Business, Branding and Building is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now.
Elevate Your Private Practice with Nathalie Garcia, Co-Founder of Practice Better
22/07/2019 Duration: 40minNathalie Garcia is a Holistic Nutritionist and Co-Founder of Practice Better, a Practice Management Platform created specifically for nutrition-based health and wellness practitioners like you. She understands first-hand what it means to start and run a Health and Wellness Practice, having faced many of the same challenges of finding a balance between being consistent with clients and managing the back-end work that goes into running a wellness practice. When Nathalie couldn’t find an affordable solution to meet her needs, she was inspired to create Practice Better. Today, Practice Better helps thousands of practitioners automate their workflow so they can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time helping clients reach their health goals. In this episode, we cover: How Nathalie initially developed Practice Better. What an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is and what makes Practice Better unique. How to incorporate coaching and client accountability in your nutrition practice using Practice Bett
Your Zone of Genius
15/07/2019 Duration: 21minIn today’s episode, I talk about being in your “zone of genius” - a concept from the book, The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I take a deep dive into what it means to be in your “zone of genius” in your business. In this episode, I cover: What it means to be in your “zone of genius” in your business. The zone of incompetence, competence, excellence, and genius. Examples of how to use this strategy in your business. How to delegate tasks that aren’t in your “zone of genius”. The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram @libbyrothschild Libby on Facebook Check out Libby’s programs for Dietitians Contact Libby via email
Owning Your Niche by Letting Go
08/07/2019 Duration: 23minIn today’s episode, I talk about letting go in order to grow your business. I go over what it really means to own your niche in a way that can help you exceed all of your goals and break through your limiting beliefs. In this episode, I cover: My personal experience with letting go of things I like in my business in order to fully own my niche and reach my goals. How my “imposter syndrome” has evolved over time and where I am now. How I chose between my passions to focus on growing my business Client examples - how some of my clients have tackled owning their niche Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram @libbyrothschild Libby on Facebook Check out Libby’s programs for Dietitians Contact Libby via email
Owning Your Niche with Erin Judge, RDN
01/07/2019 Duration: 20minErin Judge is a Registered Dietitian with a virtual practice that is specialized in IBS and the low FODMAP diet. Her passion to help women with IBS comes from her personal experience and her professional knowledge of how to manage IBS symptoms through diet and lifestyle. In this episode, we cover: How Erin struggled with niching down when she first started her career as a dietitian. How she developed a new Instagram strategy after niching down and dramatically grew her Instagram following and engagement. The actions that Erin is investing in her business’s growth, elevating her 1:1 approach, and embracing mentorship in her field. The importance of delegation and building a team when you’re growing your business. Guest Resources: Connect with Erin on Instagram Download Erin’s (FREE) Low FODMAP Cooking Guide More Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram
Finding Joy & Breaking Into Your Dream Career with Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, CSSD
24/06/2019 Duration: 24minDawn Jackson Blatner is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics. Not only is Dawn the nutrition consultant for the Chicago Cubs, she is also a food and nutrition blogger with Huffington Post, a nutrition expert on the advisory board of SHAPE Magazine, a trusted expert appearing regularly in local and national media outlets, and the author of two award-winning books: The Flexitarian Diet and The Superfood Swap. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Dawn recently starred in the ABC TV show called, My Diet Is Better Than Yours - and won! In this episode, we cover: How Dawn finds joy in her job and what that means to her. How Dawn started working in the media. Why joy and fun enhance your ability to be successful in your career. What “active manifestation is” and how to use active manifestation to break into your dream job. Guest Resources: Connect with DJ on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Download Dawn’s (FREE) meal planning template More Resources from Li
Niching Down and Scaling Your Business with Tallene Hacatoryan MS, RD, CLT
03/06/2019 Duration: 23minTallene Hacatoryan, MS, RD, CLT is a Registered Dietitian with PCOS who has made a membership site to support women in managing their PCOS symptoms and losing weight by implementing a gluten and dairy free diet. She offers one-on-one coaching as well as support via the articles and courses on her site. In this episode, we cover: How niching down to PCOS women has changed Tallene’s business and brought more clients Reservations Tallene had while she was niching down Tallene talks about the success of her PCOS course and how it has evolved into a membership The key elements that helped Tallene scale her business Guest Resources: The Cysterhood QUIZ: What type of PCOS do you have? COURSE: 3-Steps to PCOS Weight Loss Connect with Tallene on Instagram @pcos.weightloss More Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram @libbyrothschild Libby on Facebook Check out Libby’s programs for Dietitians C
Owning Your Brand Message with Gisela Bouvier, MBA, RDN, LDN
24/04/2019 Duration: 18minGisela Bouvier, MBA, RDN, LDN is a Corporate Wellness Dietitian with a passion for wellness and sustainable health. This conversation is a casual chat about social media, backlash, hatred, and owning your brand. Check out this blog post for a quick recap and helpful links.
How to Convert Instagram Followers into Paying Clients
15/04/2019 Duration: 35minIn this episode, I answer a question that I got in my direct messages on Instagram. "Have you done an episode on how to convert instagram followers into paying clients? I feel like you probably have. I get so many questions and I know I am reaching my target audience, but I don't feel like it's translating into paying clients from Instagram. I have some that have found me on Instagram locally, but not so much that aren't local. When people ask you questions (like I am right now) how are you getting them from your direct messages to being a paying client? I feel like a lot of people in my audience are looking for free advice on Instagram. I love helping, so it's rewarding to serve them, but it's not yielding money." Check out this blog post for a quick recap of the episode and links to a few handy resources.
Significance of Social Media
25/03/2019 Duration: 25minOn today's episode, I talk about a topic that's been coming up often lately: the significance of being on social media. I go over why it's important, why you need to do it, and what you can get out of building your social media presence. Check out the blog post for this episode for a recap and links to resources.
I Quit My Job
13/03/2019 Duration: 20minI'm now a full time online business coach! In today's episode, I walk you through how and why I left my full time clinical nutrition job for my online business. RESOURCES: Visit this episode's blog post for a quick recap and resources. Sign up for my free 3-Day Video Course Series Want new leads for your nutrition business? Download my freebie here. Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
13/02/2019 Duration: 12minYou know I like to keep it real with you. On today's episode, I'm opening up to you about mistakes. RESOURCES: Want new leads for your nutrition business? Download my freebie here. Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
Visualize Growth with Rachel Goodman
11/02/2019 Duration: 48minOn today's episode, I sit down with Rachel Goodman, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with an intuitive eating and health at every size approach. Rachel helps other moms heal their relationship with food and find health and happiness. Rachel and I talk in depth about how visualizing growth and success can make a huge difference in what you achieve in your business. RESOURCES: Rachel Good Nutrition Connect with Rachel on Instagram Want new leads for your nutrition business? Download my freebie here. Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
Are you coachable?
04/02/2019 Duration: 18minToday's episode of Wellness Business is all about coaching. What is coaching? Why do you need it? Are you coachable? If not, what can you do about it? Want new leads for your nutrition business? Download my freebie here. Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
She Got a Book Deal From Social Media
23/01/2019 Duration: 17minNicole Hallissey is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), author, speaker and the gal behind Worksite Wellness Nutrition. Today, Nicole and I go into how she got a book deal from social media! Connect with Nicole on Instagram: @worksitewellness 5 Healthy and Affordable Workday Lunches Under $30: The Truly Healthy Pescatarian Cookbook: 75 Fresh & Delicious Recipes to Maintain a Healthy Weight: Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
Bartering Services in Wellness Business
16/01/2019 Duration: 09minWellness Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here. Checkout my online course, Beat the Algorithm, here. Download my Instagram Tip Sheet here. IG: @wellness.bizcoach Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
5 Business Lessons Learned in 2018
07/01/2019 Duration: 34minNutrition Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here IG: @nutrition_business Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
What's your money story?
17/12/2018 Duration: 23minNutrition Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here IG: @nutrition_business Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
Life beyond the priority matrix: 7 tips for how I manage my business
12/11/2018 Duration: 32minNutrition Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here IG: @nutrition_business Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
From $250 an hour to $1500 an hour: This is my rate
05/11/2018 Duration: 31minNutrition Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here IG: @nutrition_business Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild
Framework for niching down
29/10/2018 Duration: 29minNutrition Business is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now. Download my free priority matrix here IG: @nutrition_business Youtube: LibbyRothschild Email: Website: Copyright 2018 © Libby Rothschild