Big Seance Podcast

172 - Spiritual Bypassing Panel Discussion - Big Seance



  A month after the senseless killing of George Floyd, and after a medium claimed to channel him with a questionable and insensitive message, Patrick sat down in the parlor to discuss the topic of Spiritual Bypassing with special guests Amber Choisella, Ash Riley, and Brian Smith. What is Spiritual Bypassing? Other topics include speaking out against racism, shadow work, the mother wound, toxic masculinity, and mental health. Visit for more info!   Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:10 Patrick has recovered from a crazy first week of teaching music to middle school students in the year of 2020. 1:52 About this recording of the LIVE panel discussion on Spiritual Bypassing that Patrick hosted on Facebook back on June 28, 2020. This was about a month after the killing of George Floyd here in the US. 3:10 Patrick is joined in the parlor by Amber Choisella, Ash Riley, and Brian Smith, all former guests of the Big Seance. 5:10 The social m