2marines 1mic

Sacrifice Everything. #22



Sacrifice Everything.... What does that mean? is it open for interpretation? We all have things that we hold onto that are clearly preventing us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. If you can't sacrifice the little things, the big, great, things may never come. If you're sitting there nodding your head "yes," make the change. What's your "WHY?" M.O.D: Make a MINOR adjustment in your life, sacrifice one happy hour, eat one less taco, go to bed an hour earlier, or stay up an hour later.... It's your mission!! do you! SOCIAL: INSTA: @2Marines1MicPodcast @WhyDoYouPhilMeUp @WadeWaddick @PatriotSportsNutrition FACEBOOK: TwoMarines OneMic Wade Waddick Fillup Mycup