Joyful Telepathy

71: Dr. Lana Pt 1



My Friends!  It is with great pride and joy that I give you my conversation with Dr. Lana! Dr. Lana  is herself a psychic-medium AND she holds a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology.  She is currently serving as  a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Clinical Psychology. Suffice to say, Dr. Lana is straight up overqualified to speak on cultural appropriation, and I'm SO grateful she was happy to have this conversation with me, and help me to tackle some of the *crazy* feedback I received on my original post and video. You may recall, last May I wrote this blog post, and later posted this video, entitled "Why I No Longer Smudge." I knew I'd get some push-back from it, and I was STILL surprised at how much I received, and what these folks had the nerve to say!  Well, Dr. Lana is helping me to tackle the spackle in our two-part conversation, posted on the Joyful Telepathy Podcast! Part 1 has been posted, and Part 2 will come out NEXT TUESDAY! *** Kate Sitka is a professional Animal Communicator and Spirit Me