Confederacy of Dunks is a basketball podcast. We are Freddie Rivas, Kevin Dowse, and our producer Matt Duncan. We talk NBA hoops, players, coaches, personalities, contracts, fans, arenas - every little detail of NBA life. We are also hardcore Raptors fans. It's a safe bet that you will hear us talk about the Raptors a fair bit. We also like jokes. It's a safe bet that you will hear us make several of those.
S07: Episode 7.143: Who’s Your All-Time Favorite Raptor?
01/04/2020 Duration: 01h08minWe’re back with more content to tide you over during the COVID isolation. We did a segment asking guests who their favorite Raptor was and we had a blast reminiscing. Special guests joining us remotely: Jonathan Yam, Randl Morales, Katie Heindl and Brendan Halloran! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Freddie on the Flyve – Call 03
29/03/2020 Duration: 26minWe’ve got some bonus content for ya! Freddie on the Flyve is a segment that is exclusively for our Patreon page, but we decided to open it up to everyone during the pandemic and NBA suspension so we can provide as much content as possible for you to pass the time! Producer Matt calls Freddie and asks him five random questions to elaborate on. Basketball related, world related, and even Flubber related. Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.142: Favourite Raptors Stories
25/03/2020 Duration: 01h27minWe hope everyone is making out okay during this wild and isolating time. This is now our second episode during the COVID-19 crisis and, other than Terrence Davis scarfing down donuts and being reprimanded by Serge, we don’t have much news to tell you on the Raptors’ front. But we do have so many memories and favourite moments that the Raptors have given us, don’t we? We thought, why not do a segment where we ask around to some of our awesome past guests and see what memories they have that they want to share? Special guests on this episode include Jess Nicolette, Thomas Rivas, Paulina Vu, Your Boy Brian and Cathryn Naiker! We’re gonna keep dishing out content for you during this weird and scary time and we hope it provides some distraction. Thanks for tuning in! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.141: Kevin Dowse & Matt McCready – Part 02
19/03/2020 Duration: 01h38minHey guys! We hope you enjoyed Part 01 of our Ultimate Coach rankings. Here’s Part 02, the top 15 coaches in the NBA ranked by us. Don’t skip to the end to see who’s number one. You gotta savour it! Once again, Kevin Dowse and Matt McCready help us go from rankings 15 all the way to 1. Enjoy and be well! We’ll keep the content coming during this difficult time. Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.141: Kevin Dowse & Matt McCready – Part 01
18/03/2020 Duration: 01h22minHey pals. These are some wild times and we hope all of you are safe and managing well during this crisis. The NBA has been suspended and the Raptors are all under quarantine, so we don’t really have much Raptors’ news to talk about other than Serge’s cool quarantine gym or Boucher breaking out for a bit. But we want to sooth you with some content in any way we can, so we decided to do an Ultimate Coach Ranking segment (active coaches) to give you some fun, juicy content. We went so long that we decided to break the episode into two parts: The bottom 15 and the top 15. Special guests joining us on the pod this week are former co-host Kevin Dowse and comedian Matt McCready! Be well, everybody! Stay tuned tomorrow for part 02: the top 15 coaches! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.140: Jason Leung & Paul Beer
11/03/2020 Duration: 01h09minThe Raptors had a very successful west-coast trip, going 4-1 and sit with a record of 46-18. We’re starting to think about playoffs, oh boy! Raptors: Norm getting player of the week and immediately injuring himself seems like a microcosm of this season. We talk more Raptors’ microcosms. Is Serge Ibaka the most underestimated player in the NBA? It’s time for early playoff talk. Starting with the first round, we pick our preferred teams to face as we march back to the finals. NBA: Worries in the east! Which fan base should be panicking the most between the Celtics, Pacers and Bucks? Has LBJ closed the gap on the MVP race? Who is a non-Raptor player you are rooting for this year? Quickish Questions and more! Special guests on this episode: That’s a Rap Podcast’s Jason Leung and Talking Terry’s Paul Beer! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.139: Dan Galea & Alexey Ots
02/03/2020 Duration: 52minThe Raptors are sitting in 2nd in the east with a 42-18 record, but are in the midst of a three-game losing streak. Not panicked but we are a little worried with how this could affect playoff matchups. RAPS: We talk concerns in relation to the losing streak, thoughts on OG’s career night and predict the week ahead for the Raptors. NBA: Jokic is a remarkable passer, Zion is a ridiculous jumper etc. Who has a super skill that no one talks about? Zion VS LBJ was fun. What’s your favourite playoff matchup in the NBA that we’re hoping happen? Besides the Raptors, we talk who we’re watching in the standings. Quickish Questions and more! Special guests on this ep: Dan Galea and Alexey Ots! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.138: Jarrett Campbell & Katie Heindl
25/02/2020 Duration: 01h13minThe Raptors just had a huge franchise-high win over the Pacers and sit at 42-15 with the Bucks up next. We talk with Jarrett Campbell about what it’s like producing for Serge Ibaka’s Avec Classe, and Katie Heindl tells us what it was like to work the NBA All-Star Weekend in Chicago. Lots of good Raptors’ talk and a couple lightning rounds of Quickish Questions! Support the pod by subscribing to our Patreon! Subscribe/rate on iTunes and Stitcher or whatever podcatcher you prefer. Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.137: Samson Folk & Derick Deonarain
18/02/2020 Duration: 01h20minAll-Star weekend was a fun one! Raptors are off until Friday so we got some hot content to tide you over. Raps: How did our guys do this weekend? We evaluate the performances of Nick, Pascal & Kyle. Playoff Pascal– What do you expect from Spicy in the playoffs? With 27 games left for this Raptors squad, what are our expectations for the team outside of staying healthy? NBA: What was the best dunk from the dunk off? Biggest takeaway from the All-Star weekend? We also hypothesize on the biggest story lines soon to emerge! Special guests on the pod: Samson Folk & Derick Deonarain! Episode 7.137: Samson Folk & Derick Deonarain Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.136: Duane Watson & Ian Gordon
12/02/2020 Duration: 01h02minThe Raptors have taken the franchise win streak to 15 and sit at 40-14. Raps: We talk favourite moments of the win streak so far! A lot of mixed messages about Masai. What to believe? Who is the third most important player on this Raptors’ squad? NBA: We pick our potential winners for the Skills Comp, 3-Point Contest, Dunk Off and MVP’s for Rising Stars at the All Star Game, also biggest deadline winner and which traded player needed a change of scenery the most? Quickish Questions to finish it off! Special guests returning: Duane Watson and Ian Gordon! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.135: Paloma Nuñez & Miguel Rivas
04/02/2020 Duration: 01h17minThe 36-14 Raptors have tied their franchise record for a win streak at 11 and are looking to extend it against the Pacers! Raptors: Fun win streak! We talk other fun streaks! Kyle is an All Star! Nick is an All Star. Let’s give them some credit here. Which non-Raptors’ team is the most like the Raptors? Who is their doppelgänger? NBA: Fav non-Raps’ team to watch? Who is an All Star snub? New event ideas for All Star weekend? Quickish questions, of course! Special guests joining us: Paloma Nuñez and Miguel Rivas! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.134: Cathryn Naiker & Andy King
28/01/2020 Duration: 01h24minAfter hearing the news of Kobe Bryant’s tragic passing, the Raptors/Spurs had a very heavy game to get through and the Raps managed to slog to a 110-106 win in San Antonio. We start off the show with a good chat about the different feelings and thoughts about Kobe Bryant and his legacy. Raps: We give our thoughts on the emotional Spurs game. Ten years into playing basketball, Pascal Siakam is an NBA All Star!! How long does this Raptors’ win streak go? (They very well could at least tie the franchise record). NBA: We talk Zion’s debut and what to expect from here on out. Who got snubbed from the All Star starters? Quickish Questions and more. Special guests joining us: Cathryn Naiker & Andy King! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.133: Will Weldon & Ennis Esmer
21/01/2020 Duration: 01h26minWe recorded this right after the insane MLK Day 122-117 win against the Hawks. Raptors are now at 29-14 and we’ve got some hot reactions to today’s game that we want you to hear if you ever make it past the intro! NBA: We talk about the boring trades that have happened so far. Which sub-500 team has the best long-term outlook? Who should be in the 2020 Dunk Off? Special guests blasting us from L.A.: Will Weldon and Ennis Esmer! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.132: Will Weldon & Roger Bainbridge
14/01/2020 Duration: 01h37minSiakam is back after being out nearly a month but we still lost to DeMar and the Spurs and plump the record to 25-14. Raptors: Freeze frame of DeRozan dunking on Boucher’s soul. Where do both of their careers go from that point on? Gasol is coming back soon and Fred won’t be out long. Who should start when the squad is healthy? Is FVV an all star? NBA: Who gets the 2 seed in each conference? Top 3 weirdest players in the NBA? Quickish Questions and more! Special guests joining us are comedians Will Weldon and Roger Bainbridge. Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.131: Mark Little & Nile Séguin
07/01/2020 Duration: 01h23minWe’re back with our first pod of the ’20s! Raps are grinding away through the injuries and sit at 24-12. Raps: Tied for 15th on O, 4th on D and 6th in net rating. Is this who the Raptors are? What will change as the season goes along? Trade season. Who should the Raps target? NBA: Who makes the 8th seed in the west? Have the Lakers and the Bucks separated themselves from the pack or do they just have good records? Who is the best player that no one is talking about? Quickish Questions and more! Special guests on this pod: Mark Little and Nile Séguin! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.130: Cathryn Naiker & Daniel Reis
18/12/2019 Duration: 01h26minThe Klaw finally got his ring and the 18-8 Raps now have the Kawhi Era officially behind them. Raptors: We talk the amazing ring ceremony for Kawhi and take you right through to the wins against Brooklyn and Cleveland. Numbers. There are quite a few of them. We talk which number stats we’re watching through the year. (A certain players 3 point %, team rebounding %, turnovers, etc.) Is Powell’s play the new “norm”? NBA: G-league is thinking about unionizing and is adding its 29th team in Mexico City. How should the NBA continue to grow? What team should tank OR who should go all-in? Do you like the Brooklyn Nets’ grey court? What is an under-appreciated look in the NBA (court/Jersey/outfit etc)? Quickish Questions and more! Special guests: Cathryn Naiker and Daniel Reis! Come check out our Patreon! We’ve got a weekly segment just for Patreon subscribers and you get to hear the episode on the day of its release. Fun stuff! We’re off next week for the holidays, so have a safe and happy one. Brought to you by The
S07: Episode 7.129: Miguel Rivas & Ryan Henry
11/12/2019 Duration: 01h07minThe 16-7 Raps went 0-3 against the measuring-stick session with Miami, Houston, and Philly, but the game of the season is upon us! That’s right. Kawhi’s return to Toronto. Raptors: We wouldn’t be Raptors’ fans if we didn’t scare easily. We talk out our worries for the team at the quarter mark. What is the best possible outcome for the Kawhi return game? What is your single fav defensive/offensive Raps highlight of the season so far? NBA: Who is the current coach of the year? The trade-rumour season has started! Who should be calling the Cavs and who should they be calling about? Who are the first time All Stars this year? Special guests joining us this week: Miguel Rivas and Ryan Henry! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.128: Antony Hall & Alex Wood
03/12/2019 Duration: 01h06minThe 15-4 Raps are still undefeated at home (9-0). With Miami, Houston and Philly coming up, they have a huge opportunity to turn some heads a full lap. RAPTORS: Who is better than the Raptors? Ibaka is back and Boucher is benched. Does TD get benched when Kyle comes back? Should Nurse find minutes for them and did RHJ become our 8th man? Who is better than Pascal Siakam? NBA: What team is the most shocking, good or bad? No coach has been fired so far. Is that an NBA record? Who gets fired first? The drop-off in the East is huge. Do any of those teams not suck? Quickish Questions! Special return guests: Antony Hall and Alex Wood. Come check out our Patreon! We’re gonna start adding “Patreon Only” content, starting with a new weekly segment called “Freddie on the Flyve”, where Producer Matty D calls Freddie up and hits him with five fun questions to get his hot takes. Basketball related and beyond! Patreon subscribers also get a sneak peek of each episode before they’re released. Thanks for listening and suppor
S07: Episode 7.127: Yaw Attuah
29/11/2019 Duration: 52minRaptors are 13-4 and we’re still reeling from that huge win against Philly and “zero points” Embiid. From Gasol to Boucher to Nurse and beyond, we got lots of praise to throw around, plus we talk the potential rule changes and some Quickish Questions! Special return guest: Yaw Attuah! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network
S07: Episode 7.126: Cathryn Naiker & Matt McCready
19/11/2019 Duration: 01h34minThe 7-3 Raps just got through one of the hardest back-to-backs, beating the Lakers and losing a tough one to Kawhi and the Clippers. Raptors: Who made the most of their opportunity? (Boucher, RHJ or TD?) The Raptors are now dealing with injuries to three key guys. Will the adrenaline wear off? Nick Nurse has been great and we’ve got some hot compliments to throw at him! NBA: Dunk/Pass/Turnover– You’ve played that game, right? Of course you have. It’s fun, trust us? Also, we talk worst narratives so far and a hot quiz for the guests. We also got some hot new stings for ya and a nice round of Quickish Questions! Special guests on this one: Cathryn Naiker and Matt McCready! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network