Central Community Church sermons
X-10: Being Content
05/08/2018The 10th Commandment can be referred to as the heart commandment because it says explicitly what the others say implicitly. It is concerned primarily not with what you do but with what you want to do. Covetousness is so subtle and yet so pervasive...
X-9: Telling The Truth
29/07/2018While we often think of ourselves as generally truthful people, we are more often just trying to excuse our lies than actually speak the truth. The ninth commandment calls us to not only speak the truth, but to love the truth as we imitate the example...
X-8: Possessions
22/07/2018Ever taken something that doesn’t belong to you? Cashed in on a sick day when you weren’t sick? Not claimed the full amount of your income on an invoice or your taxes? Taken some office supplies home? Gotten paid to work but spent most of the time on...
X-7: Sanctity of Marriage
15/07/2018The clearest contrast of Christians in culture may be that of the unusually purity that they keep. That contrast only exists, of course, if the Christian sexual ethic remains cherished, valued, and honoured. The 7th Commandment doesn’t simply oppose...
X-6: Sanctity of Life
08/07/2018Humankind is the pinnacle of creation, made in the image of God, and unique in dignity, value, and worth. To break the 6th Commandment not to murder is to harm someone you’re supposed to love as a fellow image-bearer. To keep the command is to allow...
X-5: Honouring Family
01/07/2018The fifth commandment to honor our parents applies to all children of all ages and is a reflection of the honor we give God as our father. However, the way that biblical honor is expressed will vary as we mature according to our parents' needs.
X-3: Reverence
17/06/2018When we hear that we should not take the Lord’s name in vain (3rd Commandment), we typically think of blasphemous language. And that’s right. But it’s also about so much more. Our words reflect our hearts after all.
X-2: Worship
10/06/2018While the 1st Commandment has to do with worshiping the right God, the 2nd Commandment has to do with worshiping the right God in the right way.
X-1: No Other Gods
03/06/2018As we introduce this sermon series on the 10 Commandments, we begin to look at the relationship between the law and the gospel and unpack the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me”.
Unpleasant, Necessary Mercies
13/05/2018Just because something is unpleasant doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not good. As we conclude the Gospel of John we learn much from the way in which Peter is restored and commissioned. Discipline and suffering are the tools of mercy Jesus uses.
Faithful Shepherding
06/05/2018What does it mean when Jesus tells Peter to feed His sheep? Who are the sheep? What is the food? And what are the qualifications of a shepherd? The answers to these questions remain critical for the church today.
Second Breakfast With Jesus
29/04/2018In the midst of Peter’s failure and our own failure, Jesus reveals himself to his followers and calls us to come back to him, offerings forgiveness and restoration and renewed fellowship.
What's The Big Idea?
22/04/2018What John has done throughout his gospel is shine the clearest light possible on who Jesus is and hold out salvation through faith in Christ for everyone who would believe.
When In Doubt
15/04/2018When Thomas has a genuine encounter with the resurrected Jesus his doubt and unbelief give way to joy and faith. When in doubt, what we need more than anything is to encounter Jesus and to be grounded in the hope of gospel.
Peace be with You: Comfort and Commission
08/04/2018Having experienced the death of their leader and fearing the probable wrath of the Jewish leaders the disciples find themselves scared and locked in a room. The miraculous appearance of Jesus brought them a great deal of Peace, as it validated the...