Confederacy Of Dunks

S07: Episode 7.132: Will Weldon & Roger Bainbridge



Siakam is back after being out nearly a month but we still lost to DeMar and the Spurs and plump the record to 25-14. Raptors: Freeze frame of DeRozan dunking on Boucher’s soul. Where do both of their careers go from that point on? Gasol is coming back soon and Fred won’t be out long. Who should start when the squad is healthy? Is FVV an all star? NBA: Who gets the 2 seed in each conference? Top 3 weirdest players in the NBA? Quickish Questions and more! Special guests joining us are comedians Will Weldon and Roger Bainbridge. Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network