No one plans on being injured in an accident, a victim of medical malpractice, sexually or brutally assaulted, abused in other ways, molested as a child or injured in some way by a product they used, but when it happens they often find themselves at a loss as to how to receive fair compensation for their injuries and the treatment they deserve. The lawyers at Q Auto & Injury Attorneys, McCue, Reams & Associates tell stories, share experiences and offer advice to victims who are simply overwhelmed by how the system works and what their rights are under the law when they are injured. Sometimes proper compensation can come quickly through negotiations and other times what ís right must come through the courts. Attorneys, with years of experience in personal injury, accident and malpractice cases, explain the ins and outs of how to go about getting a fair settlement. These video and audio podcasts are offered twice monthly and, on occasion, with extra Episodes when news stories or changes in the law dictate.
Episode 33 Wrong Treatment
20/01/2015 Duration: 01minMany of the malpractice cases we handle stem from clients whose doctors have diagnosed their condition properly, but have treated their condition improperly. An example, a client we had reported to his doctor with extremely high blood pressure. The doctor gave him medication that made that blood pressure dropped precipitously. As a result our client suffered a severe and disabling stroke. Another client had knee pain that was appropriately treated initially by the doctor or appropriately recognized. But he was given a certain medication that eventually caused him to suffer from severe end stage kidney failure. Another client reported to the emergency room and said he was dizzy. The doctor recognized this condition, prescribed certain medication that actually caused him to hemorrhage and eventually suffer a severe, disabling stroke. Occasionally doctors make mistakes. The lesson to be learned here is, with any medication read the instructions, ask questions, and have your doctor tell you about any and all poss
Episode 32 Deposition is Not a Practice Run
06/01/2015 Duration: 01minIt's a common misconception that a deposition is simply a “practice run for trial”. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. If you tell your story to the insurance company, show them what you've gone through, show them how your life has been changed from this accident and provide a strong deposition, many times a trial not even the schedule, because the insurance company will settle your case. This is why taking notes, keeping a journal, keeping a log, whatever you want to call it, is so vitally important to your case right from the very beginning. Otherwise, you may end up in trial and it may not turn out as favorable as you would like because you haven't documented your case from the outset. If you've been injured, if you have questions or if you think you have a case give us a call. We can help. Our toll free number is 800-332-1992 or email us at
Episode 31 Reluctant
15/12/2014 Duration: 48sSandra Bucha, Attorney with Q Auto & Injury Attorneys has seen more than her fair share of medical malpractice cases. She shares this advice. I often get calls from people that simply do not want to file a malpractice case against a particular doctor. But, they do have questions about whether he made a mistake. I find myself quite often telling them, "I understand that you like this particular doctor. I understand that you've grown to trust this particular doctor. But, even your doctor can make a mistake and it is important for him, for the sake of other patients that he might see, to be responsible for those errors that he has made." If you think you might have a medical malpractice case give us a call. We can help. Our toll free number is 800-332-1992 or email us at
Episode 30 MMI Doesn't Mean STOP
08/12/2014 Duration: 01minAfter you've been in an accident your medical treatment status might be confusing, even after the doctor has explained it to you. He might say he's given you a permanency rating or even say you have reached maximum medical improvement or M.M.I. When you reach M.M.I., the doctor is simply telling you that he has done all he can to help improve your condition. This may mean that you will have to seek another doctor or specialist. This might lead to different types of treatment including; different types of physical therapy, epidural steroid injections or other medications, or even surgery. After you reach M.M.I. you might think that all you can do now is go home and to sit around waiting for your case to settle. This is where you'd be wrong. Remember, that by continuing treatment you are sending a message to the insurance company that you are seriously, if not permanently injured. This continuing treatment might be costing you but it not only helps your physical condition due to your accident but helps us get y
Episode 29 Borrowing Against Your Claim
25/11/2014 Duration: 03minCompanies out there want to lend you money against your claim. A lean means that they attach their loan to that personal injury case. I’ve seen it too many times and it's understandable victims run into financial problems as a result of an accident or being laid up as a result of malpractice. Sometimes you cannot work. Sometimes there are ongoing medical problems and you're financially strapped. Now you might think, ‘well they were good enough to offer me money so why not borrow it’? I'll tell you why not, because the interest on that is astronomical. But be warned, when your case is settled they're right there like buzzards ready to pick that settlement clean. You may think you're only borrowing a thousand or two thousand dollars. But six months, a year or two years later when your settlement comes through you may find that the one thousand dollar or two thousand dollar loan, has now become a ten or twelve thousand dollar payback! Believe it or not, in the state of Florida it is absolutely legal for these c
Episode 28 When Police Are "A No Show"
12/11/2014 Duration: 02minThe local sheriff or police department may not respond to an accident after you've called them. They don't want to be bothered. It's very time consuming and with budget changes in the state they no longer have the funds to go out to every accident. As a result, you're often left standing there for a long period of time and assuming that someone is coming to make a report of the accident. Now-a-day’s that's often not the case. It's important that you record all the information that you can about accident and the other driver/drivers involved. It's you who will be making the report to the police after the accident is removed from the scene and everyone has gone. Be sure you get the other person's name and address and above all get the name of their insurance company. Remember, they won't be the ones repairing your car or paying your medical bills. It will be their insurance company. At Q Auto & Injury Attorneys we’ve created an app for your iPhone or Android that will help you record all the important infor
Episode 27 Contingency Fee Attorneys
23/10/2014 Duration: 01minWe're often asked, "How much is it going to cost me? I don't have a lot of money and I really can't afford, at this time particularly, to pay for a lawyer." It's important for everyone to realize, you don't pay up front for a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers are called "Contingency Fee Attorneys". We only get paid if you receive a settlement. Our fee is contingent upon you receiving some money. We get a percentage of that money. A contract approved by the Florida Bar, which is used by most lawyers, grants the attorney one third of the total recovery. Believe me, when you have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in doctors' bills you want the best recovery you can get to pay off all those medical bills, to pay off the repairs to your car and to put money in your pocket for future problems you may experience. Paying a third for that privilege is a bargain. If you've suffered an injury as a result of someone else's negligence, an auto accident, a slip and fall, or more importantly medical malpr
Episode 26 A Doctor's Negligence
03/10/2014 Duration: 02minOne of the most difficult aspects of being a medical malpractice attorney is that we get calls from people that have very real injuries, life threatening injuries, permanent injuries. Whether it's physical scarring or actions that occurred during surgery that left them completely paralyzed or brain damaged or caused strokes. They call us up and they say, "You know I really, really trusted my doctor. I thought that he knew what he was doing. I don't really want to go after him for monetary damages. Itís not really about the money. It's about how I'm going to have to live with this permanent problem for the rest of my life. What can I do?" We try to answer their questions. But, it is hard because these patients that come to us truly have trusted their doctor and they find it difficult to say, "Doctor you did something wrong and you left me harmed." We try to work with these patients, our clients and tell them it isn't about the money, it is about neglect. I tell them that even doctors make mistakes and even doc
Episode 25 Fight for What's Right!
12/09/2014 Duration: 02minI want to tell you an interesting story about a property damage issue. Many people call us after being involved in an automobile accident because no one is willing to fix their car, it doesn't run, they can't get to work, they can't get to the doctor. Yet, they have insurance and the person that caused their accident has insurance. We had a situation in our office where one of our employees, two weeks after purchasing a new car, was in a parking lot when an individual backing out of their parking space, backed into the side of my employees new car. My employee immediately took the car to the dealer to get an estimate for repair. The insurance company for the person who caused the accident sent out an adjuster. The figures to repair that car had a difference of $80, only $80. My employee did not feel that it was necessary for her to pay that $80, it wasn't her fault. It was a stupid accident getting backed into in a parking lot because the person driving the other car didn't pay any attention. So, she told the
Episode 24 Informed Consent
25/08/2014 Duration: 01minWe often receive telephone calls from individuals who have been left with severe injuries as a result of what they thought would be a routine medical procedure. They often tell me, "My doctor did not explain to me that I could be paralyzed from this procedure. My doctor did not explain to me that I could be left without an ability to speak as a result of this procedure." A provider may tell you that the procedure they are recommending for you is routine, but ask your doctor about any and all complications that could occur from your procedure. Only then, only after you are fully informed of all the potential consequence and complications of any medical procedure should you then decide to proceed or not with the treatment. If you believe you or a family member has been injured as a result of medical negligence of the provider or a hospital give us a call we can help. Our toll free number is 800-332-1992 or email us at
Episode 23 Why Should I Hire a Lawyer
08/08/2014 Duration: 01minLeonard McCue, PA, founding partner of Q Auto & Injury Attorneys offers his thoughts on an age old question. So, I'm often asked, "Why should I hire a lawyer?" It's a question we hear all the time. It always reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. Keep in mind, you're David and the insurance company is Goliath, a formidable opponent. Remember that when you are dealing with the insurance company of the person who caused the accident. You are at a serious disadvantage. They don't want to deal with you because you are trying to pry money, for whatever reason, out of them. You may want to have your car fixed. They don't want to do it. You may want to have your doctor's bills paid for. They don't want to do that either and they will make life difficult if not hell for you. As a matter of fact, insurance companies are the greatest source of referrals to our office, because of the frustration that they can create for an individual trying to deal with them. Just keep in mind that you do not have the sling
Episode 22 Collision Insurance
25/07/2014 Duration: 02minLeonard McCue, P.A., of Q Auto & Injury Attorneys has some warnings for you regarding collision insurance. "My Car has been damaged in an auto accident and when I call the insurance company of the person who caused the accident they're ignoring me", I hate to tell you how many times we've heard that phone call. One of the things that you've got to understand is that in Florida many, many, many, people travel on the roads with no insurance. What does that mean for you? First, it means you should carry your own collision insurance. If your car has any real value at all, you should purchase collision insurance from your own insurance company. In the event that you have an accident, then your car is covered. Let's talk about that for a minute. We often hear people complaining that the other person's insurance company won't fix their car and as a matter of fact the other driver has collision in their policy. The first thing I tell them is, "Call your own insurance company". That's what you purchase the insura
Episode 21 Avoid Being a Medical Malpractice Victim
11/07/2014 Duration: 53sThe best way to prevent a medical malpractice from occurring is to ask the hard questions. How many times has this doctor done this particular procedure? What are the risks involved? Has he had any bad outcomes? Has he in fact been disciplined by the Department of Health for any of his actions or inactions? With that information in hand you may decide to go to a different facility. You may decide to select a different doctor. You can protect yourself and your loved ones by asking the right questions and making right decisions. If you or a family member has been injured as a result of the medical negligence of a healthcare provider or a hospital give us a call we can help. Our toll free number is 800-332-1992.
Episode 20 Trial Process - Closing Arguments and Deliberations
27/06/2014 Duration: 02minThe fourth and final part of Attorney Derek Reams, video series on some of the finer parts of the civil trial process here in the state of Florida has been posted. Once the examination phase of the trial is completed and both sides have presented their evidence and their respective witnesses, the closing arguments are given. The plaintiff, who again is the party that has actually filed the lawsuit, goes first. During the plaintiff's closing argument this is their opportunity to argue when he or she believes the evidence has shown during the trial of the case. This is also where they attorney will ask the jury to compensate our client for that monetary damages being sought. The defense attorney's closing argument, just like the plaintiff's, is to argue what he or she believes the evidence has shown during the trial of the case. Once the defense attorney's closing argument has been given, the plaintiff's attorney actually has a second closing argument which is what's called a rebuttal. The rebuttal argument i
Episode 19 Trial Process - Preparing Your Testimony
10/06/2014 Duration: 04minDerek Reams, a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with McCue, Reams and Associates recently completed a four part video series on some of the finer points of the civil trial process here in the state of Florida. Check out Part 3 - Preparing Your Testimony: During the examination process our client of course will be testifying. The preparation for this testimony actually begins at the accident scene which may have occurred several months or even several years before the trial itself has started. Preparation is extremely important in any case and your case is no different. The jury for the first time is going to hear from you and what you've gone through during the last several months for several years since you were injured. Because trials are limited in the number of days that the jury will be there to listen to the case, we have to try to cram in two or three or four years worth of information into an hour to two hours worth of testimony. This can be very difficult but also can be a great way to hit the hi
Episode 18 Trial Process - Your Case at Trial
23/05/2014 Duration: 03minDerek Reams, a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with McCue, Reams and Associates recently completed a four part video series on some of the finer points of the civil trial process here in the state of Florida. Check out Part 2 - Your Case at Trial: After the jury was sworn in, the trial of the case then begins. The first step in most cases is what's called the opening statements. This is where the attorneys for the perspective parties give you a guide of what the evidence that's going to be presented during the course of the trial will show. Oftentimes, things like demonstrative aides which could include; enlargements of property damage pictures, enlargements of certain medical information that might be relevant to the case are shown to the jury for the very first time. These guides, used in opening statements are of course designed to try to inform the jury of what the next several days or weeks during the trial itself will show. This is the first time the jury will hear certain details about the case whic
Episode 17 Trial Process - Jury Selection
16/05/2014 Duration: 04minDerek Reams, a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer with McCue, Reams and Associates recently completed a four part video series on some of the finer points of the civil trial process here in the state of Florida. Check out Part 1 - Jury Selection: First step in the trial process is what's called the jury selection, more formally known as "voir dire". In this step of the trial process, the judge and the attorneys for all of the parties are entitled to ask prospective jurors various questions. Things like, have they been in a prior car accident, made a claim for personal injuries or know someone that has been injured in a motor vehicle accident of any kind. This information is important to us and to you because we want the best jury to get the best possible result for you during the trial of your case. During this process, the judge generally starts by asking the jury as a group, some basic background qualifications such as, are they Florida residents, residents of the particular county that we're trying the ca
Episode 15 First Impressions
17/04/2014 Duration: 57sAttorney Sandra Bucha of Q Auto & Injury Attorneys specializes in medical negligence cases. She says that in many of these cases, first impressions can be deceiving. When it comes to trying your case, it is the attorney's job to determine that all who might be responsible are appropriately held accountable.
Episode 13 Changes in PIP Personal Injury Insurance
03/03/2014 Duration: 01minInsurance policies can be confusing enough, but when the law changes regarding them it can be nearly impossible to know your rights. Q Auto & Injury Attorneys founding attorney Leonard McCue offers some insight to a recent change in automobile insurance P-I-P (Personal Injury Protection).
Episode 12 Don't Give Up!
02/10/2012 Duration: 02minOne day a young woman came into my office. Her husband had been killed while working on the Skyway Bridge. Unfortunately even though these two people had two young children they had never married. The insurance company denied the coverage to this young woman and her two little children based on Florida Law. Watch this episode to find out how this case became one of the most satisfying cases we have ever experienced in our office. Founding partner, attorney Leonard McCue explains. Follow the discussion on our blog, add comments or tell us about your experiences at