Monster X Radio

'Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch' by Justin Chernipeski



Join Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they talk with Justin Chernispki.  Justin recently released his documentary on Bigfoot, 'Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch' featuring Dr. John Bindernagel. Justin is a wildland firefighter, filmmaker, and photographer based out of Alberta, Canada. He is also the director and producer of the new bigfoot documentary Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch. Justin's fascination with bigfoot began in his childhood when his dad introduced him to the subject. Since then his curiosity led him to the pursuit of the creatures discovery. Being a former outdoor guide and now forestry worker, Justin has spent countless hours in the wilderness and is now more convinced than ever that the Sasquatch may in fact be a reality. Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. He is the lead investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Group (TFRG) as well as a member of the Olympic Project. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( Bo