2marines 1mic

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 61:22:43
  • More information



2Marines1Mic is a personal development podcast that focuses on mindset, fitness, and valuable lessons learned. Wade and Phil take their Marine Corps experiences and relate them to everyday life, business, and daily practices so that you too can operate on a higher level.


  • This is Your Life Now. #41 With Anthony Trucks

    21/01/2019 Duration: 38min

    Here's Anthony's story, it's gnarly, gritty, and it's real. Overcoming adversity is an understatement when we look back into the early years of his life. But it doesn't stop there. With a family, new career and an "Own it" mindset, he'll inspire and encourage you no matter what your excuse is.

  • Staying Connected. #40 With Judy Weaver and Brian Thornsberry

    14/01/2019 Duration: 41min

    #40!! We have Judy Weaver, the Founder of CONNECTED WARRIORS, and Brian Thornsberry, their Director of Operations. We get into the importance of staying connected; not only with each other, but with ourselves. One breath at a time.

  • You Need A Process. #39 With Dan Newberry

    07/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    #39, the first episode of 2019! We're talking about fitness and having a process! Dan Newberry is the CEO of the 22 Fitness Foundation, a non-profit organization to bring Veterans together through exercise. A MUST LISTEN to start off 2019!!

  • Keep Starting Fires. #38 Featuring Donny O'Malley

    31/12/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    #38 brings, not only the creation story of VET TV but, some of the creative and administrative hiccups of starting a profitable business and a separate, incredible, non-profit. A former Marine Corps Captain, Donny has the exact equation to reach an emotional cord with the Veteran Community through Vet TV's Military Parodies. This episode is a little more explicit than some of our previous episodes but the message is stronger too. MOD: Strive everyday to become more open and accountable with the people you love most.... Call your Grandma. Donny O'Malley: Veterantv.tv @vet_tv @donnyomalley

  • Goal Setting 101. #37

    24/12/2018 Duration: 37min

    2019 is upon us!! What will you change this year? Better yet, HOW will you change it? Do you know where you're going? Dive in with us as we talk about failure, missed opportunity, and wasted potential. Goal Setting 101 will give you the tools you need to body slam 2019!! Who's in?! MOD: Start writing your goals down daily!!!

  • Earn It. #36 Featuring Scott D'Angelo

    17/12/2018 Duration: 46min

    Deep dive into the mind of Ultra Endurance Athlete, Scott D'Angelo. We get into some of his most treasured victories like the Badwater 135 and his 300 mile run from Boca Raton, FL. to Jacksonville, FL. All while digging into what keeps you going under extreme stress and pain. Quitting is not an option. Tune in for another great episode. MOD: Earn the Day. Do something that makes you feel weird. Follow Scott @scottnesss

  • Limitations Are Self-Imposed. #35 Featuring Chris Ruden

    10/12/2018 Duration: 45min

    Limitations Are Self-Imposed!! Shortest podcast description ever. this is a must listen!!! MOD: Challenge every Grievance with Gratitude. Chris Ruden: @ChrisRuden ChrisRuden.com

  • It's Your Race. #34 Featuring Eddie Pinero

    03/12/2018 Duration: 28min

    #34 we invite Eddie Pinero to join us on the show!! Eddie is a renowned TED X Speaker and the Creator of the "Your World Within" YouTube channel taking the personal-development world by storm. We've been listening and watching Eddie's content for years and it has played an instrumental role in what we are doing in our lives today. This episode is a great look at the inner workings of decision making and self-doubt. MOD: Do something that scares the shit out of you. MAKE SURE YOU FIND EDDIE @your_world_within and on Youtube, Your World Within

  • Collaboration. #33

    26/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    #33!! We talk about what it means to ACTUALLY be apart of a community and collaborate with others so that "the many" can benefit. Whether it's putting on an event, working together in an office or team, or getting on the same page as your significant other, there's always room for improvement in the collaboration arena. Empires are built through teamwork and collaboration. MOD: High Five as many random people as possible. (Sounds silly, but give it a try and see how many people respond in laughter or a positive way.)

  • Stop Acting Like You Live Twice. Ft. Justin Knowles #32

    19/11/2018 Duration: 40min

    Former Navy Seal, Justin Knowles joins us for episode #32 of the 2Marines 1Mic Podcast. Welcome to the thunder dome of military podcasts. We have been in contact with Justin for a couple of months and are absolutely inspired by the value and practical, uplifting content he shares through his platforms. We get into topics like: your inner circle, YOLO, and the importance of routine and small changes. MOD: Make a SMALLLLLL change to start your self-improvement process. 1% better each day for 100 days equals 100% better!! FOLLOW AND KEEP UP WITH JUSTIN!! Instagram: @Military Podcast: The Justin Knowles Project

  • Here I am, right where I belong. Gunny Wu #31

    12/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Super cool to have Gunnery Sergeant, Jesse Wu on the podcast. We've been in contact with him for quite some time, sending instagram videos back and forth to get our points across. Now, we cornered him for almost an entire hour!! We talk about professionalism, and other character traits we have all learned as Marines and how we continue to employ them even after we part ways with service on Active Duty. MOD: Hold the door for someone orrrrr say the proper greeting of the day to someone who has no idea who the hell you are. FOLLOW GUNNY WU on the Instagram!! @gysgtwu

  • Get Off The Couch. #30

    05/11/2018 Duration: 22min

    You can deliver the same message over and over again, in a million different ways, to the same people. It only takes one of these times for that same message to strike the cord necessary to institute change. Bottom line, get off the friggin couch!! MOD: Step out of your comfort zone. Put yourself one step closer to the ideal position you see yourself in by ignoring that little voice thats telling you you can't. YOU CAN! WE BELIEVE IN YOU. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for us!!!

  • How Many? #29

    29/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    How Many or How Much? What is it that you aren't willing to give up to become the best version of yourself? Is it a dead-end job? A bad relationship? "Friends" that are bringing you down? Or even something as little as one less episode of your favorite show? Start taking a hard look where you can exert some good energy into something positive and impactful both for you, and the people around you. YOU ARE THE EXAMPLE.

  • Indecision #28

    22/10/2018 Duration: 23min

    In #28, we get into our criteria for guests on the show. Also, we talk a little bit about failure and indecision. You have to take action one way or the other. MOD: Figure out what you need work on within yourself. Is it your body (hardware)? Or, is it your software (brain) that needs an upgrage?

  • Getting Started #27

    15/10/2018 Duration: 09min

    Once again, it's so incredible to be 27 episodes in and have such an amazing and growing community listening to us every week. In this episode Phil talks about taking the first step, getting started, and exactly what it means to put the action in. "It's not what you know. It's what you do with what you know." MOD: Break the cycle. Make a change. Get started on your true path TODAY!!

  • Impact Theory #26

    08/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    The way we make people feel is more important than what we say. How do people feel after interacting with you?? How can we get better? The goal is to make our lives and the lives of those around us better and easier; not more chaotic and confusing.

  • Help Yourself Help Yourself #25

    01/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    WOW!! 25 episodes!! We're extremely grateful for all who are listening and watching this right now! Thank you! In 25, you are the key to your success. If you don't help yourself get right first, you will be incapable of effectively helping those around you. Be the change you want to see in the world and be the leader you wish you had.

  • Overdose On Confidence. #23

    17/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    Phil and Wade deep dive in to the nitty gritty of self confidence. Phil runs away with the mic on this one. They talk about common struggles with confidence that everyone can relate to. Being confident in yourself has everything to do with how useful you are to other people. Confidence equals effectiveness. If you don’t believe that you can do a good job, how can you do a good job for somebody else? Pick out the things that you don’t like in your life and start there. MOD: Do a good fucking job at being a good person.

  • Sacrifice Everything. #22

    10/09/2018 Duration: 26min

    Sacrifice Everything.... What does that mean? is it open for interpretation? We all have things that we hold onto that are clearly preventing us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. If you can't sacrifice the little things, the big, great, things may never come. If you're sitting there nodding your head "yes," make the change. What's your "WHY?" M.O.D: Make a MINOR adjustment in your life, sacrifice one happy hour, eat one less taco, go to bed an hour earlier, or stay up an hour later.... It's your mission!! do you! SOCIAL: INSTA: @2Marines1MicPodcast @WhyDoYouPhilMeUp @WadeWaddick @PatriotSportsNutrition FACEBOOK: TwoMarines OneMic Wade Waddick Fillup Mycup

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