Me Being Me

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:33:48
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Wanna Create WAY MORE REAL VALUE in the world By Simply Being YOU?HA! ...doesn't everyone right?And I can already hear that voice in my head chattering away..."but I cant do THAT. What will they think of me??"And I'm calling BS on that whole line of thinking.I'm shining a light on it and showing that its all an illusion.Besides, its about time I decided to step into the fear of the unknown and be who I've always dreamed of being.And hey, ya never know, it might end up being easiesr than I thought! safe bet!Look, the bottom line is that this is the best way for us BOTH to get what we want.So, sit back, relax, and enjoy 'Me Being Me'-P


  • E8 No Excuses - Did You or Did You Not Do it?

    15/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    Have you ever found yourself procrastinating to do a task? Even worse have you been on the other side of someone procrastinating?  It really boils down to either you were going to do the thing you said you were going to do or you were not.  It is the does not matter the reason why the thing was not done.Here is where I have gotten into trouble in the past.  I have a great reason WHY I can not do something. This is where that inner critic, my lizard brain, kicks in if I am trying to move the needle forward on Me Being Me.  Once we have acknowledged it, we have given it energy. This energy feeds self doubts which in turn make procrastination easier. Let me tell you, I have been guilty of consuming content for the sake of content, not action.Sometimes we do not want to face the pain because it gives us a reason not to move forward, not to do the work required.  After this podcast or even during, write down what you are putting off because it hurts or is uncomfortable.  You have the power inside you to make chang

  • E9 Resistance Can NOT Stop You!

    15/06/2018 Duration: 08min

    Have you ever been attached to a feeling, especially a not postive one? One that sits in the back of you brain and festers. Oh I hate the word "fester" as much as "puss", but that is what those thoughts do in my brain. It taps my energy, I start to judge myself harshly.  Basically I become OFF.Off means someone is not tuned in, tapped in, turned on or that even their emotions are in line.  When a possiblity shows up, that person can not take any effective action.  Is there a way to break throught it?  Am I going to tell you? Yah, but inside the podcast. :-)The quick tip that I will tell you is not be attached to the way I or you feel. It is where I have been stuck many times before.  I am not a master of this or am perfect, but let my lessons of Me Being Me help you see what you had not been seeing before.Check out my website or my instragram account to learn additional ways to that together we can stop worrying about tomorrow and be present today. Fighting the battle that needs to be fought

  • E10 Momentum Mindset from a 7 year old boy

    15/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    Ten! Can you believe it! Here is my tenth podcast.  If you have been along this journey, there was a bit of break in the publishing timeline.  I have made a strong promise to myself and commitement to truly be Me Being Me.  It has been a long time.Do you remember how pure, perfect and abundantly you saw the world when you were a seven year old? It is right before you learn about conditioning and you make key decisions about stories. I remember it was the first time I was in any type of selling situation - not like the door to door aggressively I was doing a few years back.  Every been approached by someone selling something and their energy and vibe is off. Yep, that was me. I knew I was going to be told no before I even spoke. It lead me to a path where maybe some of you have been before, "there is something wrong with me." Finally, I had a few sales, but I did not feel right.  I had been given a dopamine gift. You're clear about your intent, super clear about your intent, why you want it and why you deserve

  • E2 Me Really Being Me - Authentic to Myself

    13/06/2018 Duration: 13min

    I must admit something to you.  Part of me is ashamed of my first episode. In the first episode, I painted a picture or a story of a person that created an inaccurate picture of that person. It was my ego that did not want to let you know that I was not perfect.  I do not have a perfect life. Why would you listen to me if I did not come across as this great guy? The truth when we are being ourselves, that sometimes we do not have it all together. I can tell you that I do not have it all together. This podcast is to invite you to go on a journey with me as I discovery things about myself.  It is a peek into my life, my struggles, the lessons I have learned, tools that have helped me, my clients, and family.Let's start this journey of Me Being Me and for You Being You.

  • E3 King of Zingers and Prince of Pain

    13/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    Welcome back on my journey!As I promised, as I figure things out, I will share what went wrong and how I corrected itToday is something I am sure you all have experienced, The Zinger!  As the King of Zingers, I know that I was throwing them from a place of pain.  There is an old saying that "hurt people, hurt people." Talking with a client, I explained to her what a zinger really was and how she was actually in control of zingers thrown and received. My final message to her and all of you is, because who you are and who I am in our essence is the same.  We are love. If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram. Peace, Love and Me Being Me Parker

  • E4 Occurrence with an Amazing Person

    13/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    As I have grown up, I have realize my inner critic was preventing me from taking big leaps in my life.  Do you have that voice?In the past, podcasts or online videos occurred to me as scary, I would start to procrastinate, judge myself or let that inner critic win. Guess What? I am done letting my inner critic win. I meet someone; an amazing person who is very human and makes it easy for me, and others, to be themselves around her. I want to demonstrate that you can have this same relationship.You have the power of awareness on how someone or a situation occurs to you.  Changing the way these podcasts occur to me, lets the real ME out. I am having fun. This experience has shown me my actual purpose again, as well as how to make goals in your life effortless and easy. Do not wait your whole life for experiencing your own amazing occurrence.If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram. 

  • E5 Self Love seen as Strong Boundaries

    13/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    Loving yourself.One of the things it means is taking a power stand for yourself.  Not accepting, not tolerating people in your life who do not treat you the way you want to be treated or the way to be you choose to be treated. I know when I take a stand for myself. I give myself the gift of my own happiness. By being very clear of what I will tolerate and what I will not tolerate. I notice that when I turn around and approach my other relationships from that energy I get an increase of love. Learn how I took a stand for my wife and taught Me Being Me means loving myself.

  • E6 Push Toward Uncomfortable Conversations. Go Collide.

    13/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    There are important areas in my life that I use to avoid uncomfortable conversations.  Typically, the sensitive nature topic would lead to an argument. The key is to learn your trigger and flip it to gain a new perspective.  For me the words "Parker you are not a man" will upset me.  It is that uncomfortable space where the greatest growth will materialize.Imagine the years wasted not trying to understand your trigger or the time grinding away trying to find the answer.  I am here to tell you to go have those open conversations and go into that discomfort.  The Me Being Me exercises can help you be all you want to be.If there is anything I can teach you, do not avoid collision conversations.

  • E7 Stop Procrastinating! Go. Do. Build Momentum

    13/06/2018 Duration: 04min

    I know better. Every morning I follow the same routine. If I miss a morning, I find myself feeling guilty for not taking action. Ok I am talking really guilty that I kick myself all day and into the next.Today was different in that I stopped my procrastination and took action on one thing.  With that action, I pulled myself out of that downward spiral and built momentum forward. Negative thoughts in themselves are not powerful. I will give you an example from Wayne Dyer. Learning to address and be aware of them  has been my experience will give you the most value to build that momentum.As always, this is Parker learning along the way as I am Me Being Me. If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram. 

  • E1 Parker Singing You The Theme Song (and sharing its birth)

    04/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    There's "Selfishness", and then there's "Extreme Self Care". Extreme Self Care is the answer you've been searching for that will change your life forever, starting now.  Let these lyrics sink in while I play the piano and sing you this song I wrote "Wanna Be"  You can be who you wanna be. In the mirror you can see who you wanna see.This is me just sayin what I wanna say. This is my just playin how I wanna play. When you get caught in a thought and you're feelin blue, Take a minute listen to the voice inside of you. I'm in your newsfeed feedin you a little truthand tellin you you can do anything you wanna do.  Just vibe with me while you get a useful powerful distinction that allows you to see something you aren't seeing about the importance of Extreme Self Care and how you can follow my example and be whover it is you'd like to be. If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram. 

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