Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

Owning Your Niche with Erin Judge, RDN



Erin Judge is a Registered Dietitian with a virtual practice that is specialized in IBS and the low FODMAP diet. Her passion to help women with IBS comes from her personal experience and her professional knowledge of how to manage IBS symptoms through diet and lifestyle.  In this episode, we cover: How Erin struggled with niching down when she first started her career as a dietitian. How she developed a new Instagram strategy after niching down and dramatically grew her Instagram following and engagement.  The actions that Erin is investing in her business’s growth, elevating her 1:1 approach, and embracing mentorship in her field.  The importance of delegation and building a team when you’re growing your business. Guest Resources: Connect with Erin on Instagram Download Erin’s (FREE) Low FODMAP Cooking Guide More Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram