Central Community Church sermons
Laughing at God - Promontory Campus
05/05/2019Do some of the promises of God seem almost too good to be true? For Abraham and Sarah the promise of getting a child was laughable. Yet, God is able to keep every single one of his promises to us, nothing is too difficult with God.
Knowing God - Chilliwack Campus
05/05/2019God had made himself known to Abraham, treating him as a friend and revealing his plan and ways. But Abraham also struggled to under God’s Righteous Plan. Abraham’s story gives us glimpse of what it looks like to Know God, to be Known by God and to...
Skin In The Game
28/04/2019What is the deal with circumcision in the Bible? Why does God tell Abraham to do this? While circumcision doesn’t seem like the most relevant topic to our lives, God uses this covenant with Abraham to challenge our own obedience and to see how it is...
Skin In The Game - Agassiz Campus
28/04/2019The sign of the covenant with Abraham is circumcision because the promise centres around descendants. In circumcision, the foreskin is cut off to save the whole person from being cut off in judgment. On the cross, Jesus was cut off and bore the...
Confronting The Doubter - Chilliwack Campus
28/04/2019Sarah finds herself in an impossible circumstance and the result is doubting God and His promises. Instead of seeing God for who He is, she focuses on the practical realities of her circumstance. Often, we fall into the same trap of forgetting how...
Easter Sunday: A Living Hope - Agassiz Campus
21/04/2019In the brokenness, suffering and sin of our society, and in our individual lives, God's great mercy, amazing grace and living hope is such Good News!
Easter Sunday: A Living Hope - Promontory Campus
21/04/2019Despite all of our innovation and advancement in industry, science, and technological, there are three universal problems that we are still unable to solve: Sin, Suffering, and Death. The good news of the Christian gospel is all three universal...
Easter Sunday: A Living Hope - Chilliwack Campus
21/04/2019Despite all of our innovation and advancement in industry, science, and technological, there are three universal problems that we are still unable to solve: Sin, Suffering, and Death. The good news of the Christian gospel is all three universal...
Good Friday: Towards The Cross - Agassiz Campus
19/04/2019Jesus reveals the heart of God towards those who fail to recognize him. In light of the pending doom resulting from sin, Jesus embraces the cross in full payment for our sin. Doing so he reveals himself as the true King and Saviour.
Good Friday: The Compassionate Judge - Chilliwack Campus
19/04/2019Aware of the rejection and cross that await Him, Jesus nonetheless weeps for Jerusalem. The judgement pronounced on those who reject Christ does not come from a vindictive God but through tears and via the cross.
A Kingly Procession - Promontory Campus
14/04/2019The Triumphal Entry reveals Jesus first as the messiah, "The King of the Jews"; second, as God, the King of Creation; and Thirdly as King of our Hearts.
Preparing for a Royal Visit - Agassiz Campus
14/04/2019Just as Jesus’ disciples helped prepare the way for His greatest work to be accomplished – His atoning sacrifice for our sin upon the cross, there are things that we can do to prepare the way for people to hear about this Good News. How can we best...
The King Revealed - Chilliwack Campus
14/04/2019In preparation for Passover Jesus makes clear his messiahship and begins to inaugurate the kingdom of God. Jesus makes clear that his reign as king of kings is not of this world, but for the good of all who will believe and follow.
Short Circuiting Faith - Agassiz Campus
07/04/2019Faith is a dynamic experience that requires us to wait, trusting in the character of God, even when we are tempted to take matters into our own hands.
Waiting on the Lord - Promontory Campus
07/04/2019Does God always answer his promises? What happens when we have waited for a long time and still nothing seems to be happening? Sometimes God’s plan involves a good deal of waiting but he is strengthening us throughout and promises that he is always...
Skin In The Game - Chilliwack Campus
07/04/2019The sign of the covenant with Abraham is circumcision because the promise centres around descendants. In circumcision, the foreskin is cut off to save the whole person from being cut off in judgment. On the cross, Jesus was cut off and bore the...
Everything’s Gonna Be Okay - Agassiz Campus
31/03/2019Genesis 15 is an incredible scene where God and Abram engage over Abram’s fear and questions surrounding God’s promises. Sounds a lot like my life. Maybe yours, too. God patiently answers Abram in a couple of beautiful visions. These visions also...
The Abrahamic Covenant - Promontory Campus
31/03/2019What do we look to when it seems as though the promises of God aren’t coming true? How can we be certain of what he says? God meets Abram in his worries and gives him a confirmation that what he promised will come true, both for Abram and for us!
Short Circuiting Faith - Chilliwack Campus
31/03/2019Faith is a dynamic experience that requires us to wait, trusting in the character of God, even when we are tempted to take matters into our own hands.
A Tale of Three Kings - Promontory Campus
24/03/2019Kingship and priesthood are two offices that are unfamiliar in our culture. These roles played significant parts in the history of the Hebrew People and bring significant depth to our understanding of Jesus as King of Kings and High Priest. We find...