Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • Everything’s Gonna Be Okay - Chilliwack Campus


    Genesis 15 is an incredible scene where God and Abram engage over Abram’s fear and questions surrounding God’s promises. Sounds a lot like my life. Maybe yours, too. God patiently answers Abram in a couple of beautiful visions. These visions also...

  • A Tale of Three Kings - Agassiz Campus


    Kingship and priesthood are two offices that are unfamiliar in our culture. These roles played significant parts in the history of the Hebrew People and bring significant depth to our understanding of Jesus as King of Kings and High Priest. We find...

  • A Tale of Three Kings - Chilliwack Campus


    Kingship and priesthood are two offices that are unfamiliar in our culture. These roles played significant parts in the history of the Hebrew People and bring significant depth to our understanding of Jesus as King of Kings and High Priest. We find...

  • A Case Study In Priorities - Promontory Campus


    Genesis 13 is a case study in priorities. Abraham’s nephew Lot prioritized the riches he could see and his own self-interest while Abraham prioritized the Kingdom of God and generosity — being rich toward God and others. Which priorities better...

  • Properly Aligned Priorities - Agassiz Campus


    Genesis 13 is a case study in priorities. Abraham’s nephew Lot prioritized the riches he could see and his own self-interest while Abraham prioritized the Kingdom of God and generosity — being rich toward God and others. Which priorities better...

  • When Faith Falters - Agassiz Campus


    On the heels of incredible faith in the promises of God, Abraham’s fear and unbelief drove him from the land of promise when difficulty came. Unlike Abraham (and us!), Jesus never tripped up when trials came. If you’ve put your faith in Jesus, He not...

  • When Hero’s Fail - Promontory Campus


    What happens when your faith hero’s fail in their faith? God uses the failure of Abram in order to teach us about our own walk with God, and where our true hope of forgiveness comes from.

  • A Case Study In Priorities - Chiliwack Campus


    Genesis 13 is a case study in priorities. Abraham’s nephew Lot prioritized the riches he could see and his own self-interest while Abraham prioritized the Kingdom of God and generosity — being rich toward God and others. Which priorities better...

  • Father Abraham - Promontory Campus


    What does a promise to a man who lived 4000 years ago have to do with us? For over half the world’s population, the answer is everything! God calls Abram to leave his land and family and so God begins his plan for how the entire world would be...

  • Abraham Is Not The Hero: Exhibit A - Chilliwack Campus


    On the heels of incredible faith in the promises of God, Abraham’s fear and unbelief drove him from the land of promise when difficulty came. Unlike Abraham (and us!), Jesus never tripped up when trials came. If you’ve put your faith in Jesus, He not...

  • Father Abraham - Agassiz Campus


    Abraham stepped out in faith, left comfort and safety, and put his trust in God. And that’s precisely the kind of faith that God continues to use to change and bless the world.

  • Father Abraham - Chilliwack Campus


    Abraham stepped out in faith, left comfort and safety, and put his trust in God. And that’s precisely the kind of faith that God continues to use to change and bless the world.

  • Family Sunday 2019 - Chilliwack Campus


    How do we live faithfully as Christians and raise children in today's shifting cultural waves? The prophet Jeremiah's letter to the Exiles in Babylon gives our homes and churches hope, encouragement and wisdom to navigate our chaotic culture.

  • Fear Factor - Chilliwack Campus


    How we order the affairs of our life speaks to what we fear or do not fear. How we raise our kids, whether we let them walk to school by themselves, how we drive, where we hike, the activities we participate in can all indicate where our confidence...

  • Right Giving - Chilliwack Campus


    Feel like participating in an awkward conversation? Just ask someone about their giving? What to take it to the next level? Tell them how they should approach their giving. Even though these are areas we typically do not tread into, Paul has no...

  • Giving Is All About Grace


    The grace we encounter in Jesus transforms our lives and approach to money. The gospel makes us generous.

  • Resurrection


    We conclude our series in 1 Corinthians with the final concern the Apostle Paul addresses with them: that some in the church were denying the resurrection of the dead. Chapter 15 is one extended argument for the resurrection: Jesus rose in the past...

  • A Well-Ordered Church


    As Paul has been working through what spiritual gifts are and their purpose, he concludes this section with instructions on how they are to be used in the church. The church was supposed to have order, so that people could all learn and be...

  • Thinking Like Adults


    Tongues and prophecy tend to force people into extreme positions due to bad experiences or ignorance on the subject all together. There is an inherent trepidation in misunderstanding complex topics and valid skepticism in the misapplication of...

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