Central Community Church sermons
The Kingdom Over All Kings
05/11/2017The sovereignty of God is one of the big themes in our Bibles and it is given so that we might not loose hope in a world that is plagued by sin. While sin operates in this world, God has not lost control. He brings nations up and he takes them down...
Standing Firm In Trying Circumstances
29/10/2017Where is God in trying circumstances? He is in the midst of them. How are we called to live in the midst of trying circumstances? As faithful, compelling followers of Jesus.
Sent On Mission
22/10/2017Our God is a missionary God always pursuing His lost children and His broken creation. As His people, the church, we too are on this mission. Corporately and individually we are all SENT into the world, right outside our front door and across the...
Equipped For Ministry
15/10/2017The pastor is the one who does ministry, right? I mean, isn’t that what we pay him for? Well, not according to Scripture.
Empowered By The Spirit
08/10/2017Apart from Him we can do nothing but when we are empowered by the Spirit it is for the good of the church, the world, and it makes much of Jesus.
Gathered In Community
01/10/2017Jesus did not intend for His followers to travel solo, but to walk with one another as they look to Him. When believers in Jesus gather in community, we help one another form new habits and rhythms of life that keep us learning from Jesus, sharing...
Rooted In The Bible
24/09/2017Being rooted in the Bible is one of the most foundational aspects of our church. We believe in the inspiration of Scripture, that is, the very words that God wanted us to know have been recorded for us today. Ultimately, the Scriptures point us to the...
Centred On The Gospel
17/09/2017When we say that one of our values (and we put it first on the list intentionally) is to be centred on the gospel what we mean by that is the Good News of Jesus Christ — His finished work on the cross of atoning for our sin and offering us the free...
Deliver Us From Evil
27/08/2017Jesus teaches his disciples to pray for deliverance from evil because we rescue ourselves. His prayer reminds us that sin is far more damaging than we normally think, but also that God’s grace is far greater than we can imagine. Once we understand...
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
20/08/2017The 6th petition in the Lord’s Prayer is “Lead us not into Temptation”. Jesus reminds those who follow him too their spiritual weakness and proneness to sin. This prayer is a call to become alert and watchful in our prayers to guard us from...
As We Forgive
13/08/2017The command to forgive others goes to the very heart of the Gospel because our own forgiveness depends on it. Embracing this most difficult part of the Lord's prayer is the key to true peace with God and others, making it also one of the most...
Forgive Us Our Debts
06/08/2017The great truth that is spoken by Jesus in this short verse is that God is approachable and will respond mercifully towards each one of us. As we come before God, humbly imploring him to forgive us, it does not matter what we have done or how big our...
Daily Bread
30/07/2017To pray “give us this day our daily bread” is to recognize that God actually cares about the minute details of our lives, is the One whom we depend upon for everything, and that we are to pray for enough.
Your Will Be Done
23/07/2017We pray for God’s will to be done, but do we know what that means? God’s will is that his glory would radiate out from this world because of what Jesus Christ has done. We as Christians have the awesome privilege of joining in with that work, so...
Your Kingdom Come
16/07/2017To pray “Your Kingdom come” is to pray “my kingdom go”, “Make your Kingdom visible in the world through the Church", and “Come, Lord Jesus!”.
Our Father In Heaven
02/07/2017That Jesus invites and enables us to call God, "Father" reveals His goodness and grace. That He is our "Father in Heaven" reveals His greatness and glory.
Rest Pt.2: Sabbath
25/06/2017This passage takes a closer look at Sabbath rest – an often misunderstood and lacking habit in our spiritual routines. But if we are to truly have relationship with Jesus, we must understand and engage Sabbath rest because Jesus declared himself the...