love? The version of you that you look forward to every morning?  This is the eposide where I ask you to commit to doing work with me to get to that version of yourself.Yes i am asking you to go all in or take a back seat. We have work to do! I have work to do! The first question you ask is NOT how do I. I am not asking you to search for more information.  I am asking you to committ to a process, to a way of life that I am living.If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.

  • E31 The Commited Game to Play

    28/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    It was late. I was hungry and hot.  There was a choice between going to a Jack In The Box for dinner or going back to knock on doors.  I knew there was only one real choice, one decision to make.  Althought there was no capacity in me to keep working for several more hours, the alternative was not acceptable.  Instead I had to break it down into little steps. What actions could I complete in that moment to move me forward to that door, any door to knock upon.Listen to this podcast to hear how I took steps to change my mindset, which changed my body. Before I knew it, I was knocking on that first door. Yes I said first door.  Before I knew it, I had talked to several more individuals. There was momentum building.The outcome was from outlining and articulating a process, I was able to turn things around and make great human connections. There is something amazing about being ON and CONNECTED with another human being.  It is hard to describe. Have you ever had a task that seemed too big to complete? What is the

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