Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
178 - American Brujeria with J. Allen Cross - Big Seance
25/12/2020 Duration: 48minAuthor J. Allen Cross is a practicing witch of Mexican, Native American, and European descent, who has written a new book, American Brujería: Modern Mexican-American Folk Magic. Besides this exciting upcoming book, other topics include negative entities and agreements, creatures on the Other Side, and using his abilities as a psychic medium to help others. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :35 Patrick originally heard today’s guest on the Ask a Hag Podcast. 1:17 Bio for J. (Joshua) Allen Cross 2:37 The description of Joshua’s upcoming book, American Brujería: Modern Mexican-American Folk Magic. 3:29 In Joshua’s interview on Ask a Hag, he discussed Marilyn Painter’s interview in the very first episode of the Big Seance Podcast regarding Demons and Agreements. 5:15 What is the difference between Brujería and Mexican-American Brujería? And what are the misconceptions? 11:00 Curanderismo and Hechicería. 14:15 Gua
177 - Chilling Tales for Christmas with Jeff C. Carter - Big Seance
12/12/2020 Duration: 59minJeff C. Carter, author of We Bleed Red & Green: 12 Chilling Tales for Christmas, returns to parlor! Is winter even scarier than Halloween? Jeff thinks so! Plus childhood memories of wintertime, Rudolph poop, lots of Santa talk, and the spooky Christmas traditions that you probably haven’t heard of! Visit Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :58 A little update from Patrick 1:42 A laundry folding ghost? A story sent in by Joanne Jarrett, host of the Fancy Free Podcast! To hear Patrick share embarrassing stories on Joanne’s podcast, visit and 2:24 Jeff C. Carter’s Bio and the description of his latest book, We Bleed Red & Green: 12 Chilling Tales for Christmas! 10:14 What colors are next? More on the “We Bleed” series. 12:52 “Winter is the real scary time. We as a species have evolved to survive winter. We didn’t survive to evolve Halloween. Halloween is like, that
176 - Buddhist Biohacker Lisa M. Gunshore - Big Seance
23/11/2020 Duration: 57minLisa M. Gunshore is the Buddhist Biohacker. She's also a psychic medium, channel, functional Ayurveda coach, and author. She shares the two amazing near death experiences that led her to the work she does now. Plus learn about clean food and leading a healthy lifestyle. Visit Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:01 A special Thanksgiving shoutout to my Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 1:43 Pour the tea! Lisa M. Gunshore’s Bio! 4:19 More about Lisa’s journey and the events that led her to her current work. 6:58 Lisa has many food sensitivities, and her culinary background has helped her to lead a healthy lifestyle with both yoga and clean food. 10:43 Living in vitality, psychic fairs and circus food, and the light in our cells. 14:00 What is 11:11D? 19:44 A car accident and a health crisis: Two of Lisa’s Near Death Experiences. 24:53 More about the car accident. 32:20 Lisa’s book, Enlightenment Pie,
175 - Halloween Expert Lisa Morton - Big Seance
20/10/2020 Duration: 01h09sLisa Morton, Halloween expert and author of Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween, joins Patrick in the parlor to discuss our favorite holiday! Topics include Dennison’s Bogie Books, yard haunts, common misconceptions, bobbing for apples, candy, movies, music, and the question of whether we can save Halloween in 2020! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:02 Meth Hazel makes a special return to the podcast! (And a BIG shoutout to the very creative Tim Prasil for giving Meth Hazel the right words to say! Check out Tim at his website, 1:45 A special Halloween greeting from Leslie and Kat from the Living Dead Girls Podcast! 7:45 Welcome back to the parlor, Lisa Morton! 9:33 Lisa’s Bio 10:15 Lisa Morton has no problem nerding out on Halloween all the time! 11:20 Accidentally becoming a Halloween expert! 13:53 Dennison’s Bogie Books 16:16 Patrick displays reprints of pages from the Bogie Books
174 - Best of Halloween - Big Seance
04/10/2020 Duration: 01h17minPatrick chose his favorite moments from episodes of Halloween past, going back to 2014. Segments include LIVE moments from Trick or Treating, Sam Haynes, Annie Wilder, Karen A. Dahlman, Lesley Bannatyne, Jim Harold and the Ghost of Karen Carpenter, the 2016 LIVE Halloween Ouija Seance, and the hosts of the Cemetery Confessions podcast. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Please enjoy this Best of Halloween episode that Patrick has put together! It’s his favorite moments going back to 2014. :51 Sam Haynes has a brand new album out! Check out Groovy Murder Disco! 1:46 Want more Halloween episodes? Visit! Entertainment advice from Ruby Ross Goodnow, who was the entertainment writer for the Delineator magazine, which was an American women's magazine of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This fabulous article, called A Hallowe’en Housewarming, is from 1911. 3:38 Also in 1911, Abe Olman wrote a song cal
173 - Jeff C. Carter and We Bleed Orange and Black - Big Seance
21/09/2020 Duration: 59minIn a love letter to Halloween, Jeff C. Carter wrote 31 fun-sized Halloween tales and compiled them all into one great book, We Bleed Orange and Black. In this seriously funky year, Jeff hopes that it helps to fill a void while also putting you in the Halloween spirit! Discussions also include childhood nostalgia, masks and candy, and the Japanese tradition of Bon Odori. Visit for more. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Looking for more Halloween episodes? Check out the Big Seance Halloween archive at 1:37 Jeff C. Carter’s Bio 2:23 Book description for We Bleed Orange and Black 3:23 Jeff is an animal lover who loves to travel, and he has some great stories of meeting wild animals! 5:15 The origin story of how this collection of Halloween stories came together. 10:03 There’s a little something for everyone in this book! 13:00 We Bleed Orange and Black contains around 10 stories that are appropriate for c
172 - Spiritual Bypassing Panel Discussion - Big Seance
07/09/2020 Duration: 01h09minA month after the senseless killing of George Floyd, and after a medium claimed to channel him with a questionable and insensitive message, Patrick sat down in the parlor to discuss the topic of Spiritual Bypassing with special guests Amber Choisella, Ash Riley, and Brian Smith. What is Spiritual Bypassing? Other topics include speaking out against racism, shadow work, the mother wound, toxic masculinity, and mental health. Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:10 Patrick has recovered from a crazy first week of teaching music to middle school students in the year of 2020. 1:52 About this recording of the LIVE panel discussion on Spiritual Bypassing that Patrick hosted on Facebook back on June 28, 2020. This was about a month after the killing of George Floyd here in the US. 3:10 Patrick is joined in the parlor by Amber Choisella, Ash Riley, and Brian Smith, all former guests of the Big Seance. 5:10 The social m
171 - Miranda Enzor from Spooky Little Halloween - Big Seance
11/08/2020 Duration: 53minWe are officially kicking off the Halloween season early this year with Miranda Enzor of the simply amazing Spooky Little Halloween blog! We discuss Halloween parties, playlists, candy, traditions, movies, and how Miranda can help us save Halloween in 2020! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :51 Additional spooky music in this episode is from Sam Haynes. You can find more about his music and his upcoming album at 1:35 About Spooky Little Halloween and Miranda Enzor’s Bio 4:24 How does she do it all? 6:10 Celebrate Halloween all year round? 7:25 Miranda enjoys cemetery photography! 9:19 Party themes and festive beverages. 9:50 “When you don’t find the thing that you want, you go and create it.” The journey that led Miranda to Spooky Little Halloween. 12:23 The delicious rabbit hole of Dennison’s Bogie Books! 15:50 Is "Purple People Eater" a Halloween song? Miranda has a Halloween playlist
170 - Calling the Spirits with Lisa Morton - Big Seance
27/07/2020 Duration: 59minLisa Morton tells the fascinating history of seances in her new book, Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances. Discussion included necromancy, spook shows, Spiritualism, fraudulent mediums, D.D. Home, Helen Duncan, Florence Cook, William Crookes, the American Civil War, spirit rapping, EVP, and of course, plenty of ectoplasm! PLUS, Patrick didn’t miss the opportunity to ask a Halloween expert about how the pandemic could change our favorite holiday! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :53 Are you subscribed to the show? Also, don’t miss updates on my upcoming book! Sign up for the Big Seance Newsletter! 1:37 Lisa Morton’s Bio 1:27 Book description for Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances 4:33 Necromancy and calling forth the dead could be seriously gross! 5:50 Was sacrifice involved in necromancy? 8:41 Spook shows, phantasmagoria light shows, and Pepper’s Ghost! 9:33 So many debunked mediums from the day
169 - Grief 2 Growth with Brian Smith - Big Seance: My Paranormal World
12/07/2020 Duration: 52minA conversation with Brian Smith, who is a life coach, grief guide, podcast host, and author of Grief 2 Growth: Planted, Not Buried. How to Survive and Thrive After Life’s Greatest Challenges. Brian had long been on a spiritual quest, but after suffering from the loss of his daughter Shayna, who transitioned into spirit five years ago at the age of fifteen, that quest intensified. His mission in life is to help others along their journey by sharing the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired over the years. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :32 Brian Smith’s Bio 1:15 Brian walks SEVEN MILES every morning! 3:45 Brian’s beautiful daughter, Shayna, transitioned into Spirit five years ago at the age of fifteen. 5:45 Brian's daughter Shayna is just over his shoulder. Synchronicities that led Brian to Grief 2 Growth, which is now a book and a podcast 9:05 Brian has a background in engineering and is an analytical person
168 - Kris Meredith of Keep It Spiritual and Psychic Today - Big Seance: My Paranormal World
03/07/2020 Duration: 56minAn upbeat conversation with Kris Meredith, television and radio presenter, host of Sky Channel 680's Psychic Today, and host/producer of the podcast and YouTube show, Keep It Spiritual. Topics include developing mediumship, censorship in broadcasting, pet loss, and reincarnation. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :43 Your host has recently appeared as a guest on the hit UK podcast, Ricky and Tony - Pop Detectives, hosted by Ricky Wilson of Kaiser Chiefs and veteran radio DJ, Tony Blackburn. Patrick also appeared on Kris Meredith's show, Keep It Spiritual with Kris Meredith (today's guest)! 1:25 Kris Meredith’s Bio. Welcome to the parlor, Kris! 3:27 “Shop talk” about having shows that focus on spiritual topics, along with psychics and mediums. 5:15 As a host of Psychic Today on the Sky Channel 680 in the UK, Kris cannot say the word, “medium.” What’s that about? The censorship was the inspiration behind Kris’s
167 - Evidential Mediums Barbara Allin and Karen Jay-Moore - Big Seance: My Paranormal World
21/06/2020 Duration: 01h07minSpiritual Mediums Barbara Allin and Karen Jay-Moore have a goal of demystifying mediumship through showing the healing aspects of evidential mediumship and empowering others to get in touch with their intuitive selves. Barbara and Karen have recently been organizing public demonstrations of mediumship online. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :42 Your host has had a busy few weeks: Saying Goodbye to Meril, the beautiful Saint Louis Union Station Hotel (built in 1894), and a Black Voices Matter March and Rally. 1:24 Bios for Barbara Allin of and Karen Jay-Moore of 5:20 Welcome, Barbara and Karen! 8:25 After meeting in a Reiki Master course, Barbara and Karen eventually came together to offer classes and public demonstrations of mediumship. 9:05 Barbara’s journey to mediumship started in childhood, but really kicked into gear in 2014. 12:11 Karen’s journey to mediumship involved ha
166 - Astrology of Summer 2020 - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
05/06/2020 Duration: 54minWhat in the world is going on, right? Astrologer Dena DeCastro returns to give us a heads up for the Astrology of Summer 2020! Along with answering the WTF question that seems to be on everyone's mind, Dena gives readings to two listeners in this episode! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :36 Something that must be said. You matter to me! #BlackLivesMatter 1:19 Pouring the Tea 4:34 Dena DeCastro’s Bio 4:47 The “WTF” forecast for Summer 2020! What is going on?! 6:10 Venus Retrograde in Gemini 9:09 Communication Skills and Listening 10:32 Mercury Retrograde Overlapping the Venus Retrograde 14:05 Reset! Three eclipses in a row! Plus, did Dena see the pandemic coming? 19:52 The sign of Cancer, social unrest and shedding old baggage 24:15 The moon in Sagittarius 25:35 A reprieve is coming in August! 27:00 Chris gets a reading from Dena! 28:29 Carrie gets her reading! 38:06 Final thoughts from Dena and where
165 - Ouija Paranormal and Beyond Part 2 - Big Seance Podcast
22/05/2020 Duration: 50minPart 2 of Patrick’s exciting recent livestream with author and ouija expert Karen A. Dahlman. Topics include haunted dolls, apparitions, dealing with hard times, intentions and beliefs, PLUS Karen channeled readings for viewers LIVE! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals – “Herbal Remedies from Mother Earth.” Visit and use the code BIGSEANCE to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! :00 Intro :45 A brief note about the livestream that was recorded on April 29, 2020 on Facebook. 1:28 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking “Laughing Coyote" by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 2:35 The second half of the livestream! Welcome back, Karen A. Dahlman! 3:45 Dealing with hard times. 3:45 Several viewers noted the changes in Karen’s facial expressions while channeling. 5:44 Losing yourself or becoming a new you. Using imagi
164 - Ouija Paranormal and Beyond Part 1 - Big Seance Podcast
09/05/2020 Duration: 01h02minAuthor and ouija expert Karen A. Dahlman joined Patrick for an exciting livestream on Facebook recently. In Part 1 they discussed the paranormal phenomenon of a large hand print emerging on an arm, paranormal experiences, PLUS Karen channeled readings for viewers LIVE! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals – “Herbal Remedies from Mother Earth.” Visit and use the code BIGSEANCE to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! :00 Intro :32 A brief note about the livestream that was recorded on April 29, 2020 on Facebook. 1:26 The livestream begins! Welcome back, Karen A. Dahlman! 2:50 Karen and Patrick show off spirit boards that were designed by previous guest, artist, and paranerd supporter, Yosiell Lorenzo 4:50 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking “Healer Tea" by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 7:44 Catching up wit
163 - Anne and Renata of Frightfully Good - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
19/04/2020 Duration: 01h10minAnne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel of Frightfully Good, return to the podcast to give us all a much needed humor break from the pandemic. They share some of the paranormal experiences from their travels, including experiences with the spirit box, and a night at the Ostrich Inn. And did you know Anne and Renata have matching tattoos?! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :58 Serious just might not be what we all need today! So when you want some fun and hilarity in your life, you go down under to find Anne Rzechowicz of Oz Para Tech and Renata Daniel of Newcastle Ghost Tours. Together they are Frightfully Good! 1:39 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking Healer Tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 2:50 Welcome back, Anne and Renata! The last time they were on the show was in episode 122. 4:37 Some background on Anne and Renata individually and their joint projects as well. They have a wildly po
162 - Daily Communication with Spirit - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
28/03/2020 Duration: 52minDo you have a Daily Practice for Communicating with Spirit? Listeners and some of our favorite past guests contribute tips and advice for starting your very own practice! Some of the shared wisdom includes fitness, meditation, incorporating photographs of loved ones, strengthening the physical senses, aromatherapy, remembering your dreams, and prayer. Plus wisdom on getting through the current challenge the world is currently facing. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals – “Herbal Remedies from Mother Earth.” Visit and use the code BIGSEANCE to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! :00 Intro :41 Thank you for your contributions to this episode! 1:24 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking “Eye of the Hawk” tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 1:44 First up is psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, and
161 - Angel Medium Michael Terzi - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
19/03/2020 Duration: 01h22minAngel Medium and co-founder of R.I.S.E. Paranormal, Michael Terzi, joins Patrick in the parlor to discuss his work and mediumship with angels! Plus skepticism, religious connections, empathy in the paranormal, and his wisdom and insights into the pandemic we're all currently fighting. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :52 These are crazy times! Stay healthy and calm! 1:35 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking “Calming the Storm” tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 3:10 Dr. Michael Terzi’s Bio. 4:20 What is an angel in the year 2020? What do they look like? Do they have wings? Also, what is the difference between Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides? 6:20 Angels have a third eye that generates light and energy. 10:17 Dr. Michael is an empath and also sees and communicates with human spirits. 12:43 Combining mediumship with evidence and paranormal investigation. 14:55 Angelic energy and vibr
160 - Patrick Keller's Recent Library Presentation - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
10/03/2020 Duration: 57minYour host, Patrick Keller, shares his recent library presentation, which includes some of his favorite EVPs and paranormal experiences. Plus, get your voice in an upcoming episode! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals – “Herbal Remedies from Mother Earth.” Visit and use the code BIGSEANCE to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! :00 Intro :40 Get your voice in a future episode! Send in your Tips and Advice for a Daily Practice for Connecting with Spirit! Visit to learn how! 1:23 A little about this episode. 3:04 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking Nuwati Herbals’ NEW "Chocolate Chai Tea!" Nuwati is the sponsor of today’s episode! 3:26 Patrick’s shirt was SO inside out for the presentation! Cameron Rocks! Thank you, sir! 4:55 Beginning the presentation. 6:32 Guy Lyon Playfair, one of Patrick’s most mem
159 - The Hanover Haunting - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
21/02/2020 Duration: 54minDeAnna Simpson and author Joni Mayhan join Patrick to discuss their new book, The Hanover Haunting: The DeAnna Simpson Story. The true story, which takes place in a home made popular by an episode of the Travel Channel's The Dead Files, chronicles 12 years of frightening paranormal activity. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:04 However you listen to the show, have you subscribed? And are you a member of the Big Seance Parlor on Facebook? You should be! 1:48 Pouring the tea! Today Patrick is drinking “The Healer” tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 2:58 Please welcome Joni Mayhan back to the parlor. She was last here in Episode 120. Joni brings guest, DeAnna Simpson, to tell her haunting story. 5:05 A local Fox News Station first covered the haunting in DeAnna’s home, prompting a lot of attention and a string of investigations by several paranormal teams and TV programs. 6:28 After bringi