Business, Branding and Building is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Libby Rothschild, MS, RD CPT. The conversations are structured to inspire and provide direction to Nutrition and/or Fitness Professionals who want to make a lasting impact among their niche and manage multiple streams of income. If you identify as a high performing lifelong learner, then listen, write a review and take action in your business right now.
Why Your Tribe Matters
16/12/2019 Duration: 19minDo you ever find yourself looking at other dietitian’s successes and wondering how they got there? Are you trying to get started on your own while working your clinical job wondering if you will ever be able to quit? In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss as we are finishing up 2019 and ready to bring in 2020, Libby is breaking down how her clients achieve this every day. “No matter our experiences, opinions or outlook we are all women” –Tribe of Women In today’s episode: Common topics Libby hears from other female dietitians. Reflections on past episodes from current and previous clients. The 3 categories she uses to breakdown and help get her clients visible. How collaborations, inspiration and helping your colleagues benefits everyone and builds your tribe. Tips you can use to support, encourage and build each other up. Tips on finding a mentor and what to look for. Free Resources from Libby Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian
Advance your career by first investing in your passion with Kerry McCarthy
13/12/2019 Duration: 26minDo you have a passion that you know helps people? Are you currently or previously helping people with the same things for free wondering if you can make a career out of it? Guess what you are not alone and the answer is “YES”! You can turn your passion into a career you love. In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Kerry McCarthy MS RD. Kerry has a private practice in Fort Lauderdale helping women with eating disorders and disorders eating. We are breaking down how to go from “Passion” to “Career” and begin to love the life you are living. “The reason I do what I do is I believe in it.” – Kerry McCarthy In today’s episode… How to get used to taking money for services and knowing you deserve it. What finally helped her believe she deserved to be paid for her services? How she learned to go with the times Getting people to relate to her by putting herself out there. When she finally had that break through working with Libby. How she knew it was time to delegate so she could focus on what sh
Developing a Unique Brand with Maggie Michalczyk, RDN
02/12/2019 Duration: 30minMaggie Michalczyk is a registered dietitian nutritionist, media dietitian, and recipe developer who stands out on social media by positioning herself as all things pumpkin. Maggie also offers personalized coaching for nutrition. In this episode, we discuss: How Maggie decided to use pumpkins to help her position herself as unique. How Maggie leverages “off season” to stay relevant when it’s not pumpkin season. Maggie’s visibility strategy. How Maggie connects and networks with other dietitians. Maggie’s experience working in PR and how it’s molded her nutrition communication knowledge. Tips for developing relationships with brands you want to work with. Guest Resources: Connect with Maggie on Facebook and Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coaching Programs for Dietitians Libby's Self-study Options for Dietitians
Dealing With Stress and Building Your Business As A Type A Personality with Jess Serdikoff
29/11/2019 Duration: 25minIn today’s episode the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes Jessica Serdikoff, RDN. Jess Serdikoff is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and coach for fellow RDs. Her background in mentoring nutrition students, dietetic interns, and new RDs showed her how many future and current dietitians struggle with the same perfectionism and lack of confidence she, herself felt when she was new to the field. Drawing from her passions in intuitive living and personal connection, she now specializes in empowering new RDs with three years of experience or less diffuse stress and build confidence so they can finally start turning their vision for themselves and their lives, personally and professionally into reality. Connect with her on Instagram at @empowering.dietitians! In this episode, we discuss: How being a Type A personality was holding her back. 3:35 Deciding to shift away from traditional nutrition counseling to help other dietitians. 5:15 The importance of implementing self care and time management techniques. 5:39 C
Freelance Nutrition Writing with Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD
25/11/2019 Duration: 19minIn today's episode of Dietitian Boss we welcome Ana Reisdorf. Ana has 12 years of experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist. She has a passion for creating incredible health and nutrition content. Her main focus is writing evidence based, authority building content for nutrition and health brands. She is the author of The Lupus Cookbook and The Anti-Inflammatory Diet One-Pot Cookbook, When she’s not at her laptop, she can be found wrangling her unruly boys and loving life in Nashville, Tennessee. In this episode, we discuss: How Ana got started as a nutrition writer. Ana’s monetary success and Income expectations for nutrition writers. Why Ana started her Facebook group and how she works with other dietitians who want to get into writing. Ana’s experience creating her own course for nutrition writers. The most common barriers that dietitians face when starting out as a nutrition writer. The commoditization of blog posts and what that means for nutrition writers Guest Resources: www.anareisdorf.c
Growing Your Brand Even With A Small Instagram Feed With Melissa Landry RDN
18/11/2019 Duration: 26minIn today’s episode, I interview Melissa Landry RDN. Melissa is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who lives in Boston with her husband Dave and Dog Lucy. Melissa’s mission is to create a world where all women feel free to live in their bodies and be who they are without guilt. In this episode, we discuss: How niching down her business and message got her where she is today. How she conquered her fears of what others would think. Her approach to using Instagram as a business tool in the beginning and as she has grown. When she figured out you don’t need to know everything. Why the Food Freedom message resonates with her and how she keeps going. How she uses Instagram for qualified leads and knowing what to say to them. Guest Resources: Connect with Melissa Landry Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coaching Programs for Dietitians Libby's S
Work Smarter, Not Harder with Michelle Shapiro, RD
11/11/2019 Duration: 29minIn today’s episode I interview Michelle Shapiro, integrative registered dietitian, owner of Michelle Shapiro, RD Nutrition, and director of wellness for Fit Lore, a corporate wellness company. In this episode, we discuss: Michelle’s personal journey with wellness. The different types of jobs that Michelle has worked as a dietitian. How Michelle started her private practice while working a full time job. Overcoming rejection from clients when making sales. The role of listening in the development of Michelle’s positive mindset How Michelle got to the point where she can choose the clients she works with. The difference between working hard and working smart. Guest Resources: Connect with Michelle on Facebook and Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coaching Programs for Dietitians Libby's Self-study Options for Dietitians
Overcoming Fear of Social Media to Grow Your Business. Sarika Shah, MS, RDN
04/11/2019 Duration: 22minIn today’s episode, I interview Sarika Shah, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Sarika has taught at San Jose State and Diablo Valley Community College before becoming the Indian.Nutritionist. In this episode, we discuss: Transitioning into her own business and finding her niche. Figuring out how to niche down using modern platforms. Changing from random to intentional posting and putting herself out there and how the feedback keeps her going. How the clarity of her feed has impacted her business. How she manages her business with 2 almost teenagers. Guest Resources: Connect with Sarika on Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coaching Programs for Dietitians Libby's Self-study Options for Dietitians More podcast episodes Instagram @libbyrothschild Libby on Facebook Check out Libby’s programs for Die
Combining your passions to niche down with Amanda Sauceda RDN
21/10/2019 Duration: 31minIn today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes Amanda Sauceda RDN, Amanda is a registered dietitian in Long Beach, CA helping women with digestive issues find foods they love that don’t make them run to the bathroom or feel bloated all day. Amanda is certified in multiple areas including Reiki allowing her to help women in many areas. In this episode, we discuss: How Amanda niched down by learning to help herself and family members with their digestive issues. Her discovery of LEAP while she was still a student and how it helped her Advancing past the crossroads and learning to talk to one person instead of multiple people.. Her process of knowing her niche and then digging deeper. How she used her multiple certifications to combine her passions. How she found Reiki and the energy shift that it gave her. Guest Resources: Connect with Amanda on Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with t
Increase Diversity in the Nutrition Field with Tamara Melton, RDN
14/10/2019 Duration: 23minIn today’s episode, I interview Tamara Melton, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and co-founder of Diversify Dietetics. Diversify Dietetics is a non-profit organization that aims to increase diversity in the field of nutrition by empowering students and young professionals from underrepresented minority groups to join the next generation of nutrition experts. In this episode, we discuss: The origin story of Diversify Dietetics and what inspired Tamara to co-found this nonprofit organization. The role of Diversify Dietetics in Member Interest Groups (MIGs), groups of Academy members who have a common interest. How social media supports her mission of increasing diversity in the field of nutrition and dietetics. The programs and resources (mentoring program, educator webinars, career center, handouts, etc.) offered by Diversify Dietetics. Guest Resources: Connect with Diversify Dietetics on Facebook and Instagram Check out Feed Me the Facts, the podcast created especia
Using Instagram Marketing in Your Nutrition Virtual Private Practice Bonnie Roney, RDN
07/10/2019 Duration: 33minIn today’s episode, I interview Bonnie Roney, RDN. Bonnie helps women find food freedom so they can enjoy food again without stress and guilt. In this episode, we discuss: How Bonnie uses Instagram marketing to market and sell in her private practice. Bonnie’s tips for using Instagram and connecting with her community. What helped Bonnie go from scared to execution when it comes to using video on Instagram. Bonnie’s journey overcoming fear and niching down. How to create high quality Instagram content for your private practice. Bonnie’s tips for side hustlers struggling with things like the comparison trap and time management. How Bonnie balances work and personal life and how a significant other can be a major source of support. Guest Resources: Connect with Bonnie on Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coaching Programs fo
Providing Value on Instagram with Heather DiBiasi, MS, RDN
23/09/2019 Duration: 26minToday’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes Heather DiBiasi, MS, RDN. Heather is a virtual registered dietitian nutritionist based in New York who specializes in helping women lose weight with her low carb approach. In this episode, we discuss: What Heather does in her virtual nutrition private practice and how her business has evolved. How Heather transitioned her private practice from in-person to virtual. How to grow your business and build a name for yourself while working another job. Providing value and building your “know, like, and trust” using Instagram. How Heather identified her niche and how it’s evolved over time. Benefits of offering a package and how Heather developed her own packages. Guest Resources: Connect with Heather on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook Libby's Instagram Course for Dietitians Check out Libby's Coachi
Networking and Building Visibility with Dawn Jackson Blatner
16/09/2019 Duration: 34minToday’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes back Dawn Blatner, RD, CSSD to discuss networking and building visibility to grow her business. Dawn Jackson Blatner is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics. Not only is Dawn the nutrition consultant for the Chicago Cubs, she is also a food and nutrition blogger with Huffington Post, a nutrition expert on the advisory board of SHAPE Magazine, a trusted expert appearing regularly in local and national media outlets, and the author of two award-winning books: The Flexitarian Diet and The Superfood Swap. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Dawn recently starred in the ABC TV show called, My Diet Is Better Than Yours - and won! In this episode, we discuss: How Dawn uses the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) as a business opportunity. The importance of being prepared to network before going to the conference. Why Dawn goes into FNCE with a plan, but stays open to all of the possibilities. How to leverage Dietet
Growing a Virtual Nutrition Private Practice in a Lifecycle Niche with Ryann Kipping
09/09/2019 Duration: 24minIn today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast I talk with Ryann Kipping, RDN, CLEC about her journey of niching down and growing The Prenatal Nutritionist, her virtual nutrition private practice. Ryann is a clinically trained Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Lactation Educator. She is the founder of The Prenatal Nutritionist, a virtual nutrition private practice, which focuses on preparing women for pregnancy and mastering nutrition during and after pregnancy. She helps women feel confident in their ability to properly nourish a growing baby through a real food approach. Aside from one on one nutrition counseling, Ryann is a nutrition writer, menu developer, and recipe creator. In this episode, we discuss: Ryann's journey niching down to prenatal nutrition. How Ryann uses Instagram to grow her online business. Ryann's experience getting a book deal through Instagram. The importance of consistency when growing a virtual nutrition private practice. Why Ryann offers meal plans and tips for di
Building a Strong Social Media Presence with Colleen Christensen, RD
02/09/2019 Duration: 34minIn today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast I talk with Colleen Christensen, RD about her journey of building a strong social media presence. Colleen is a registered dietitian specializing in helping women overcome restrictive food rules and disordered eating. She helps them feel comfortable eating the foods that they want, when they want, without guilt stress or anxiety; inspiring them to live the lives they’re worthy of on their term-not by their food rules. In addition to working 1:1 with clients Colleen has created a community of Food Rule Breakers inside of her e-course and runs a successful food blog where she shares delicious and nourishing recipes. In this episode, we discuss: Colleen’s tips for using social media in your online business How Colleen manages growing her business and developing her brand while working a full time job. The importance of time management and setting boundaries. How Colleen created a digital course and what she learned along the way. Why Colleen created a premium off
Communicating Your Message Effectively with Brittany Woodard, RD
26/08/2019 Duration: 29minIn today’s episode I interview Brittany Woodard, a Registered Dietitian and married mom of two little girls. Brittany works full time at a behavioral health hospital that specializes in eating disorders while she grows her body positive mom private practice. In her private practice, Brittany helps moms feel confident in their bodies and find food freedom by using cognitive behavioral therapy. In this episode, we discuss: What it’s like to work full time, grow a private practice, be married, and raise two kids. The importance of authenticity when growing your private practice. How cognitive behavioural therapy plays a role in the work that Brittany does in helping the moms that she impacts. Tips for listeners who might lack consistency or clarity with their messaging. How to navigate fear, mental roadblocks, and limiting beliefs. How niching down has impacted Brittany and her business. Guest Resources: The Body Positive Mom Online Course Apply to work with me one on one! See details on my website! Con
Building Community Around Your Business with Lauren Smith, RD
19/08/2019 Duration: 24minToday’s guest is Lauren Smith, RD. At just 25 years old, Lauren is the owner of Sorority Nutritionist - an online nutrition coaching business that specializes in helping sorority alumni lose weight, gain confidence, and ditch dieting forever. In this episode, we discuss: How Lauren niched down in her online business. The strategies that were most helpful to Lauren when she was starting out in her niche. The importance of being authentic and sharing your story when building a community surrounding your business. How Lauren uses social media to engage with her community. Guest Resources: Connect with Lauren on Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook More podcast episodes Instagram @libbyrothschild Libby on Facebook Check out Libby’s programs for Dietitians Contact Libby via email
Starting your Practice as a Student with Hilary Downey
12/08/2019 Duration: 31minToday’s guest is Hilary Downey, a senior at the University of Central Arkansas. Hilary will be graduating in December 2019 with a double major in nutrition and psychology and then go on to complete her dietetic internship. As the owner of Hilary’s Balanced Lifestyle, she helps women all over the world reach their health goals and lose weight while eating the foods they enjoy. Hilary uses 1:1 coaching focused on flexible dieting and long-term behavior change, virtual group challenges, and works in gyms to help members develop healthy habits. She also gives local and national talks to small organizations and businesses. In this episode, we discuss: What inspired Hilary to start her entrepreneurial journey so early on in her career. Connecting your higher purpose with your message and the importance of authenticity. Advice for students or new dietitians who are too scared to get started. Importance of networking online and in-person. What keeps Hilary motivated when life gets hectic. The role of time manageme
Food Product Development with Founder and CEO of Uplift Food, Kara Landau, RD
05/08/2019 Duration: 29minIn today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast I talk with Kara Landau, aka the “Travelling Dietitian." Kara is an Australian prebiotic gut health expert dietitian, author, innovator and presenter. Kara is also the founder and CEO of Uplift Food - a functional food brand to focus exclusively on the mood supportive benefits of gut healthy prebiotic fibers and resistant starches. In this episode, we discuss: How Kara launched Uplift Food and how it has evolved over time. What motivated Kara to establish her food company, Uplift Food. Kara's tips for dietitians who are interested in food product. How Kara developed the business skills that facilitated her to launch and run her own business. Guest Resources: Check out UpLift Food on Facebook and Instagram Connect with Kara on Facebook and Instagram Resources from Libby: Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice? Get more clients with this free ebook. More podcast episodes Instagram
Leveraging Technology to Optimize Your Client’s Experience with Claire Bodtke
29/07/2019 Duration: 18minIn today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast I talk with Claire Bodtke, a practice implementation expert who makes the tech back-end work when it comes to setting up systems. Claire has nine years experience in the private medical marketing sector, and knows how to be the voice of customers – including practitioners and patients. Her passion for understanding new technology affords her the ability to implement various medical software into each unique practice model. Claire's skills range from website development to patient acquisition and marketing, to concierge medicine conversions. Claire has held officer, manager, training, support and sales roles at companies including LivingMatrix, n1health, Office Suites PLUS and Landmark Properties. She is a graduate of J. Sergeant Reynolds College in Richmond, VA. With her Ritz Carlton Gold Standard training and delightful personality, she presents the Patient Experience: Leveraging Technology in a Patient Centric Practice to practitioners all over the country.