The Moving Forward Leadership Podcast is here for one reason and one reason only: to make you a better leader no matter who you are, where you work, nor where you are in your life. This weekly podcast will help you find new ways to become the best leader than you can be. I take the lessons learned from my 20+ years of leadership experience coupled with the world's best guests in all areas of leadership to give you a leading edge. Whether you work for a large corporation, Non-profit organization, for yourself as an entrepreneur or simply lead your family this podcast will make you the best leader you can be.
Unlocking Your Leadership Potential with George Penyak - Episode 65
13/02/2019 Duration: 01h01minRegardless if you believe it or not, we all have leadership potential in us. In some form or another we all can be leaders. Some people naturally are able to unlock it themselves while others need someone to show them the way to unlock it. During this interview, I bring back for a third time George Penyak. George is a younger leader, like myself who has seen a lot of success in his journey. I felt compelled to bring George back on the show to catch up and for us to have a discussion revolving around unlocking leadership potential in ourselves. Unlocking Your Leadership Potential Topics During my discussion with George we cover the following topics: Catching up with GeorgeTransitioning from one leadership role to anotherHow to unlock your own leadership potentialAdvice on how to establish yourself as a new leader. Guest Resources George Penyak WebsiteSales Success Stories BookPenyak TravelKnow Before You Go Travel Show Podcast Mentioned Resources George’s Past episodes: Leadership Panel – Episode 50Le
Dumbing Down Organizational Growth with Karen Walker - Episode 64
06/02/2019 Duration: 41minAs an organization you are either flying or you are dying and this holds true whether you are for-profit or not-for-profit. Organizations grow over time to meet their increasing demands are requirements. However, there are ways to fail at growing. Organizations can actually set themselves up for failure when they grow too fast with little or no vision to what this growth actually means. This is where my guest Karen Walker comes into play. Karen is a consultant, author, and advisor to CEOs and senior leaders. She helps her clients grow their companies with successful outcomes that include IPOs, acquisitions, market share increases, and significant leadership development. Her clients include Inc. 500 start-ups and Fortune 500 firms. Prior to launching her consultancy, Karen was employee #104 at Compaq Computer - then the fastest growing company in American and fastest to $1billion in revenue. Dumbing Down Organizational Growth Topics During this episode Karen and I discuss the following topics: Struggles wh
Lead a Badass Agile Organization with Chris Williams - Episode 63
30/01/2019 Duration: 44minChange, it is the ever consent in our world. Since forever, the world has been changing. Organizations are no different. Organizations at times need to be steady like an rock and others they need to be adaptive and nimble like a cat. This is where "agile" comes into play. Agile allows organizations to change, morph, and become more effective in a short period of time. However, to employ it properly it has to be respected and executed by the team and not one lone individual. Chris Williams is a consultant, writer, speaker and podcaster in the business and personal agility space. With a background in literature, music and technology, he found his way to his true calling; creating experiences that develop the deeply powerful leaders in each of us. Lead a Badass Agile Organization Topics Chris and I cover a wide-range of topics during our conversation today including: His backgroundWhat Agile isIs Agile the “next big thing”?Principles of an Agile organizationHow to implement Agile into an organizationWhat are
Leadership Force Multipliers - Episode 62
21/01/2019 Duration: 23minIn today's modern and fast-paced world we need all the help that we can get. Frankly, keeping our heads above water is often a difficult task, let alone driving our organizations forward and creating real-lasting change. Only if there was something which could help us exponentially. Something which would take our efforts right now and turn them into something even more powerful. This is where leadership force multipliers come into play. First off, what the heck is a force multiplier and even more what the heck how does it relate to leadership? Well today, I go through those questions plus give you 5 force multipliers which you can implement RIGHT NOW to help you and you organization move forward further and faster than before. Leadership Force Multipliers Topics During this solo podcast episode I cover the following topics: What a force multiplier isVisionDelegationTrainingVacation timeHealth Mentioned Episodes During this episode I mentioned the following episodes: Your Leadership Flight Path to Succe
Ditch the SMART Goals for POWER Goals – Episode 61
10/01/2019 Duration: 28minIt's the beginning of 2019 and there is a sense of new beginnings in the air. People across the world have made goals to make themselves better in some form or another. Whether they are looking for personal or professional growth goal setting is crucial process to develop oneself. However, within the next few weeks most people will begin to slowly fail on their goals to the point of complete catastrophic failure. In fact, only 8% of all people who set new goals for themselves at the beginning of the year will reach them! Only 8%! Why do so many people fail? Is it their motivation, sense of purpose, or capabilities? In reality, everyone is different, but a significant issue is that people generally do not have a plan for achieving their goals. Ditch the SMART Goals for POWER Goals Topics Today I discuss the following topics in order to help you set better goals and most importantly achieve them: What SMART Goals areThe limitations of SMART GoalsThe POWER GoalPurposeObserveWeekly PlanExecuteReflect Weekly
Company Transformation Through Alignment with Alex Vorobieff - Episode 60
23/11/2018 Duration: 54minAll organizations will go through this during their life cycle at some point... misalignment. Organizations go through misalignment because of many factors - size, age, poor leadership, etc - but all have one thing in common a transformation is required. Alex Vorobieff has helped countless businesses eliminate the source of their frustration and stunted growth by selecting the proper Business Alignment Tools for their specific needs. Alex started his financial clean-up firm in 2003 and evolved into a business turnaround firm to remove common issues that cause financial challenges across many industries. He has served as a clean-up CFO and president of companies in telecommunications, aviation and aerospace, hospitality, healthcare, and outsource staffing, leading successful turnarounds in a little as three months. His latest book, Transform Your Company: Escape Frustration, Align Your Business, and Get Your Life Back, details for executives the critical steps and business alignment tools to transform their d
Using Conflict for Good with Nathan Regier - Episode 59
16/09/2018 Duration: 34minConflict is ever present. Even reading these podcast show notes could be causing you conflict this very instant. As leaders, we need to know the good, the bad, and the ugly revolving around conflict. Additionally, whilst conflict can be a catalyst for good change, unresolved conflict can cause long-lasting damage to an organization. As a leader, you need to know how to use conflict for good, and then ultimately resolve it. This is where my guest, Nate Reiger comes to play. Nate Regier, Ph.D., is CEO and co-founding owner of Next Element, a global leadership training and certification rm specializing in communication and conflict skills. He’s an expert in social-emotional intelligence and leadership, positive conflict, neuropsychology, group dynamics, interpersonal and leadership communication, executive assessment, and coaching. Regier is a co-developer of Next Element’s Leading Out of Drama® training and coaching system, an LOD® master trainer, and Process Communication Model® certifying master trainer. He
Mastering Servant Leadership with Art Barter - Episode 58
29/08/2018 Duration: 38minServant leadership is a hot topic as of late but the ideology is not truly new. Essentially, servant leaders place their people and organizations first and themselves last. In the Canadian Army, we have the ideology of - Mission, Troops, Self. Which is essentially servant leadership. But still, when I learned about today's guest I knew I had to have him on to talk about this absolutely crucial topic. Art Barter is CEO and cultural architect of Datron World Communications Inc., an organization he transformed from a $10 million company to a $200 million company in just six years by putting into practice the behaviors of servant leadership. He also founded the Servant Leadership Institute (SLI) as a vehicle to share his knowledge and to teach others how to inspire and equip those they influence. Barter is the author of Farmer Able: A Fable About Servant Leadership Transforming Organizations and People From the Inside Out. In his newest work, The Servant Leadership Journal, Barter teaches the nine behaviors ne
Surviving Leader Burnout with Michael Levitt - Episode 57
15/08/2018 Duration: 41minLeader burnout is a real and dangerous problem. As more is expected of us leaders the greater the risk of it occurring. Frankly, everyone is susceptible to burnout. In fact, I have experienced burnout myself on a number of occasions. However, I was able to rebound, collect myself, and get back to business. Burnout can come at a number of different levels, from simply needing a break to complete and utter breakdown. Don't let yourself fall to the latter and hence why I have my guest on this episode! Michael Levitt brings people back to life. Focused on helping individuals and leaders within corporations (Re)Learn BOUNDARIES in their work and personal lives – So that they can accomplish more, by doing less, which will save their careers and possibly their lives. Michael lost his health, his job, his car, and his home all in 369 days. Michael teaches people on how that happened to him, so that they can make the crucial changes in their lives to prevent those losses from happening to them. Surviving Leader Burn
July Recap and Thoughts - Episode 56
09/08/2018 Duration: 17minHey all, A little late I know but nonetheless here’s my July recap and leadership thoughts. During this episode I go over: July’s released episodesAugust’s planned episodesMy thoughts on transitioning out of a leadership role. Moving Forward Leadership Resources Keep on top of Moving Forward Leadership with all the resources which I have established for you: POWER Goals Program - If you are ready to stop complaining and start achieving those goals which you have been trying to achieve for some time now. Then stop chasing your dreams and start achieving them through my very own POWER Goals program. Learn about picking the right goals, figuring out how to achieve them, getting on track with achieving them and most importantly how to get back on track when you fail... because you will. Learn more here! Moving Forward Leadership Resources - Check out the Moving Forward Leadership Resources section where I list every single resource mentioned on the show. As well, there are books which I have read written or
Leading with your Mind featuring Silk Celia - Episode 55
01/08/2018 Duration: 39minDecision making is a cornerstone of leadership. Decisions are why leaders exist... decisions day in day out. To be an effective leader, your decision-making skills must be top-tier. Decisions, however, are tied to your mind and how you think. If you are able to maximize your mental strength through the use of your unconscious mind then decisions will come quicker, clearer, and more effective. Hence my guest Silke Celia. As a Rapid Transformation Coach based in Dubai, Silke Glaab (aka SilkCelia) has worked with innumerable accomplished professionals who are struggling with four particular areas of their lives — purpose, success, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal communication. Before coming to Dubai, she worked with T-Online, German International Cooperation (GIZ) in Kenya, and International Schools. She was a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Spitzer, one of Germany's leading neuroscientist. She was personally trained by Prof. Dr. James Kennedy on neuroscience coaching Silke Glaab holds a master’s deg
Develop the Mindset of a Navy SEAL with Mark Divine - Episode 54
18/07/2018 Duration: 48minMindset is everything. It's a common expression which can be heard in fitness gyms, sports teams, and even sales teams. But mindset is crucial for everyone. To be a leader, you have to have the mindset that you are a leader. You are worthy of leading, you have a vision which will take your organization into the future, and that you are capable of doing it. So in order to achieve this, I went looking no further than a former US Navy SEAL to find out how we can be more mindful as leaders. Mark spent 20 years as a Navy SEAL officer, retiring as a Commander in 2011. He then founded and leads several highly successful enterprises including SEALFIT (Physical and mental training), Unbeatable Mind, LLC (Executive Mastery Development), and USCrossFit. Mark Divine is an expert in human performance as it is displayed in mental toughness, leadership and physical readiness. His work is based on an integral warrior-leader model that he developed and tested on over a thousand special operations candidates wor
Enabling Employee Engagement with Jo Dodds - Episode 53
13/07/2018 Duration: 44minIt's one of the most important things which leaders and organizations must achieve yet it is one of the most difficult things to achieve. To have fully engaged employees takes more than finding the right employees with the right attitude to have engagement. This must start from the top, as a leader you need to be driving the organizational culture so that employee engagement is at the forefront of all people in the organization. With a background in HR and Digital and Social Media, Jo Dodds works with business owners and leaders to improve their personal productivity and, as a result, their wellbeing, as well as helping them to improve employee engagement in their organizations. Enabling Employee Engagement Topics During our conversation, Jo and I discuss the following topics: What does it truly mean to have employee engagementHow employers and leaders can get their employees engagedThe four enablers of employee engagement Guest Resources If you are interested in learning more about Jo and what she has
Managing Explosive Growth with Jacob Baadsgaard - Episode 52
04/07/2018 Duration: 33minYou are either growing or dying. That's a principle in business as old as supply and demand. However, there are the right ways to manage growth and the wrong ways to manage it. As a leader, you need to ensure that you set the right conditions so that your organization does not fail due to its success. That is where my guest for this episode comes into effect. Jake Baadsgaard is a business owner, entrepreneur, and speaker. Jake founded Disruptive Advertising, a PPC and CRO management agency that has helped hundreds of companies realize unprecedented growth and profitability from the online advertising. In the four years since its founding, Disruptive Advertising has grown from two employees working in Jake's basement to a flourishing agency with more than 100 employees and a run rate of over $12 million- putting it at #145 on the 2017 Inc 500 list! Managing Explosive Growth Topics During this episode, Jake and I cover the following topics: How he created Disruptive AdvertisingWhat led to the company’s qu
June Monthly Recap & Leadership Thoughts - Episode 51
29/06/2018 Duration: 24minIt's the second time I do a monthly recap episode! During this episode, I recap the previous episodes released in June, talk about those upcoming in July, and talk about what's on my mind in a leadership context. Enjoy! Moving Forward Leadership Resources Keep on top of Moving Forward Leadership with all the resources which I have established for you: POWER Goals Program - If you are ready to stop complaining and start achieving those goals which you have been trying to achieve for some time now. Then stop chasing your dreams and start achieving them through my very own POWER Goals program. Learn about picking the right goals, figuring out how to achieve them, getting on track with achieving them and most importantly how to get back on track when you fail... because you will. Learn more here! Moving Forward Leadership Resources - Check out the Moving Forward Leadership Resources section where I list every single resource mentioned on the show. As well, there are books which I have read written or read pe
Leadership Panel - Episode 50
20/06/2018 Duration: 52minThe average new podcast doesn't last more than a few months of even deep into double-digits before the host no longer provides new content. For the Moving Forward Leadership to hit 50 episodes over the span of 1.5 years has been a testament to you the listeners out there! It's for you that I record these shows weekly and provide you with the best content possible. I thank you for the support that you have given Moving Forward Leadership thus far and I am humbled by the thousands of you who are listening to this show weekly. This episode I wanted to do something different, something big and I believe we delivered on just that! I didn't bring on one guest but three guests this time! In fact, I brought back three guests! Leadership Panel Topics This episode I wanted to do something different, something big and I believe we delivered on just that! I didn’t bring on one guest but three guests this time! In fact, I brought back three guests! How to Lead Professional Growth with Keisha A. Rivers – Episode 31Le
Eliminating Leadership Blind Spots with Jason Treu - Episode 49
18/06/2018 Duration: 46minWe all have them... blind spots. No matter how hard you try they will always be there. So it's important for leaders to develop the skills to not only identify their own blind spots but their team's blind spots as well. This is where this episode's guest comes into play. Jason Treu (Troy) is an executive coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs and rising stars to maximize their leadership potential and performance. He also helps them build and execute their career blueprint. He's the best-selling author of Social Wealth, a how-to-guide on building extraordinary business relationships, which has sold more than 45,000 copies. He was a featured speaker at TEDxWilmington 2017, where he debuted his breakthrough team building game Cards Against Mundanity. Finally, he hosts the podcast show, Executive Breakthroughs, bringing game-changing CEOs, entrepreneurs, and experts that share their breakthroughs and breakdowns. Topics Covered His background and how he got into executive coachingHow leaders can ident
How to be a Courageous Leader with Shelly L. Francis - Episode 48
06/06/2018 Duration: 43minAs leaders, we all face difficult circumstances. How to be a courageous leader is definitely a question which I have struggled with in the past to find the answer for. I can tell you that there is no perfect answer for everyone. We all have to figure it out in our own way. However, we can definitely learn how to be a courageous leader through the experiences of others to enable us to find our path. My guest in this episode went on a journey to answer the question of how we can be a courageous leader. Shelly L. Francis has been the marketing and communications director at the Center for Courage & Renewal since mid-2012. Before coming to the Center, Shelly directed trade marketing and publicity for multi-media publisher Sounds True, Inc. Her career has spanned international program management, web design, corporate communications, trade journals, and software manuals. Shelly wrote The Courage Way: Leading and Living with Integrity (February 2018) on behalf of the Center for Courage & Renewal. How to b
May Monthly Recap and Thoughts - Episode 47
30/05/2018 Duration: 21minThis week we are changing things up! I'm going solo again to discuss the month's interviews, the upcoming interviews and just a few random thoughts about leadership I have running through my mind. So I hope you enjoy! Moving Forward Leadership Resources Keep on top of Moving Forward Leadership with all the resources which I have established for you: POWER Goals Program - If you are ready to stop complaining and start achieving those goals which you have been trying to achieve for some time now. Then stop chasing your dreams and start achieving them through my very own POWER Goals program. Learn about picking the right goals, figuring out how to achieve them, getting on track with achieving them and most importantly how to get back on track when you fail... because you will. Learn more here! Moving Forward Leadership Resources - Check out the Moving Forward Leadership Resources section where I list every single resource mentioned on the show. As well, there are books which I have read written or read perso
Leading the Millennial Generation with Lee Caraher - Episode 46
24/05/2018 Duration: 01h07minThe Millennial Generation is getting a bad rap in the workplace. From being called lazy to self-centered, there is no shortage of criticism of this up and coming generation. However, is the criticism truly justified or is it simply short-sighted on the older generations' part? That is a question which many people struggle to answer within their organization. Incorporating and empowering millennials within organizations must be at the forefront of any leader's priority list as this generation grows to take over the working population. This brings my guest Lee McEnany Caraher to light. She is the founder and CEO of Double Forte, a national public relations and digital media agency. Lee is also an acclaimed author and speaker and a recognized expert on creating high performing, positive, intergenerational workplaces. Through her work, she shows companies how to embrace the qualities of different generations, and how to recognize the significant benefits of shifting the definition of company loyalty from a long