Joyful Telepathy

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 68:14:38
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Psychic Development and Animal Communication


  • 75: Andrea Pt 2

    15/01/2019 Duration: 01h46min

    Andrea Pt 2

  • 74: Andrea Part 1

    08/01/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Hello friends!  Today we pick up our theme of discussing smudging and other ways we could be *harming ourselves and others* with my good friend Andrea Sexton Dumas! Andrea Sexton Dumas, MA, CCHT is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, highly sensitive person, entrepreneur and digital preservationist based in the Oakland-SF Bay Area of Northern California (traditional land of the Ohlone).  You can connect with Andrea directly at *** Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on Enroll in Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit!

  • Happy Holidays & Animal Update!

    18/12/2018 Duration: 17min

    Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on Enroll in Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit! *** Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! This is just a quick hello, recorded spontaneously at lunch time while I was hanging out with some wild animals including eagles, mergansers and a harbour seal I call Charlie! I have a fabulous conversation waiting for you in the New Year!   Talk to you then!

  • 72: Dr. Lana Pt 2

    11/12/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    Kate continues her conversation with Dr. Lana   *** Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on Enroll in Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit!

  • 71: Dr. Lana Pt 1

    04/12/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    My Friends!  It is with great pride and joy that I give you my conversation with Dr. Lana! Dr. Lana  is herself a psychic-medium AND she holds a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology.  She is currently serving as  a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Clinical Psychology. Suffice to say, Dr. Lana is straight up overqualified to speak on cultural appropriation, and I'm SO grateful she was happy to have this conversation with me, and help me to tackle some of the *crazy* feedback I received on my original post and video. You may recall, last May I wrote this blog post, and later posted this video, entitled "Why I No Longer Smudge." I knew I'd get some push-back from it, and I was STILL surprised at how much I received, and what these folks had the nerve to say!  Well, Dr. Lana is helping me to tackle the spackle in our two-part conversation, posted on the Joyful Telepathy Podcast! Part 1 has been posted, and Part 2 will come out NEXT TUESDAY! *** Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Me

  • 70: Freddie Mercury Afterlife Interview!

    01/08/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on Enroll in Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit! *** Hey everyone!  It's Freddie Mercury! When a documentary popped up on YouTube shortly after the ad for the new movie, Queen, I clicked.  My wife and I watched together, and before long, I was talking to Freddie Mercury! I decided to run upstairs and grab my MP3 recorder, so that we could capture this conversation. Here, my friends, is our conversation with the late, great, Freddie Mercury! *** You can follow me on facebook, twitter, and instagram!      

  • 69: Do Animals Have Spirit Guides?

    28/06/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on Enroll in Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit! *** I have just uploaded the first Q & A from one of your fellow friends in learning!  Carrie has asked:   "Do Animals Have Spirit Guides?" This was such a great question I was kicking myself under my desk - I couldn't BELIEVE I hadn't thought to address this before!  I decided to share the answer to this question publically!  I hope you enjoy it! You can follow me on facebook, twitter, and instagram!

  • The Course is ready for you!

    14/05/2018 Duration: 01min

    Telepathic Communication with Animals and Spirit is more than a course, it's a doorway to a whole new world, a pathway to spiritual growth.  Learn more here:    

  • 67: Stephanie McColl, retired animal communicator shares her journey!

    07/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Medium.   This podcast is an extension of her blog,! You can book a session with Kate on *** Wonderful friends!  I have launched my course:  Telepathic Communication with Animals and Spirit! Whether you are a beginner to animal communication or spirit mediumship, Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spiritmakes the core of what I have covered with ALL of my past students more accessible to YOU! ​After *years* of working on my own teaching textbook, I was given the perfect opportunity to share everything with you in a far better way than I had imagined! Enroll now and lock in your price!  The course is already expanding and alumni will be entitled to *all new course expansions* such as workbooks, additional lectures, and discounts on one-to-one mentoring sessions with Kate! Telepathic Communication with Animals and Spirit will never be more affordable than it is *right now*!   You can enroll today, right

  • Announcing THE CLASS!

    07/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    Wonderful friends!  I have launched my course:  Telepathic Communication with Animals and Spirit! Whether you are a beginner to animal communication or spirit mediumship, Telepathic Communication with Animals & Spirit makes the core of what I have covered with ALL of my past students more accessible to YOU! Absolute beginner?  - That's Wonderful! The program is designed to start at the very beginning, and we build a strong foundation before progressing on to *actual psychic work*.  Beginners often have an easier time and progress faster than people who have prior experience, because we lay the foundation for a SAFE practice right away, so you are prepared for your first paranormal experiences!  Already kind of psychic?  - That's Fabulous! I have *so much* to share with you that will help you with really common challenges such as:  Sleep disturbances / unwanted visitations / frequently waking up in the night! Stalled progress - done the meditations, why isn't it working?   Over - sensitivity to other'

  • 66: Talking to Animals 101 with Jessica

    13/02/2018 Duration: 01h58min

    The animal communication discussion in this episode was inspired by an email with questions from Kate’s guest Jessica   Kate is back after a couple of months recovering from surgery   Kate is working on creating an intuitive development course   Animal communication is a skill that needs to be developed to be used in a healthy way   When you live on an intuitive and telepathic level, the work can sometimes feel overwhelming   It’s your interest and your love that ultimately makes the communication connection   Figure out what your strengths are and operate within them   Set boundaries and verbalize them to defend your energy   You have the free [...]

  • 65: Another Wonderful Conversation with Isabella and Samba

    31/10/2017 Duration: 02h24min

    Isabella and Samba return to the podcast.   Connect with Isabella   Isabella Allard   Awaken to Brilliance podcast   Isabella on Instagram     *****   Kate Sitka is an Animal Communicator & Spirit Medium located in Tofino, BC      

  • 64: Dear David

    05/09/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Recorded on Aug 31st, 2017   This episode is inspired by The Dear David Story shared on Storify from Adam Ellis.   Dear David on Storify   Adam Ellis is a storyteller, illustrator, and author. Kate doesn’t fear for him Kate shares why she thinks this is a ghost story, rather than a haunting. Kudos to Adam for including legitimate haunting phenomena because the consistencies lend legitimacy to his story. Sleep Paralysis is when you’re consciou [...]

  • 63: Karel and Her Fabulous Birds

    29/08/2017 Duration: 01h48min

    Kate shares an animal communication session with Karel and her three rescue birds.   Meet Karel’s three birds: Sugar is a Cockatoo Ruby is an African Grey Parrot Hanna is a Green Cheeked Amazon   Karel writes the Peace with My Life blog   Ruby is an excellent communicator and gives Kate a download of her knowledge and experience.   Sugar is very intense and shouts when communicating.  

  • 62: Isabella and Dancing Samba Pt 2

    22/08/2017 Duration: 55min

    Kate continues her conversation with Isabella and Samba   Listen to Part 1 if you haven’t heard it!   More horses join the conversation!   Meet Omega and “Friend”   Samba would like humans to understand that we all affect each other energetically   Friend has many past lives being a war horse on the mainland of Europe   Friend specializes in human conflict and helping humans not fear death   Message from friend - It is better to be confident than to be nervous   [...]

  • 61: Isabella and Dancing Samba Pt. 1

    15/08/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Kate is joined by Isabella Allard, host of the Awaken Your Brilliance podcast, and Samba the magnificent black Lusitano stallion.   Isabella’s mission is to empower people to activate their own innate brilliance and awaken to the brilliance of life itself. Samba helps humans who are moving through a very dark place. Kate shares her experience of riding her spirit horse Prince. Samba wants people to understand that animals are more than farm animals and decoration.  Horses have a powerful spiritual presence in your life if you’re willing to open up to what they have to say. Your soul doesn’t evolve, it involves - You are already the “all that is”

  • 60: Hillary and Her Horses

    21/03/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode, Kate talks to Hillary Schneider about how she uses horses as facilitation partners with her coaching clients.   Hillary has combined her love of horses and passion for coaching to create a ranch retreat experience for her clients.   Horses are intuitive.   Because horses are “prey” animals, they must be hypersensitive about what is coming into their environment.   Horses are reading our energy all the time.

  • 59: Special Guest! Hamilton the Pig Pt. 2

    14/03/2017 Duration: 52min

    In this episode, Hamilton returns from a quick trip outside to resume his conversation with Kate.   Hamilton informs Rusty the Cat that Kate is talking to him Hamilton thinks that “Pigs are special. Cat’s aren’t special.” Rusty love Hamilton. Hamilton likes poop. The conversation turns to how Hamilton feels about his environment and what he would like to see added Why it’s better to use saline than water to clean eyes Hamilton lays out step by step how he would like to have his eyes cleaned Trusting the info we gain through our “felt” intutive sense < [...]

  • 58: Special Guest! Hamilton the Pig Pt. 1

    07/03/2017 Duration: 47min

    This is Part 1 of Kate’s two-part interview with Hamilton the Pig.   The strong will and protective characteristics of pigs Listen to the Fancy Pet’s episode to hear Kate’s impression of a pig Rupert the Cat’s obsession with Hamilton the Pig How Kate prepared to meet Hamilton The story of how Hamilton’s mom, Cassandra, found him on Facebook Be aware of the energy you are sharing with an animal when you are talking about eating them How Hamilton prefers to be greeted by people

  • 57: Healing Communities and Ourselves

    14/02/2017 Duration: 58min

    Kate is booked out 6 months in advance - Thank you blog members!   Sign up to become a blog member!  Click Here!   Kate talks about her trip to the union convention, and how the union is about taking care of people.   Kate shares her own personal experience about being bullied at work, as well as another story she heard about union workers stepping up to protect a co-worker.   Kate’s union teaches you the rights you have and what tools you have to support each other.  

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