Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • If Jesus Rose It Changes Everything


    What difference does it make that the tomb was empty and that Jesus rose? We're told in 1 Corinthians, if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins (15:17). So, it would appear that the resurrection is the...

  • The Unchanging Connection Of The Cross


    “Let’s connect” is a common buzzword of our day. Human hearts long to be connected … to each other – and to God. So we look for endless ways and methods to do that – all of which, over time, change or disappear. But one point of connection never does...

  • Rejecting the King


    Unwittingly, through the political wrangling, Pilate unveils Jesus’ true identity as King! Jesus is secure in the ultimate authority found in God and does nothing to influence or change the course of the discourse even though he is abused, mocked...

  • The Truth About The King And His Kingdom


    On the verge of His death, Jesus told Pilate the purpose of His birth: to bear witness to the truth. Jesus left heaven, took on flesh and blood, was despised and rejected, died a horrific death, rose again… to testify to the truth. In the midst of our...

  • Are You In Denial?


    Peter, the disciple of Jesus, boldly told Jesus that he would never deny him but would die for Him. A few short hours later, Peter had denied Jesus three times. What caused Peter to fail so miserably? What should we do when we fail? And, most...

  • The Expedient Death Of Jesus


    The High Priest thought it expedient that one man die for the people. So did God. God took the life of His Son so that He wouldn’t have to take yours.

  • The Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus


    John 18 marks a transition in the gospel of John from primarily focused on Jesus' teaching to the events leading to his death and resurrection. Jesus has prepared his disciples for what is going to happen and he now he steps out in obedience to...

  • Unity


    Jesus concludes His prayer by praying for those who will believe — that’s every believer for all time — that’s us! And He prays that the union with Christ that every believer experiences would lead to the unity of believers in the gospel and the mission.

  • Sanctified In The Truth


    Jesus prays that God sanctify His people in the Word and sanctify them for a purpose: to carry on Christ’s mission in the world. To be a Christian is to be saved, sanctified, and sent into the world proclaiming the gospel in word and deed.

  • What In The World Is Going On?


    Jesus’ prayer for His close followers is that, while in, but not of, the world, they would be protected and provided for in the midst of opposition - even hatred and persecution. The Bible makes it clear that this world is not our home, and yet we...

  • Jesus Prayer For His Disciples


    Jesus prays specifically for his disciples and thanks God for giving these followers to Him. This section of the prayer highlights the gospel message that Jesus came to give.

  • To God Be The Glory


    God purposes to glorify himself by granting us knowledge of Him through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Without his saving work God would remain transcendent and unknown; too holy for use and to approach without certain death.

  • Peace Within


    In our chaotic world, many are searching for peace within. But can we find peace within by looking within? Many would say “yes”. But the Christmas story tells us different. We need a Prince of Peace to bring us peace to our souls by restoring our sin...

  • Peace With God


    Jesus came into the world to usher in God’s Kingdom and make a way for us to have peace with God. Our sin has made us hostile towards God but the life, death and resurrection of Jesus has makes a way for us to have peace with God.

  • Your Journey For His Glory


    Sometimes we may find ourselves in a pit of despair with the deck stacked against us. God loves and even orchestrates those scenarios for us so he can show his power in our lives.

  • I Am Belshazzar


    God’s sovereignty is both a threat and a comfort. His control over all things threatens our desire to be the centre of all things and places us directly in the path of his righteous wrath. Yet, his sovereignty also provides great comfort because He is...

  • Humbling The Proud And Exalting The Humble


    King Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful man in the world and one of the most powerful ever. And in an instant, God humbled him. Why? Sheer grace.

  • Deliverance Through The Fire


    God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace but in His sovereignty He often decides to deliver us through the fire.

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