Being alive with purpose is a beautiful thing. But having a "spiritual life" can also be a challenge while you build your career, stay present for your kids and try to get through a never ending "to-do" list. Join international yoga teacher and author Erin Aquin for an exploration on how to live your highest intentions in our fast paced (sometimes overwhelming) world.Visit: for full show notes and bonus content
Productive Rest
21/09/2022 Duration: 19minErin just returned from a week in British Columbia at the Epona Rise Retreat Center with Bev Aron and members of the Deep Dive coaching community. In this episode she shares insights from the retreat, where she spent her days being with the horses and learning from their wisdom. You will explore: The power of presence Why recovery matters more than you think Not making rest another to-do The importance of just being, and letting go of the need to always be doing To learn the process for letting go in meditation that Erin and Steve teach, get the Your Magical Business course here.
Conscious Connection
13/09/2022 Duration: 11minErin is on retreat with her coach and community this week, so Steve is sharing his thoughts on the podcast today. Your ability to connect consciously with others and yourself is what makes the difference between feeling at home in your life and business and feeling lost and unmotivated. And helping your customers connect with you and your mission is how you build a movement and extend your impact. In this episode you will learn: How to feel connected with anyone you talk to How to make every interaction a source of clarity and energy Why being in person makes such a difference, and why it's not always necessary for building strong connections with people How to build a sense of connection among the people you serve To join other inspired entrepreneurs and build your energizing community with us, apply for the Vision + Process Mastermind here. This is the last week to join before the program closes for the rest of the year, so don't wait.
Resilience Magic
06/09/2022 Duration: 22minIf you struggle with losing momentum in your business, if the voice of fear and doubt in your head makes you question if you’re on the right path, today’s episode will mark a new chapter in your business growth. Erin and Steve share their most effective strategies for creating “resilience magic,” protecting your energy, and tapping into your intuition. You will learn: How resilience magic is different from “pushing through the pain,” which so many entrepreneurs do, often with disastrous consequences Why your spiritual life and work in the world are not two separate things, but your spirituality can transform how you handle setbacks and challenges in your life Which questions activate your magic and which ones shut it down How to set up your day-to-day life to build self-knowledge and resilience in your work as a business owner and entrepreneur To get ongoing support in building your resilience, you are invited to join Erin and Steve along with a small group of inspired entrepreneurs in the Vision + Process
Why Deadlines Can Block Your Growth
30/08/2022 Duration: 10minMost "experts" will tell you that to make real progress, your goal must have a deadline. And while deadlines can focus the mind and help you get creative, more often they serve as an unnecessary source of stress and an intuition blocker. Think about it: If you truly believed in the inevitability of your goal, what difference would it really make if you reached it this month or next? Consider experimenting with removing the timeline from your goals. Notice how it makes you feel and how you show up when you work. After all, when you get right down to it, having a profitable business that you love is one of the best definitions of success. To get support building the bones of your business in a way that feels aligned and full of ease, apply for the Vision + Process Mastermind here.
Making Your Business Magical
26/05/2022 Duration: 20minOn this, the season finale, I will share with you some of the main principles to keep magic flowing in my business and the experiment I am running this summer. On this episode you will learn: - three things to explore that will help you bring magic into your business - how I use purpose and intuition to decide on business experiments - how I will be supporting you over the summer even while the podcast is on a break If you love all things magic, manifestation, meditation and oracle/tarot cards, you will love my $47 audio course we are guiding you through. Learn more and join us here:
Intuitive Coaching
10/05/2022 Duration: 30minMindset work is amazing, but sometimes we need other tools to solve problems and manifest creative solutions. On today's episode Steve Haase and I share how we bring intuition in as a tool in our coaching to help our entrepreneurial clients. You will learn: - the three areas most businesses struggle with - how to use tarot and oracle cards for problem solving in your business - if our upcoming Vision + Process Mastermind is for you This is also your last chance to apply to join us for the Vision + Process Mastermind before the doors close. Learn more and apply here:
Make More Sales
03/05/2022 Duration: 04minIn this bonus episode I want to invite you to the free Masterclass I am hosting with Steve Haase on May 4 at 1pm EST. Join the class live or catch the replay here:
Success Mindset
27/04/2022 Duration: 25minA success mindset is often mistaken for false positivity and in this conversation with Master Coach Steve Haase, we want to help you see the difference in your business. In this episode you will learn: - the difference between toxic positivity and a success mindset - how to activate your success mindset - tools to define and move towards your goals If you are ready to grow a more successful business, join the early interest list for The Vision + Process Mastermind here:
Vision and Process
20/04/2022 Duration: 28minThere are two essential ingredients needed for businesses to grow and last. You need a strong vision about the impact you want to have that you are connected to. And you need a ecosystem of processes that support it and work in alignment with that vision. In my conversation with Steve Haase today you will learn: - how we use manifestation to support our business vision - a simple way to begin running your business in alignment with your vision - why other people's process might not work for you If you are ready to create an aligned business with working systems and processes, join the early interest list for our upcoming Mastermind here:
Why Entrepreneurs Need Exercise
06/04/2022 Duration: 35minToday we are talking yoga and exercise and why it is so important for entrepreneurs. You might be thinking you already know why, but after this conversation with Jenn Chester and Morgan Renaldo you might have a whole new perspective on why it's not just good for your mind and your body, but why it' s good for your business too. On this episode you will learn: - why accountability is your best friend when it comes to starting a new exercise routine - the spiritual benefits to movement - how exercise can help you make better decisions and more money in your business Connect with our guests here in the show notes:
Implementation Week
30/03/2022 Duration: 06minThis week is a chance for all my clients to take their mindset work deeper and explore new tools or revisit practices they haven't worked with in awhile. I am inviting you as well in today's short episode. Head over to: to find an episode to revisit.
200. Creating a Purpose Driven Business
23/03/2022 Duration: 21minTaking an idea and turning it into a purpose driven business is at the heart of why most entrepreneurs do what they do. On episode 200, I want to share how creating a purpose driven business has led me to keep putting one foot in front of the other and show up week after week here on the show for you as I build my business. And if I can do this, so can you. On this episode you will learn: -the secret to dealing with failures in your business -the steps to create a purpose driven business - how to use purpose to deal with your doubt Thank you so much for being here with me to celebrate episode 200. If you are ready to create a business with purpose at the centre of it, head over to: to learn how to work with me
199. Strategic Accountability
16/03/2022 Duration: 14minSometimes entrepreneurs believe they should be able to create motivation for themselves without any external help or as though your success doesn't count unless you fight it out on your own. This position tends to be a colossal waste of time and energy. Instead I want to introduce you to strategic accountability so you can have more impact and less drama.
198. Better Experiments for Love and Success
09/03/2022 Duration: 31minBeing an entrepreneur means you get to make the decisions about how your business works. But how do you determine which experiments to run as you grow? Do you defer to the business experts who promise their methodology is the only way forward? Do you trust your intuition even if it goes against the grain? On this episode I will share a simple framework to help you decide which experiments to try on and how to do it well. For more visit:
197. How to Write a Book in 4 Months
25/02/2022 Duration: 25minIf you have ever wanted to write a book (or launch a program, create a podcast, etc.) grab a pen and paper while you listen to this episode. In it you will learn: How to make your project a top priority in your life and business How to overcome any resistance or drama quickly and easily My step-by-step breakdown of exactly what you need to do if you want to finish your book or project in 4 months There are people who only dream about doing something big and there are those who put their stake in the ground and get it done. If you want to be a doer it's time to apply for the 4-month Accelerator. Click here to learn more.
196. Self-Investing As A Path To Your Dreams
22/02/2022 Duration: 33minIn our third instalment of the self-investment series I am joined by Leadership Coach and Psychologist Annie Framand. Annie is going to share how making herself the most important person in her life has led to creating something most of us merely dream about. In this episode you will learn: - how quickly you can change your life when you decide to self-invest - why connecting to the deepest purpose you can imagine is key to speedy manifestation - why being self-centred isn't a bad thing After the episode you can learn how to connect with Annie over at:
195. The Manifestation Accelerator
15/02/2022 Duration: 21minToday we are talking about how to speed up your manifestation work. This isn't about spending all day doing manifestation meditations or magick, in this episode you will learn a few simple things you can do to reduce the amount of time it takes to bring in your desires. This episode is even more powerful when coupled with the free 5 Day Manifestation Challenge that you can start here: In this episode I will also share how I can specifically help you manifest the next big thing in your business. Learn more here:
194. Self-investment Series Pt 2
09/02/2022 Duration: 34minToday I am delighted to introduce you to not one but two amazing Coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. In this episode you will meet Monica and Lindsay. We discuss what it takes to continuously invest in yourself EVEN when you know how important and helpful it is. We will also talk manifestation and magic and what the deeper point of coaching is. You can learn more about both of them and how to work with them over at: h
193. Self-Investing Series Part 1
04/02/2022 Duration: 17minToday I am introducing you to one of my rockstar clients, Emilie. She is a cardiologist,intensivist and researcher who began working with me to finish a PhD and has been my client ever since. Emilie is letting us in on her candid thoughts about self-investing in coaching and what it took for her to finally stop trying to overcome the roadblocks to her goals on her own. You are going to love her insights. Want to learn more? Head over to
192. The Key to Manifestation
01/02/2022 Duration: 09minI have a brand new series about to begin here where I talk with some of my own clients about how they are creating the life of their dreams. Today I am going to share the key thing all my clients have in comments that has them stepping into their intentional future: -self-investing in their present and future I am also giving you access to my top five manifestation tools completely free here: