Monster X Radio

Monster X Radio with Claudia Ackley a Sasquatch witness



Join Monster X Radio as Monster X Radio host Shane Corson speaks with Sasquatch witness and investigator, Claudia Ackley.   Claudia Ackley works as a medical professional. She had a sighting of a Sasquatch that "Changed my life" and made her realize that we are not alone and that we share the planet with other beings that are only supposed to be a myth. Since her sighting she has made a promise to herself to get more answers.  Claudia has embraced her journey and considers it an awesome experience meeting great people and learning new things about the species. Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of the TFRG as well as the Olympic Project. (