A weekly podcast exploring the business, skills and styles of peacemaking, with hosts Amanda Semenoff and C.D. Saint.
006-Giving Feedback with Julie Daum
13/07/2017 Duration: 22minKari Boyle's 7 Criteria for Effective Feedback The feedback provider is credible in the eyes of the recipient The feedback provider is trusted by the recipient The feedback is conveyed with good intentions The timing and circumstances of giving the feedback are appropriate The feedback is given in an interactive manner The feedback message is clear The feedback is helpful to the recipient Jan Arden Words Matter: Core Speaker Series October 2016 Find Julie Daum online here or @joolzdaum
005 - Narrative Mediation with Gerald Monk, PhD - Part 2
06/07/2017 Duration: 15minIn this episode we continue to explore the ideas and techniques of narrative mediation. You can find Gerald Monk on the Web here The book mentioned in the intro: Narrative Mediation: A New Approach to Conflict by Gerald Monk and John Winslade Excerpt available on the Tao Institute Website here People Mentioned in this Episode David Epston Michael White John Winslade How are stories impacting the conflicts you see? Come chat with us @overconflict
004 - Narrative Mediation with Gerald Monk, PhD - Part 1
29/06/2017 Duration: 25minThis is Part 1 of a 2 part conversation digging into the ideas and techniques of Narrative Mediation. Gerald Monk can be found on the web or at The audio quality in this episode is significantly impacted by being recorded in a bar over beer. Let us know if you think it is worth it @overconflict
003 - Conflict Coaching with Carrie Gallant
22/06/2017 Duration: 21minTogether we explore Conflict Coaching, the ways in which it can be used and how peacemakers may think about experimenting with it in their own contexts. Carrie can be found at Carrie recommended two books for those interested in beginning to explore Conflict Coaching further. Conflict Management Coaching by Cinnie Noble Conflict Coaching by Tricia Jones and Ross Brinckert Where are you using Coaching Skills in your podcast? Chat with us @overconflict
002 - Making Mediation Your Day Job with Tammy Lenski
15/06/2017 Duration: 20minWe chat with Tammy Lenski about using mediation skills to test niches and grow conflict resolution businesses. Tammy can be found on the web at How are you using mediation skills to grow your business? Chat with us @overconflict
001 - Hosting the Party and Managing the Meeting with Wendy Lakusta
12/06/2017 Duration: 19minWe chat with Wendy Lakusta about the dual roles of the mediator as Party Host and Meeting Manager. Do you have a different framework for understanding the role of the mediator? Or want to talk more about this one? We would love to hear from you @overconflict
000 - Meet Amanda and C.D.
06/06/2017 Duration: 14minWe introduce ourselves and chat about our ideas and goals for this podcast. C.D. introduces us to the idea of identity wheels. You can see our identity wheel drawings on our website There is laughter! We are excited to talk about mediation, conflict resolution and peacemaking. Chat with us @overconflict