Central Community Church sermons
Rest Pt.1: Yoke
18/06/2017Jesus makes two phenomenal invitations to tired people in this text. The first is to come and trust Him for salvation and the second is to take up the way of Jesus by being yoked to Him.
Work Pt.2: Glory
11/06/2017Applying our Christian faith to all of life is a crucial part of our discipleship to Jesus. And since we spend so much of our time at our jobs, connecting our faith to our work is critically important. The Bible tells us that whatever it is we do, we...
Work Pt.1: Culture
04/06/2017The biblical creation account stands in contrast to the rest. It begins with God working — hands in the dust and dirt — fashioning humanity and the whole world. God works, made us in His image to work, and sent Jesus to do the greatest work of all so...
The Promises Of The Gospel
28/05/2017How do you get through the pains and struggles of this world and sin? You have to look to the love of the father, the peace of the son and the hope of the cross! When we do, we will never lose heart in the power of the gospel and how it impacts our...
A Call For Serious Joy
21/05/2017The Bible urges us to live a joy-filled life. It calls us to some serious joy. But how is that possible with such reason for sorrow surrounding us? What does Jesus mean when He says that our sorrow will turn to joy and how do we ensure that we...
The Advantage Of The Holy Spirit
14/05/2017What could be better than having Jesus on earth right now? Jesus tells us that having the Holy Spirit is better! The Holy Spirit is given to the church in order to bring us through suffering, help us in evangelism and lead us into the truth.
The Mighty Witness Of The Spirit Of Truth
07/05/2017Though followers of Jesus will experience opposition in the world, Jesus has promised that the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Truth—will bear witness along with us. But, contrary to how we often view it, we are secondary participants in the primary work of...
Love, Love, Love
30/04/2017The primary evidence that Christ is in us, and that we are in Christ, and the first fruit that He wants us to grow, is love. As God the Father loved His Son, Jesus, so Jesus loves His disciples – which becomes the foundation for our love for one...
Keys To A Fruitful Life: Abide
23/04/2017The Christian life apart from Jesus is no life at all. In the last of the great ‘I am’ sayings found in John’s Gospel, “I am the true Vine,” Jesus spells out for his disciples three significant principles for a fruitful life: Union with Jesus is the...
Jesus Saves, Sanctifies, And Sends
16/04/2017This Easter we dwell on what Jesus did for us in salvation, does in us in sanctification, and does through us in sending us to astonishingly do even greater works than Jesus as His Church in the world.
7 Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross
14/04/2017As Jesus hung on the cross He uttered seven statements that are absolutely live-changing for us.
The Journey Home
09/04/2017Deep within the hearts of every human, there is a longing for 'home'. There is a constant restlessness when the heart does not feel at home. Jesus makes it clear that our home, where we belong, is with him.
The Distinguishing Mark Of A Disciple
02/04/2017Jesus said that the distinguishing mark of His disciples would be their Christ-like love for one another. Where Christians love each other as Christ loves us, the gospel is displayed and confirmed to the watching world.
People Of The Towel
26/03/2017Jesus took the posture of a servant by washing His disciples’ feet. This revolutionary act reveals why He came and what He sends His disciples to do.
Greeks, Glory and the Gospel
19/03/2017The Good News of Jesus is that those who confess Him as their King and believe in His finished work on the cross are forgiven of their sin and set free from condemnation and shame. This Gospel is such Good News that it demands that we live for God’s...
King Jesus
12/03/2017The way of Jesus poses such a threat to our preferred way of life that many are not willing to surrender their lives to Christ. While the faith of others is not a faith in God as He reveals Himself in Scripture but in the god of their own...
Extravagant Worship
05/03/2017A stark contrast exists between a woman named Mary and a man named Judas. Mary’s response to Jesus is one of extravagant worship. Whereas Judas finds such a response to be unreasonable. We explore why such a contrast exists and what Christian worship...
God's Good Plan Prevails
26/02/2017Jesus's miracles causes division. Some of the Jews believe, but the leaders do not and plot to kill him. Little do they know that in working against Jesus they are accomplishing God's plan. We can always trust that God's good plan...
Resurrection Life
19/02/2017Jesus did what no one saw coming and what no one else can do: He brought a dead man back to life! And that’s good news for you and me. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, which means He dealt with sin and death so that we can be forgiven and...
The Unbreakable Bible
12/02/2017What did Jesus believe about the Bible? The answer to that question is foundational for followers of Jesus. This text is one of the clearest and strongest claims by Jesus regarding the authority and inerrancy of Scripture.