Big Seance Podcast

167 - Evidential Mediums Barbara Allin and Karen Jay-Moore - Big Seance: My Paranormal World



  Spiritual Mediums Barbara Allin and Karen Jay-Moore have a goal of demystifying mediumship through showing the healing aspects of evidential mediumship and empowering others to get in touch with their intuitive selves. Barbara and Karen have recently been organizing public demonstrations of mediumship online. Visit for more info.   Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro :42 Your host has had a busy few weeks: Saying Goodbye to Meril, the beautiful Saint Louis Union Station Hotel (built in 1894), and a Black Voices Matter March and Rally. 1:24 Bios for Barbara Allin of and Karen Jay-Moore of 5:20 Welcome, Barbara and Karen! 8:25 After meeting in a Reiki Master course, Barbara and Karen eventually came together to offer classes and public demonstrations of mediumship. 9:05 Barbara’s journey to mediumship started in childhood, but really kicked into gear in 2014. 12:11 Karen’s journey to mediumship involved ha