

The local sheriff or police department may not respond to an accident after you've called them. They don't want to be bothered. It's very time consuming and with budget changes in the state they no longer have the funds to go out to every accident. As a result, you're often left standing there for a long period of time and assuming that someone is coming to make a report of the accident. Now-a-day’s that's often not the case. It's important that you record all the information that you can about accident and the other driver/drivers involved. It's you who will be making the report to the police after the accident is removed from the scene and everyone has gone. Be sure you get the other person's name and address and above all get the name of their insurance company. Remember, they won't be the ones repairing your car or paying your medical bills. It will be their insurance company. At Q Auto & Injury Attorneys we’ve created an app for your iPhone or Android that will help you record all the important infor