Confederacy Of Dunks

S07: Episode 7.142: Favourite Raptors Stories



We hope everyone is making out okay during this wild and isolating time. This is now our second episode during the COVID-19 crisis and, other than Terrence Davis scarfing down donuts and being reprimanded by Serge, we don’t have much news to tell you on the Raptors’ front. But we do have so many memories and favourite moments that the Raptors have given us, don’t we? We thought, why not do a segment where we ask around to some of our awesome past guests and see what memories they have that they want to share? Special guests on this episode include Jess Nicolette, Thomas Rivas, Paulina Vu, Your Boy Brian and Cathryn Naiker! We’re gonna keep dishing out content for you during this weird and scary time and we hope it provides some distraction. Thanks for tuning in! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network