Joyful Telepathy

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 68:14:38
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Psychic Development and Animal Communication


  • 56: Special Guest! Carl the Firefighter Pt. 2

    17/01/2017 Duration: 58min

    The episode picks up right were Part 1 left off with Carl.   Pain is a benchmark for greatness How Carl gets by on little sleep What changed after Roger Banister broke the 4 minute mile barrier? Realizing the unbelievable power that is inside you Feeling discomfort and the brilliant lobster analogy (6:36 timestamp) When you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing - start wtih what you love Meditation and PTSD (11:06 timestamp) Carl walks Kate through a breathing exercise How Kate’s dad is her defau [...]

  • 55: Special Guest! Carl the Firefighter Pt. 1

    10/01/2017 Duration: 48min

    The challenges of new technology and recording podcasts   Why Kate calls her guest Carl “spiritual soulfood”   Carl’s Mission: To connect people with PTSD to the smart people that can help them   Carl’s website   Learn more and donate to Carl’s PTSD crowdfunding ca [...]

  • 54: Special Guest! Jessica Kupferman Pt. 2

    20/09/2016 Duration: 47min

    This episode picks right back up where we left our last conversation with Jessica Kupferman.   The struggle with figuring out our life’s purpose   Did you know….Kate was an accountant?!   When a dark sense of humor comes in handy   Finding humor in un-funny situations   Discussion on Transmuting Energy Theory   Using humor to raise a low energy situation

  • 53: Special Guest! Jessica Kupferman Pt. 1

    13/09/2016 Duration: 01h40min

    This episode is Part 1 of a 2-part conversation with podcaster Jessica Kupferman from the ShePodcasts, Lady Business Radio,  and Off in the Weeds podcasts.   A tangent on skeptics   Addressing the skeptics   The clip from Off in the Weeds where Jessica’s skeptical co-host John learns about The Joyful Telepathy Podcast   [...]

  • 52: Dreams and Super Secret Guest Nicole Pt 2!

    02/08/2016 Duration: 49min

    In this episode, I continue my conversation with Nicole about her dreams and experiences. Thoughts on why we sometimes step away from our power Recognizing and experience is happening The difficulty of explaining your experience to others when you can’t name what happened to you Exploring the question “Can I bear the weight of this burden?” Ethical checks and balances The difference between faith and confidence The importance of validation as feedback The importance of giving people permission to explore their curiosities. Feeling like you aren’t protected when you experience something traumatic It takes more energy to ask for help when you need it most The power of stating “I am a child of God” when you feel spiritually threatened < [...]

  • 51: Dreams and Super Secret Guest Nicole Pt. 1

    26/07/2016 Duration: 39min

    This episode is part 1 of a 2-part conversation with my super secret guest Nicole. Nicole reached out to me recently to talk about the intense dreams she was experiencing. Remembering childhood visits from the magic bugs   Book Recommendation - Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered    The Findhorn Organization - Spiritual Community and Ecovillage   Pondering the question “How much do our brains filter out what adults tell us is imaginary?”   Nicole discusses feeling like she is dreaming in real time   Why shutting down your gifts and ignoring them is not good   Viewing her dream life as if it is a part of her, rather than something that is happening to her   Nicole decided to reach out after she experienced big back to back dreams [...]

  • 50: Psychic Protection Stories Pt. 2!

    19/07/2016 Duration: 01h38min

    THIS IS EPISODE 50! Thank you for listening! Episode 50 is a major milestone. Thank you for being part of my podcasting journey. This episode picks up where Episode 49 left off talking about psychic protection. Rupert chimes in with sage psychic protection advice Encountering a negative spirit for the first time Using your energy to take control of a situation with animals Why you should acknowledge signs from your loved ones Establishing a relationship with your spirit guides and asking them for help The power of grounding yourself The septic tank backup on Christmas Eve Steps to clear a house of negative energy How to make “happy” water Bringing your assertive energy to the clearing Kitten gladiator battle Conversations with spiders How malevolen [...]

  • 49: Protection!

    28/06/2016 Duration: 51min

    This episode came about due to a recent surge in requests for help with hauntings that are currently happening. Types of Hauntings  - Consciousness/Active  - Echo/Residual Rupert & Mikey join us The Rock Lake story Why you should sit on the toilet the next time you feel ungrounded The effects of metal and water on energy Experiences at Telegraph Cove Why heavy energy isn’t necessarily dark or evil energy Degrees between light and heavy energy How dark energy grows Avoiding energetic infestations of little dark creatures The “trickster” level of haunting Learning we were living in a house with a sad history and build up of heavy energy Stay tuned for how we fixed the sad energy in the next episode! *** Kate Sit [...]

  • 48: Guest! Andrea’s Ghost Stories Pt 3!

    14/06/2016 Duration: 41min

    The Final installment of our 3-part conversation with Andrea! More Hospital Ghost stories! PTSD for us mere mortals after the tragic Leviathan II boat accident. Where is the rectal!??? And other nursing humour. Grieving after a tragedy, and different cultural protocols for coping with a tragic event such as the Leviathan II sinking. Ahoushat First Nations traditional protocols for dealing with a tragic event. “Indian Hospitals” on Vancouver Island, and the legacy of Canada’s colonial history. The importance of kindness and small gestures, and how it makes a real difference to others. *** Kate Sitka is an Animal Communicator & Spirit Medium located in Tofino, BC. Learn all about her work and her services at[...]

  • 47: Guest! Andrea’s Ghost Stories Pt 2!

    17/05/2016 Duration: 52min

    Trigger Warning: If you don’t want to hear about the violent assault of this negative entity, you can skip forward eleven minutes. Kate returns from the washroom! Andrea continues her story of her sister’s experience in the insanely haunted house. How does it get worse??? It’s pretty bad you guys. This is not meant to be entertaining, just true to Jen’s experience as she shared it in her book. Kate has been in touch with Jen and hopes Jen will make her book available for sale, soon. Here’s the post I was referring to about loving intimacy between living people and spirits.

  • 46: Guest! Andrea’s Ghost Stories Pt 1!

    10/05/2016 Duration: 59min

    In this very special Ghost Stories series, we welcome the nurse who inspired the whole thing, Andrea! You will hear: The kitties welcome Andrea to the studio Haunted B&B in Sooke, BC!

  • 45. Guest! Carly’s Ghost Stories Pt 2

    26/04/2016 Duration: 49min

    This is PART 2 of Carly’s fabulous stories!  If you missed last week’s episode be sure to go back and listen to it first! Carly & Kate go on to talk about spiritual damage done by religious organizations who ran the residential schools that were a part of the large-scale genocide of First Nations people in Canada.  We talk about war, families, and visitation from loved ones in spirit - and what to do with your loved ones ashes!    *** Kate Sitka is an Animal Communicator & Spirit Medium located in Tofino, BC.  Learn all about her work and her services at Book a Session with Kate here! [...]

  • 44. Guest! Carly’s Ghost Stories Pt 1

    19/04/2016 Duration: 49min

    Kate’s wonderful friend Carly has generously agreed to share her many incredible ghost stories and spiritual experiences!  From a full-blown apparition to spooky malevolent black mist, Carly has seen wide variety of paranormal phenomenon during her years working as a nurse in Tofino and other remote communities! We had such a great conversation, we couldn’t cram it all into one episode, so we had to split it into two!

  • 43. Traditional Whale Hunts & Animal Communication

    12/04/2016 Duration: 27min

    Animal Communication is not a new thing, in fact it’s an incredibly old thing.  In the Ucluelet / Tofino area, we are extremely fortunate to have access to culture sharing by the original people who have lived on this land for longer than recorded human history. These incredible survivors of colonialism and genocide have kept stories such as these sacred and secret – and now have begun to share the history they have saved.   Through this culture sharing we discover that animal communication was essential to the survival of the Nuuchahnulth peoples. Tsim [...]

  • 42: Spiritual Food for the Soul

    29/03/2016 Duration: 56min

    Did you know that everything has a resonance?  Everything.  From the boxed chicken fingers Kate was living off of last year,  to the fresh lettuce grown in her back yard!     So how does all this affect our bodies, and how can you experiment with the energy resonance of food to help tune your own psychic radio?   Bonus track! Elsie Escobar & Jessica Kupferman get effusive about [...]

  • 41. Too Soon After Death?

    15/03/2016 Duration: 46min

    How long should you wait after your loved one crosses over to consult a medium? Is there a rule? Why should you wait at all??? Kate contradicts some common rhetoric from other mediums here drawing on her experience with animal and people spirits. [...]

  • 40: Guest! Ellie and Fun with Psychics!

    01/03/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    Yay it’s Ellie!  Ellie and Kate have been friends since 2009, and Ellie was the very first friend supporter of Kate’s “psychic coming out!”  Hear stories from the very early days of Kate being psychic in her local community, Ellie’s own energy stories and experiences with Animal Communication! *** Kate Sitka is an Animal Communicator & Spirit Medium located in Tofino, BC.  Learn all about her work and her services at Twitter! @tofinopsychic  Facebook!  Kate Sitka

  • 39: Ethics for a Safe Practice!

    17/02/2016 Duration: 38min

    It’s been a while since we’ve talked about how to guide yourself through an ethical and safe supernatural experience for everyone!  We talk about respect in animal communication, how to NOT be inadvertently rude with your energy, and how to take responsibility for the impact YOU have upon the world! *** Kate Sitka is an Animal Communicator & Spirit Medium located in Tofino, BC.  Learn all about her work and her services at Twitter! @tofinopsychic  Facebook!  Kate Sitka

  • 38. Real Life Demons!

    07/02/2016 Duration: 41min

    Kate has been keeping this one under her hat for a couple of years - we’re talking REAL LIFE DEMONS!   Yep, we’re not kidding!  We are talking real life, incarnated destructive people.  We have all dealt with them, and we’ve certainly asked ourselves, “What is the point of such evil in the world?” What are they doing in our lives?  Why do they behave this way?  Why are they incarnated as regular human beings? And most importantly, what can we do about it??? *** Kate Sitka is a Spirit Medium & Animal Communicator located in Tofino, BC.  Learn all about her services and her blog at Twitter!  @tofinopsychic  Facebook! Kate Sitka

  • 37. Timelines!

    26/01/2016 Duration: 38min

    Happy New Year! We’re talking about incarnation Timelines!  Can you go back and re-live a different scenario of your life?  Do you relive all of it, multiple times?  Do you, as some folks are now theorizing, in fact live out *every possibility*?   Kat [...]

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