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Monster X Radio with Bigfoot Field Researcher- Mike Familant
14/12/2016 Duration: 01h10minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson as he talks with Bigfoot field researcher Mike Familant. Mike has been researching Sasquatch since 2011 after his first expedition when a he and a friend experienced tree knocks and rock throws. Since then it has been his personal goal to find out what is out there. Mike also created the show 'In the Shadow of Big Red Eye'. Mike recently relocated to Northeastern Ohio from New Jersey where he works as an EMT. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG). He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Monster X Radio with Darren W. Lee 'Darkwing'
12/12/2016 Duration: 02h01minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Darren 'Darking' Lee D.W. "Darkwing" Lee has been researching since early 1991 when he made his first trip to Fouke, Arkansas to look for the Boggy Creek Monster. Little did he realize that Bigfoot lurked closer to home in Northeastern Oklahoma. Eventually founding the Green Country Bigfoot Research Center, D.W. found that the organization began attracting members from across the United States and soon the name was changed to Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center. The MABRC now has over 500 members from around the world. The MABRC Forums is considered by many as the go to location for Bigfoot related information as it has multiple library wings full of articles, stories, and other historical related information. D.W. was also instrumental in creating the Bigfoot Field Guide, through a radio show, newsletters, magazines, books and now the Bigfoot Field Guide Blog in which material is published related to the realm of Bigfoot researc
Monster X Radio with Claudia Ackley a Sasquatch witness
10/12/2016 Duration: 01h22minJoin Monster X Radio as Monster X Radio host Shane Corson speaks with Sasquatch witness and investigator, Claudia Ackley. Claudia Ackley works as a medical professional. She had a sighting of a Sasquatch that "Changed my life" and made her realize that we are not alone and that we share the planet with other beings that are only supposed to be a myth. Since her sighting she has made a promise to herself to get more answers. Claudia has embraced her journey and considers it an awesome experience meeting great people and learning new things about the species. Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of the TFRG as well as the Olympic Project. (
The Haunted Sea: Giant Eels with William McDonald
08/12/2016 Duration: 59minJoin The Haunted Sea host Scott Mardis along with special cohost Julie Rench as they discuss giant eels with William Louis McDonald. Through Bill McDonald's service in both the USMC as well as the California Army National Guard, he has amassed an education in the field of military aviation. His more than 12 years experience as a private investigator has lead to his use of proper investgative methods. Bill's experience as an illustrator has made him much sought after by those in the motion picture, television, magazine and book industries. He is responsible for all of the spacecraft designs used in the Showtime telefilm "Roswell". His artwork as well as his interveiws have been featured in several episodes of 'Sightings' and 'Strange Universe'. He has also consulted for several NBC tv seres including 'Unsolved Mysteries'
Monster X Radio with Abe 'Elusive1' Del Rio
05/12/2016 Duration: 01h56minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane 'Hard Core' Corson as they sit down with Abe Del Rio. Abe Del Rio, also known as Elusive1 in the Bigfoot community, is the Founder and Director of the Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team and host MN.B.R.T.. Abe has been doing Bigfoot field research and investigations for a little over 16 years. Abe has yet to see a Bigfoot with his own two eyes but has had multiple encounters. Abe's interest in Bigfoot originated from childhood "from the gorillas at Como Zoo in St. Paul Minnesota". He was awestruck by them. Growing up he would hear of the occasional Bigfoot report or sighting and by the time he was a young man they were still coming in leading him to beleive that there has to be something to these reports. In 2000 he started the Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team and has been doing field research and investigations ever since. Currently the MNBRT has 10 total members with eight members in Minnesota and two in West Virginia, The MNBRT employs a no-kill philosoph
Monster X Radio with Dan 'Big Truth' Lindholm
21/11/2016 Duration: 01h59minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Bigfoot filed researcher and the host og the 'Bigtruth' Youtube channel, Dan 'Big Truth' Lindholm. Dan's close up sighting in 1986 confirmed for him the existence of Bigfoot. Like many who encounter these creatures, he remanined silent about his experience for more than 25 years. Based on what he had personnally experienced, The "Ketchum conclusion" regarding the nature of what these beings were resonated with Dan and he felt that vindication of his encounter through confirmation of their existence would soon follow. He realizes now that that confirmation remains as elusive as Bigfoot themselves. Dan started his 'Bigtruth' Youtube channel and website soon after, sharing tales of his own youth spent in Lake County California as well as those of his friends. In 2014 he partnered with Ed Brown to create the popular interview series 'Sit Down with Ed Brown' as well as 'Sasquqtch Encounters', After moving to Klamath Falls, Ore
Monster X Radio with Mike Johnson of SIR
14/11/2016 Duration: 02h00sJoin Monster X Radio's hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Mike Johnson of SIR (Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies). Mike came to Colorado in 1977 from north of Salina, Kansas. He instantly fell in love with the mountains and Colorado, and has spent countless days and nights exploring its majesty. He got started in this endeavor in the 1990’s after finding 17″ footprints in the snow at Rampart Range during Thanksgiving break. In the same location, Mike had a Class 1 Bigfoot sighting when he saw a male Sasquatch in person. This sighting was investigated by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO). Mike is very comfortable in the woods. He hunts elk and pheasant, and is well adapted to search for the legendary creature in the remotest areas of Colorado, in all four seasons. Mike is a Christian man, he is a husband, a father of three, and a proud grandfather. He is very spiritual, whether it be his religion or his search for his Indian heritage. He is a man’s man, who loves
Monster X Radio with Adventurer and Cryptozoologist Adam Davies
07/11/2016 Duration: 02h03minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Cryptozoologist Adam Davies. Whether you call him an Explorer, Adventurer or Cryptozoologist, there is no one alive today who has done more active fieldwork to prove the existence of yet-to-be-discovered animals in remote and sometimes dangerous parts of the world. From the dense jungles of the Congo and Sumatra, to the Deserts of Mongolia, and the Mountains of Nepal, Adam has traveled the world in search of scientific evidence of the existence of these creatures. Notably, Adam has achieved unique results. Expeditions which he has either led or been a key part of have gotten excellent results. Examples include the Orang-Pendek in Sumatra, Sasquatch, the Yeren in China, and the Seljord Serpent in Norway. Adam would love to do this full time, but for now he devotes all his spare time and money to his passion. Adam is a frequent contributor to documentary television programming, including such shows as the History Channel's "
Nathaniel York Joins Monster X Radio
03/11/2016 Duration: 02h08minJoin Monster X Radio host Shane Corson as he talks Bigfoot research with field researcher Nathaniel York Bronis. Nathaniel York Bronis is a twenty one year old Sasquatch researcher and report investigator from the central lower peninsula of Michigan. Following a remarkable, up close, sighting in 2009, he began his personal study of the subject. Nathaniel spends a great deal of time researching potential habitats and makes regular forays into remote forests to collect data, and help in his personal quest to find and better understand this elusive species. With strong interests in ecology and wildlife biology, Nathaniel has spent a great deal of time studying nature, through personal experiences gained as both an experienced hunter and backpacker. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG). He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at
Monster X Radio with author and Bigfoot researcher Russell Acord
23/10/2016 Duration: 02h01minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane 'Birthday boy' Corson as theu sit down with author and Bigfoot researcher Russell Acord. Russell's service in the military (U.S. Army) was cut short by injury. After his service ended he graduated 'Magna Cum Laude' with degrees in Safety and Health Management as well as civil engineering. While working in the Nuclear Safety field, he began writing a the 'Bitterroot Trilogy' in what little spare time he has. Based in the Biterroot Mountains where he spent his youth, his books feature our favorite hairy creature. To date Russel has completed Books 1 (Footprints of a Legend) and 2 (Bigfoot and the Tripwire) and is currently working on Book 3. In 2016 Russell (along with his wife, Kelly and Mr. Ed Brown) hosted the inaugural 'International Bigfoot Conference' in Kennewick Washington to a packed house. When he isn't working or writing Russell spends time with his wife and daughter as well as conducting Bigfoot field research and investigations.
Operation Sea Monkey with Todd Neiss of the American Primate Conservancy
09/10/2016 Duration: 02h04minJoin Monster X Radio host Gunnar Monson as he sits down with Todd Neiss, co-founder of the American Primate Conservancy and expedition organizer of the recently completed 'Operation Sea Monkey'. OPERATION: SEA MONKEY American Primate Conservancy The American Primate Conservancy is a non-profit organization sponsoring a scientific expedition in search of the mysterious creatures known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot. Despite its admittedly whimsical name, Operation: Sea Monkey is a very serious, professional expedition focusing on the Broughton Archipelago off the shores of British Columbia. Operation: Sea Monkey is a very serious, professional expedition into the Canadian wilderness in search of Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Sponsored in part by the American Primate Conservancy, as well as a gofundme campaign, this adventure took place from September 23rd through September 30th of this year. Our team members included researchers : Todd Neiss, Ron Morehead, Thomas Steenburg, Tom Sewid and Gunnar Monson as well as cinem
Monster X Radio with guest Dan Baker of American Primate Exploration (A.P.E.)
02/10/2016 Duration: 01h58minThis week on Monster X Radio we talk Sasquatch with Researcher Dan Baker founder of American Primate Explraion (A.P.E.). Dan Baker is the founder of American Primate Exploration / A.P.E. He became hooked on Bigfoot in 1967 at the age of 12 years old. As a young boy, he grew up in the country and spent a lot of time in the woods. He and one of his friends actually found a domed structure in the woods that they used for a fort until one day it just disappeared. Not knowing the significance until many years later, he began actively doing field research on Bigfoot in Host info: Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of both the Olympic Project and the Tillamook Forest Research Project. (
Join Monster X Radio for a round table discussion on Sasquatch
22/09/2016 Duration: 02h07minJoin Monster X Radio for a round table discussion on Sasquatch, and some of the locations actively being researched now. Gunnar Monson, Shane Corson, and Julie Rench discuss research and the various topics around the mystery we call Sasquatch. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of Monster X Radio sponsor, The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of both the Olympic Project and the Tillamook Forest Research Project. ( Julie Rench is an active field investigator for The Genoskwa Project and recently established The Genoskwa Project Southwest Ohio. Julie investigates with a healthy skepticism and prognostic
'Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch' by Justin Chernipeski
18/09/2016 Duration: 02h02minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they talk with Justin Chernispki. Justin recently released his documentary on Bigfoot, 'Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch' featuring Dr. John Bindernagel. Justin is a wildland firefighter, filmmaker, and photographer based out of Alberta, Canada. He is also the director and producer of the new bigfoot documentary Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch. Justin's fascination with bigfoot began in his childhood when his dad introduced him to the subject. Since then his curiosity led him to the pursuit of the creatures discovery. Being a former outdoor guide and now forestry worker, Justin has spent countless hours in the wilderness and is now more convinced than ever that the Sasquatch may in fact be a reality. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Bo
Monster X Radio with Bigfoot Researcher and Historian Bryan Impey
11/09/2016 Duration: 02h01minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as we talk with Bigfoot researcher and historian Bryan Impey. Bryan is a lifelong Bigfoot and cryptid entusiast. He is an investigator and historian of Bigfoot lore and other unexplained phenomenon in the Ark-La-Tex area. Bryan is a co-founder of 'Mysteries, Monsters and Mayhem'. He is serves on the Boggy Creek Festival organization. He is a member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center (TBRC). Bryan will appear in Seth Breedlove's the soon to be released 'Boggy Creek Monster-The Truth Behind the Legend'. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Sha
Monster X Radio sits down with Ed Brown (who?)
28/08/2016 Duration: 02h01minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane 'Hard Core' Corson as the sit down with Ed Brown. Ed is one of the organizers of the International Bigfoot Conference. The first ever IBC will take place September 2-4 in Kennewick, Washington. Speakers for the IBC include: Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, John Bindernagel, Loren Coleman, Cliff Barackman, Bob Gimlin, Derek Randles, Todd & Diane Neiss, Adam Davies and Monster X's own Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson. among others. Ed is the host of the popular YouTube show 'Sit Down with Ed Brown' where Ed interviews members of the Bigfoot community. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his
Host of the PNW's best monthly Bigfoot speaker series, HopsSquatch, Guy Edwards
21/08/2016 Duration: 01h59minJoin Monster X Radio host Gunnar Monson as he talks with the man behind the monthly speaker series HopsSquatch as well as the Bigfoot Lunch Club, Guy Edwards. Guy is currently working on a special Bigfoot mapping project that he hopes to unveil at the Sasquatch Summit in November. Call in (347)326-9859. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company (
Monster X Radio with Bigfoot Ops Ben Freed
07/08/2016 Duration: 02h00sJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Bigfoot Ops own Ben Freed. Ben is an active Bigfoot field researcher in Washington State. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Call in (347)326-9859. Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of both the Olympic Project and the Tillamook Forest Research Project. (
The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis: What I Did on My Plesiosaur Summer Vacation
30/07/2016 Duration: 55minJoin our host of 'The Haunted Sea', Scott Mardis as he recounts his 2016 adventure to Lake Champlain in search of the mysterious lake creature known as 'Champ'. Scott began his quest for 'Champ' nearly 24 years ago. He was so empassioned by his search that he up and relocated to Vermont so that he could pursue his interest. Scott's own sighting only served to deepen his thirst for knowldedge of relict plesiosaurs that may inhabit the waters of our small blue planet.
Monster X Radio with Bigfoot Researcher Christopher Lau
17/07/2016 Duration: 01h14minJoin Monster X radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they talk with Bigfoot researcher Christopher Lau. Christopher studied Anthropology at York University. A field investigator for the B.F.R.O, Christopher attended the 2006 and 2008 B.F.R.O B.C Coastal Expeditions as well as the 2007 and 2009 B.F.R.O Ontario Expedition. About your Monster X Radio hosts: Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) s well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of MXR sponsor, The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of the TFRG as well as the Olympic Project. (