Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • The Foundation Of Love In The Church


    Love is foundational for the use of our gifts in the church. Without love, spiritual gifts are meaningless, and while the gifts are temporary, love is eternal.

  • Christmas Eve 2018


    God saved me. And if He can do that in my life, He can do it in yours! Christmas proves to us that Jesus went to great lengths so that you could come to Him. He came from heaven 2000 years ago so you could come to Him today.

  • Legalizing Christmas


    The message of the Christmas story can be drown out by competing traditions. The current cultural Santa story connects good actions with good results; be good get gifts. The biblical story tells a different narrative; we are unable to accomplish the...

  • God's Response To Tyranny: A Child


    When Mary held her baby boy that first Christmas, she was holding the One who came to heal our broken world, break oppression and bring peace. She held the One who came to pierce the darkness with life-saving light and to turn gloom and despair into...

  • Your Indispensable Role In The Church


    Paul's use of the image of the church as the body of Christ has a number of implications that help us understand spiritual gifts rightly and compel us towards utilizing them for the building up of the church.

  • Living With Charisma


    Any talk about spiritual gifts elicits significant conversation in Christian circles. The majority of time will be spent considering the manifestation of the spectacular gifts. Our time will be spent ridiculing or recounting tales of tongues, healing...

  • Table Manners


    How we eat says a lot about who we are and the company we keep. Just as there are certain cultural etiquette expectations when dining out, so too God says that there is a “right way” and a "wrong way” to come to His table. This message takes a...

  • Hair, Hats, & Headship


    A passage of Scripture about head coverings — what could that possibly mean for us today? The temptation is either to interpret it as meaning nothing for us today or to interpret it as meaning precisely the same thing now as it did then. More...

  • When Love Trumps Freedom


    Worship is a key aspect to faith. This should be obvious. What also is usually obvious is who that worship is directed at. Unfortunately, when a Christian exercises their rights in freedom, they can sometimes unknowingly point someone in a direction...

  • Single-Minded Devotion


    The church has often had a poor (if not wrong) view of singleness — to the detriment of the singles in our midst. This passage of Scripture serves as a corrective to help us not make too much of marriage and too little of singleness.

  • Called To Contentment


    Rather than changing your circumstances in search of identity and satisfaction, find your identity and satisfaction in Jesus and live for Him in the midst the circumstances He has already placed you in.

  • Divorce: Distorting Biblical Marriage


    Divorce is a difficult reality in our world today. We would like to think of it as a problem in the wider culture, but the reality remains its prevalence is equal in the church. Since the biblical witness is incredibly consistent and clear on how the...

  • Neither Asceticism Nor Hedonism


    Sexual temptation surrounds us. The Apostle Paul gets highly practical by calling husbands and wives to self-giving service of one another, to foster and maintain an intimate, frequent sex life as a safeguard against sexual temptation.

  • WWJS: Who Would Jesus Sue?


    Civil lawsuits were prevalent in 1st century Corinth (something we wouldn’t know anything about!) and unfortunately that was the case even among some of it’s church members. They were taking each other to court. The Apostle Paul urges the church to...

  • Unity and Discipline


    How does a large community love one another in situations where someone has done something terrible? How can they remain united? Can asking someone to leave be a loving option? Although writing to a church in the 1st century, Paul gets at deep truths...

  • The Value Of Unity In The Church


    A divided church makes the gospel look untrue but a church unified in Jesus is a living display of the redeeming, reconciling, and restoring power of the cross.

  • The Transforming Effect Of A Divine Perspective


    The city of Corinth was very similar to the west today. And it's church was a mess. The Apostle Paul would address the myriad of issues going on in the Corinthian church throughout the letter. But, amazingly, he doesn’t start by addressing their...

  • Help Others Follow Jesus


    Just as Jesus sent out the 72 to proclaim the Kingdom of God, so He sends you. We, like those first disciples, are sent ones. But thankfully, by His grace, He does not send us alone. He sends us in the power of the Holy Spirit and with the invitation...

  • We Must See Jesus!


    As we look across the Canadian sociological and religious landscape, there is much that is greatly concerning to us as followers of Christ. In talking about the need for personal and corporate awakening, the need for new churches to be planted and...

  • Psalm 84


    The writer of this Psalm says that he is longing with everything he has to be with the Lord. But what do we do when we find that our own longing is starting to die down? Psalm 84 encourages us to build that fire up as we take some time to consider...

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